Jussie Smollet: All charges dropped

Did he do it

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 85.0%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Framed by MAGA hats

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Actually attacked by MAGA hats

    Votes: 3 15.0%

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You don't know shit about Chicago or its police force, which has a history of unimaginable abuse against people of color. For example...

Sure I know about them. Burge was terrible. Should have been hung. But that is the Chicago way what happened to him. But you cannot be blaming white people for Chitcago's current mess. Hell even the blacks are bailing out at record rates.

Sure I know about them. Burge was terrible. Should have been hung. But that is the Chicago way what happened to him. But you cannot be blaming white people for Chitcago's current mess. Hell even the blacks are bailing out at record rates.

OMG not the blacks too……it must be bad if even the blacks are forced to leave huh.
Tell em what he won, Johnny
Don't worry, you dems still got someone to boss around as they are importing al the ilea's in the sanctuary city. And they wonder why they are broke.

LOL Chitcagos a shitstorm and it's been all Dems for a +100 years. And if you think the gov workers are mad now about getting the jab, wait until they find out their pensions aren't work a bale of shake.
What Smollet did was fucked up. And yes he should be made to face the consequences. What I don’t get is the over the top outrage. How dare a black man falsely accuse a white man, how dare he!!!! I wonder how many black people have been falsely accused of a crime by a white person? I’m assuming it’s quite rare huh? FML
What Smollet did was fucked up. And yes he should be made to face the consequences. What I don’t get is the over the top outrage. How dare a black man falsely accuse a white man, how dare he!!!! I wonder how many black people have been falsely accused of a crime by a white person? I’m assuming it’s quite rare huh? FML
It probably would not have been such a big deal until he kept sticking his foot in more crap. And it does have ties all the way back to Michele Obama and Soros. SA Kim Foxx trying to cover it up didn't help either.