Propane Coleman stove in a 10x10 greenhouse

Armillaria caligata

Active Member
I have a greenhouse which is basically a 10x10 pop-up tent with an added transparent roof, solar cob lights, and adjustable ventilation. I shall buy a bigger propane heater for it when I can, but for the time being I want to try this Coleman camp stove which I already own. It attaches to a 1lb tank. Nearly all of the propane threads I have been reading list bigger tanks. Pics of the greenhouse when I finish assembling it. Much obliged for any advice.

I see :fire::fire::fire: in your future
Open flames is like heating your home with an oven
I was thinking of running the stove supervised for a few minutes at night and then turning it off. If this is too dangerous I'll just go with one of the heaters referenced in the greenhouse heater threads. I wanted to know if I could use what I currently have.
That won’t last with thin wall. You could buy an oil filled electric space heater but open flame is not safe
What kind of heater do you recommend? Not being snarky, the info is appreciated. This is my first walk-in greenhouse.

(Did I post this in the correct subforum? Most of the greenhouse threads I have been reading are here.)
What kind of heater do you recommend? Not being snarky, the info is appreciated. This is my first walk-in greenhouse.

(Did I post this in the correct subforum? Most of the greenhouse threads I have been reading are here.)
I have an oil filled space heater. Has a low, med or high switch with a thermostat, one of those old style rounds timers with the teeth on it and comes with a built in gfci in case things get dicey. Not sure of the brand but the options are worth it.
What kind of heater do you recommend? Not being snarky, the info is appreciated. This is my first walk-in greenhouse.

(Did I post this in the correct subforum? Most of the greenhouse threads I have been reading are here.)
It is about style
The safest is proven to be oil filled electric
Your climate would dictate if it is even doable
What are your January typical temps ?
It is about style
The safest is proven to be oil filled electric
Your climate would dictate if it is even doable
What are your January typical temps ?
I ought to have included the location info in the original post. I am near the los angeles coast and it gets to be c. 55-65° F at night mid-Dec through Jan.
edit: actually I think the drums might get too hot during the day where you are at by trapping heat in the greenhouse...
check out real kerosene heaters by kero-sun...
kero sene heaters are actualy really safe and awesome but the goverment doesn't want you to know that because the oil giants sell kersosene to japan

you can cook on it and it's a light too!
I tried bying one before and cops kept on trying to set me up on the way to buy was crazy like a movie or something lol...
one person told me to meet them at the police station...yeah right!
edit: actually I think the drums might get too hot during the day where you are at by trapping heat in the greenhouse...
check out real kerosene heaters by kero-sun...
kero sene heaters are actualy really safe and awesome but the goverment doesn't want you to know that because the oil giants sell kersosene to japan

you can cook on it and it's a light too!
I tried bying one before and cops kept on trying to set me up on the way to buy was crazy like a movie or something lol...
one person told me to meet them at the police station...yeah right!
And the smell?
Lots of kerosene heaters ( using white kerosene) are used here in the Northeast by those who need to supplement in their homes. Not the best case scenario, but perfectly safe.
What are their CO readings? I hope they’re prudent enough to have them. Chronic CO poisoning does not present like the acute “kill you quick” poisoning. It can masquerade as other conditions.
Without quantity/time instrument records, I don’t believe they are safe. Any combustion regime that turns hydrocarbon into combustion products you can smell, I’ll bet money there is clinically detectable CO toxicity.