People Are Saying...

Yep this former republican for the independent special counsel with broad powers to indict anybody involved in the 1/6 insurrection. :lol: I like his attitude.
fuck, at this point, i'd vote for Painter for president....the fucking republicans need someone to drag them back from the trump precipice by the heels and make them toe the fucking line
you're probably idea of justice in this case (or any case with a trump or a trumptard as defendant) is a quick trial, then a walk to the back of the courthouse and a quick, economical execution...
I understand where you’re coming from. I’d like to see the fucker locked up right away too but the methodical approach is probably the best.

edit: if he goes to jail or when he dies, I’m throwing a party.
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wasn't it Charlie Manson who used the Tate-LaBianca murders to create his Helter Skelter of racial uprising?

cults are a weird thing- you just never know who is who.
it was really to get money to hire a bodyguard from a biker gang, to protect him from a drug dealer he ripped off then tried to kill, and failed...he thought there was a war between "blackies and whiteys" coming and he intended to help instigate it by framing black panther members for the murders he would commit, dropping evidence in areas close to their homes, and hangouts
it was really to get money to hire a bodyguard from a biker gang, to protect him from a drug dealer he ripped off then tried to kill, and failed...he thought there was a war between "blackies and whiteys" coming and he intended to help instigate it by framing black panther members for the murders he would commit, dropping evidence in areas close to their homes, and hangouts

i keep a list of books to read but it's so secret i can never find it..did you read this?


i believe NPR had an interview with this guy i listened to.

do you remember when we were kids and had book club at school? you got to choose they sent away to Scholastic Company..i always had the most books ordered and other kids used to make fun of me- it was out of loneliness i had so many books. kids are just an offshoot of their parents.
i keep a list of books to read but it's so secret i can never find it..did you read this?

View attachment 5018836

i believe NPR had an interview with this guy i listened to.

do you remember when we were kids and had book club at school? you got to choose they sent away to Scholastic Company..i always had the most books ordered and other kids used to make fun of me- it was out of loneliness i had so many books. kids are just an offshoot of their parents.
I’ve not read that one but I read Bugliosi’s Helter Skelter in HS. Manson was charismatic. He was nuts but people were drawn to him.
I remember the book fairs. Don’t feel too bad about the scholastic book club thing. Loneliness sucks but reading a lot as a kid produces intelligent adults. Agree that Kids are an offshoot of their parents, the kids who teased you for reading are likely stupid uneducated adults who believe the idiotic “people are saying” crap that comes across their social media feeds.
My mom is not a real warm person and can be judgmental and inflexible, but I appreciate as an adult that she let me read what I wanted and encouraged reading at every chance when I was a kid.
i keep a list of books to read but it's so secret i can never find it..did you read this?

View attachment 5018836

i believe NPR had an interview with this guy i listened to.

do you remember when we were kids and had book club at school? you got to choose they sent away to Scholastic Company..i always had the most books ordered and other kids used to make fun of me- it was out of loneliness i had so many books. kids are just an offshoot of their parents.
no, i read helter skelter years ago, and the whole fucked up situation where he was really just trying to protect his own worthless ass stuck in my head...