See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

A brown shirt? oh your trying the race card? sorry dont work on me bud. I notice you have nothing to say about this administration blowing up 10 innocent people including 7 kids. That don't bother you at all right? Even worse they covered it up and lied until they couldn't hide it anymore! Also, you as "fully vaccinated" have no comment on people pouring into the country without getting shots or even required to be tested? BTW, nobody give 2 shites that you got your covid shots so go pin a rose on your nose and have a cookie. Also, what kind of fight are you proposing? You radical left anti-gun social justice warriors couldn't fight an Army of de-winged flies. As for biden LMFAO he isn't gonna clean up anything not even the spittle that drips down his face jill has to wipe it off for him and pull him around by his hand so he doesn't get lost in a resturant. If you dont see his cognitive decline you are either blind or you are so radical left you refuse to admit he's riddled with dementia even though you know it.
By calling you a brown shirt, he called you a fascist, not a racist. Please do try to keep up on your tropes.

Also, only a little more than half in this country are fully vaccinated. That leaves 150 million or more who aren't. Your dizzy comp between that and a few thousand refugees illegal migrants shows how little you understand.

Biden is doing a great job. He and Democrats are moving forward much needed spending on infrastructure and a social safety net. Vaccines were available to everybody by the end of April, we are effing out of Afghanistan and Trump's white nationalist terrorists are being rounded up for their actions on Jan 6. Sorry but you sound more like Chicken Little or a crybaby Trumper than anybody with a real intelligence.

Since May, when vaccines were available to everybody, 100,000 people died of Covid and about 3 million have been disabled by long-haul Covid. ALL were not vaccinated. Vaccinated are doing just fine. So, I'm not sure what your beef is regarding vaccinations. Objective facts show the antivaxx argument is just another bizarre false right wing conspiracy theory
what the hell are you smoking? everyone was against him closing down travel but he did it anyway. do your research man.
I can understand your confusion as he said so any things that someone else had to translate into American

He caused a panic that thousands raced back to the USA for fear of being locked out

No testing or anything he let them in and the virus did what it did
Oh now you research and prove me wrong , snowflake
I don't get these clowns that want to claim they're "More American" because of military service but support a lying draft dodger named trump. Actually I do get them. They don't get themselves.
but it was ok for Bill Clinton to dodge the draft and lie.

oh - how is that Russia thing working out for ya? talk about liars.
but it was ok for Bill Clinton to dodge the draft and lie.

oh - how is that Russia thing working out for ya? talk about liars.

What is the point of your post other than to make a fool out of yourself?

You clowns are all the same. When all else fails "But Clinton!"

And Russia? What about it? trump had Putin's balls bouncing off his chin.

How's that "Lock her up!" working? The lies you people bought into.

How's that wall working out?

This is how trump wasted our money. Yet you people cheered while the American taxpayer was fleeced for hundreds of millions of dollars by corrupt contractors with ties to trump. Ignore the complete structural failure of the wall. I could scale that thin in 20 seconds which is what people were doing immediately after it was built.


What a fucking waste of tax dollars just so trump could appease the most ignorant in America.

What is the point of your post other than to make a fool out of yourself?

You clowns are all the same. When all else fails "But Clinton!"

And Russia? What about it? trump had Putin's balls bouncing off his chin.

How's that "Lock her up!" working? The lies you people bought into.

How's that wall working out?

This is how trump wasted our money. Yet you people cheered while the American taxpayer was fleeced for hundreds of millions of dollars by corrupt contractors with ties to trump. Ignore the complete structural failure of the wall. I could scale that thin in 20 seconds which is what people were doing immediately after it was built.


What a fucking waste of tax dollars just so trump could appease the most ignorant in America.

Scrap steel prices are at a all time high currently, shame all that is just sitting there rusting away.
Also, what kind of fight are you proposing? You radical left anti-gun social justice warriors couldn't fight an Army of de-winged flies.

i'm a member of a democratic pistol club...we all shoot in the 9 ring at 50 yards...and we are responsible owners, with gun safes and breech locks, who obey the laws where we live, and i live in TN, where it's legal to carry without a permit, so guess what? i've always got a pistol in my pocket.
you need to pull your head out of trumps ass and get in touch with reality. i'm one democratic snowflake you don't want to fall on you, trumptard
i'm a member of a democratic pistol club...we all shoot in the 9 ring at 50 yards...and we are responsible owners, with gun safes and breech locks, who obey the laws where we live, and i live in TN, where it's legal to carry without a permit, so guess what? i've always got a pistol in my pocket.
you need to pull your head out of trumps ass and get in touch with reality. i'm one democratic snowflake you don't want to fall on you, trumptard

Those trumptards think anyone that didn't vote for that clown are all a bunch of vegan anti-gunners.

