i just finished setting up a veg room in the closet of the bedroom that the plants are in. its about 2'x4'. just mylared it up and am ready to put all the cfls in there. just waiting on that damn hps. supposed to be here tuesday, but then i'm leaving on wednsday for 5 days. do u guys think i should set up the hps tuesday and get everything ready and leave with all this shit going? or should i wait to put the hps up until i have time to fuck with it and make sure its not gonna start a fire in my apartment? any advice would help if u have experience with hps. im a lil nervous lol.
*edit: if i did set up the hps before i left, i'd set it on a timer for 12/12 for the big plants and put all the lil plants under cfls in the veg space. i have never used a timer and that is the other part of my concern. i wouldnt have much of a chance to make sure its set up right before i left town.