Drive across to Canada

niagara seedbank- the pricing is actualy pretty good lil over standard pricing on the net but thats expected. they have pretty much anything you want they carry alot when i went there he had stuff like trainwreck, nyc diesel and all of that. Im pretty sure he can get you any kind you would want, i sat down and talked with the guy a lil he seemed pretty kool and he recommended me to northernlightshydroponics for my lighting. the hours im not sure of probably just standard hours mon-fri. btw pm me maybe we can meet up smoke some weed when ur up here in the falls.
niagara seedbank- the pricing is actualy pretty good lil over standard pricing on the net but thats expected. they have pretty much anything you want they carry alot when i went there he had stuff like trainwreck, nyc diesel and all of that. Im pretty sure he can get you any kind you would want, i sat down and talked with the guy a lil he seemed pretty kool and he recommended me to northernlightshydroponics for my lighting. the hours im not sure of probably just standard hours mon-fri. btw pm me maybe we can meet up smoke some weed when ur up here in the falls.

That's cool, do you guys still hang out in the trees in white T-Shirts by the falls when you smoke ?
last two posts... WHAT?

are u implying im black or somthin cause im white and i take offence to that faggot.

Quote:Originally Posted by la9
That's cool, do you guys still hang out in the trees in white T-Shirts by the falls when you smoke ?

how could that question POSSIBLY be construed as racism? you are more racist for assuming he meant somethig racist than he is. by the way, you know what duff stand for? Designated Ugly Fat Friend
last two posts... WHAT?

how could that question POSSIBLY be construed as racism? you are more racist for assuming he meant somethig racist than he is. by the way, you know what duff stand for? Designated Ugly Fat Friend

why? because he's offensive in 99% if his posts...
are u implying im black or somthin cause im white and i take offence to that faggot.

If anyone is racist it's you for even thinking something like that is racist you DUMBASS !!!!!! Tell me how you came to the conclusion I thought you were black MORON !!!!!!

If you must know, I took a tour of niagra falls years back and the tour guide pointed out a bunch of teenagers in white t-shirts and told us they were all over there smoking grass and that is where they went to get high.

You are the most ignorant asshole I've seen on here, you and the other guy agreeing with you which is probably you with another account.
last two posts... WHAT?

how could that question POSSIBLY be construed as racism? you are more racist for assuming he meant somethig racist than he is. by the way, you know what duff stand for? Designated Ugly Fat Friend

Righ on my friend a couple of ignorant assholes. Read the story above to know that facts.

Maybe DUFF stands for Designated unintelligent fat fairy.
all i can see you (la9) assuming or implying is that they're smart; niagara is one of canada's most southern regions and in the summer has weather very similar to california. it can get very sunny and very hot. i'd say it's smart to wear white t-shirts and hang out in the shade. it's a shame you had to be chastised.
another idea for the seeds is get a canadian seed bank to mail them to an address in niagara (p.o. box or whatever) then just come and pick them up. that way to can take advantage of the cheaper prices you'll get online and the less circulated yet cheaper and just as good canadian genetics. i understand you have some issues with mailing, but if it's just getting them sent to the states you're worried about, give it a thought...

(sorry for the shenanigans i was a part of on page 3)
Canada, im up in ottawa, the capital of canada. Looking to start my own little grow somewhere outside, any suggestions on where to buy seeds in ottawa?
If anyone is racist it's you for even thinking something like that is racist you DUMBASS !!!!!! Tell me how you came to the conclusion I thought you were black MORON !!!!!!

If you must know, I took a tour of niagra falls years back and the tour guide pointed out a bunch of teenagers in white t-shirts and told us they were all over there smoking grass and that is where they went to get high.

You are the most ignorant asshole I've seen on here, you and the other guy agreeing with you which is probably you with another account.

Did I ever say I agreed with him? NO, so don't say that I did. No offense man, but all I was trying to say was that you come across as a douche in a lot of your posts and maybe that's why he thought you were trying to be offensive. That was my take on it. Maybe you weren't trying to, but how am I supposed to know? I'm not here to tell you how to act because quite frankly, I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. I don't know you. You don't know me. You are your own person and if you want to be negative in your posts (I'm not saying you were in that last post, I was just stating a probable cause for the other guy's thoughts) GO AHEAD! Just don't expect everyone to pleasantly agree with you. Expect the same attitude in return.
stop actin like a bunch of bitches..
ya'll completely threw this thread off its axis..
man the fuck up and stop getting offended so easily..
now back to my question..
do those seed banks take u.s dollars?
i remember on the website of one linked to earlier they shipped to the u.s. so they probably accept the currency