A few questions before i start my grow


Active Member
hey...i am starting my first grow in about a month. i have almost everything i need, but there are a few questions i have before i begin. first i only have about six months before the lease on my apartment is up and i will be moving...is this enough time to have good healthy plants that will yield a good amount?...also what will be a good lighting schedule for that time period? second how often should i water them and how much? and finally how will i know when the plants are ready to start budding, and then for those buds to be harvested?...o and also im going to start them in dixie cups, so how will i know when to transplant them into there final location?

i appreciate any feedback that you can offer and will keep you all updated with pics and status reports on my plants once my grow begins...thanx alot
hey...i am starting my first grow in about a month. i have almost everything i need, but there are a few questions i have before i begin. first i only have about six months before the lease on my apartment is up and i will be moving...is this enough time to have good healthy plants that will yield a good amount?..
you'll have plenty of time, we have to know how big a light your going to use for yield and and growing schedules. You water when the plant has almost dried out not on a timed schedule. This is very important.
Time schedule is really up to u, for veg I hear 24/7 helps em grow quicker but idk, I've just always did em on 18/6. Water when u pick up the pot and it feels empty, u'll know. As for how much, water it til u get a little bit of drainage out of the bottom of the pot.(Pick it up now and see how heavy it is now). U can make it bud anytime u want really, just gotta switch the light schedule to 12/12, but be ready for the plant to at least double in size in the weeks after.
im using two 105 watt cfls (one per plant)
that's shallow penetrating light so you don't want to grow those too tall so you'll only have to vege for a month or so. You'd want to to p that early on. Add two months minimum flowering so your looking at 3-4 months depending on the strain and if you don't have any grow setbacks.
right on...that works out great...the strain im planning to use is called dutch passion master kush...and it recommends 24 light for the veg period, so thats perfect...by the way veg refers to when the plant starts to get leaves correct?
Limestone with both calcium and magnesium elements, the hardest of the horticultural lime stones so it lasts the longest. you could live without it, and probably won't be able to find it anyways except in a 20 Kilo bag.

i found it in a half gallon container at ace hardware
make sure to add dolomite lime 1 cup per cubic ft of soil to prevent deficentcies.

..... I'm gonna try some of that for my lowryders after my current grow has exhibited multiple defficiencies, including mag. and cal., starting in early flowering when they should not have occured. Question on the amount though, how many cubic feet of soil is equal to one gallon of soil? I think i read this on the faq, to use 1tbsp per gal. of soil. A whole cup just seems like tons, but i'm down to use it if needed :hump: How much dolomite would u mix in for a 1 or 2 gal. pot?
was up bro im new at growing jus planted 10 white willow seeds n dixe cups how will i know when 2 move them n what kind of lights well i need n how much? n how well i leave them n a veggie state b4 i star 2 flowering them n if u goy anymore insight i that well be good like i sayed this is my first time thanks bro
sup bro...you can move them from the dixie cups whenever you feel that the plants are ready to be moved...an important thing to remember is that the plants need to have good strong roots so give the plants enough time to mature and form roots before they are moved. as far as light is concerned you can use all different types of light, low pressure sodium is probably the best but can be expensive...for my grow im using cfls, theyre cheep and effecient and will work just fine...as far as how much, you want about 100 watts per plant...veg...probabaly about a month or more for white widow, not sure tho...if you have more questions let me know