Well-Known Member
She has really nice boobies.I love Jamie Lee Curtis
She has really nice boobies.I love Jamie Lee Curtis
She has really nice boobies.
I passed out watching Venom last night. So that’s first.I work today, then probably gonna come home and watch movies and smoke until it is November!
What's your first movie on the docket?
So did I hmmmI passed out watching Venom last night. So that’s first.
hocus pocus!I passed out watching Venom last night. So that’s first.
The wife’s favoritehocus pocus!
i hate it when action guys try to do drama or comedy...last action guy that made a funny movie i liked? kindergarten cop..."It'S NOT A TUMAH!"Oh I tried to watch Meg with Jason Statham. It sucked.
Anyone doing anything fun today?
i liked it...but i'm a fan boy...why was Liet a woman? where's Feyd?....but otherwise pretty good.Watched Dune last night...It was ok...pretty good.
Yes of course it’s considered a dab! Don’t do they to me. You know the tenets of dabbing.Dabs
Well actually just wax in my pen so far....That's not technically a dab is it? Maybe....Hmmm.
I got up at 8...took a pee, turned up the heat and went back to bed til 10:30am!!! 2 hours reading the paper, drinking coffee, and vaping fresh wax.
Breakfast, or lunch!
Cooking something good sounds like a plan!
Watched Dune last night...It was ok...pretty good.
I need some tomato juice.
edit-I’ve got dry mouth and need that boost. I should go get some.
If you drink it, what’s your favorite drink with it?
Any Clamato drinkers? Why not shrompmato?
How did I forget those.. I am losing my edge. Bloody marys rockOnly in bloody Mary's.