Guaranteed there's not a single trump supporter in this crowd.

What is the point of your post other than to make a fool out of yourself?

You clowns are all the same. When all else fails "But Clinton!"

And Russia? What about it? trump had Putin's balls bouncing off his chin.

How's that "Lock her up!" working? The lies you people bought into.

How's that wall working out?

This is how trump wasted our money. Yet you people cheered while the American taxpayer was fleeced for hundreds of millions of dollars by corrupt contractors with ties to trump. Ignore the complete structural failure of the wall. I could scale that thin in 20 seconds which is what people were doing immediately after it was built.


What a fucking waste of tax dollars just so trump could appease the most ignorant in America.

Drainage gates that withstood at least a four foot high wall of water and did what they were designed to. Allow water and debris to pass and protect the rest of the structure from collapse. Maintenance can probably fix in a matter of hours.

Then again four foot of water, mud, rock and brush is nothing compared to Bidens flow of 100,000 to 200,000+ undocumented aliens per month.

Shall we see how fast the guy climbs over the wall with 150 pounds of meth and fentanyl? See if he can haul van with 30 people over the top?

Democrat logic... People can climb over a wall so we shouldn't build walls. That is the same as saying someone could kick my door in or pick the lock so I'm just going to take the door off the hinges and leave my house wide open. Hey, we had a prison break. Walls didn't work, they got out anyway, so lets tear down the walls around the prison because they don't work.

Under Trump they made walls out of iron. Under Biden they made walls by lining up vehicles. Wonder which costs more in the long run?

I actually lived on the border and had people running through my back yard stealing crap. Things are a bit different when you actually have to live with it.
Drainage gates that withstood at least a four foot high wall of water and did what they were designed to. Allow water and debris to pass and protect the rest of the structure from collapse. Maintenance can probably fix in a matter of hours.

Then again four foot of water, mud, rock and brush is nothing compared to Bidens flow of 100,000 to 200,000+ undocumented aliens per month.

Shall we see how fast the guy climbs over the wall with 150 pounds of meth and fentanyl? See if he can haul van with 30 people over the top?

Democrat logic... People can climb over a wall so we shouldn't build walls. That is the same as saying someone could kick my door in or pick the lock so I'm just going to take the door off the hinges and leave my house wide open. Hey, we had a prison break. Walls didn't work, they got out anyway, so lets tear down the walls around the prison because they don't work.

Under Trump they made walls out of iron. Under Biden they made walls by lining up vehicles. Wonder which costs more in the long run?

I actually lived on the border and had people running through my back yard stealing crap. Things are a bit different when you actually have to live with it.

Why would they climb with the 150 pounds on their back? Just slip it through the slats.

Under trump America went to hell. trump did nothing to better America. You do know he's still purchasing his trump branded gear from China even though there are hundreds of American companies that could make it. He's a lying con man looking out for himself and still raising money off of idiots.
Why would they climb with the 150 pounds on their back? Just slip it through the slats.

Under trump America went to hell. trump did nothing to better America. You do know he's still purchasing his trump branded gear from China even though there are hundreds of American companies that could make it. He's a lying con man looking out for himself and still raising money off of idiots.
i'm glad he's buying his useless crap from china...keeps good Americans from having to soil their hands with the shit
What is the point of your post other than to make a fool out of yourself?

You clowns are all the same. When all else fails "But Clinton!"

And Russia? What about it? trump had Putin's balls bouncing off his chin.

How's that "Lock her up!" working? The lies you people bought into.

oh - so it only counts when the right does it - we are not allowed to point out your blatant hypocrisy.
classic leftist narcissism.
we all know Hillary is walking free for the same reason as Hunter Biden - they have democratic immunity.
i'm sure you believe all those pics of Hunter are fakes and Biden bragging about the billion dollar bribes were fake too.

so there were never any emails destroyed by Hillary. all 30K made up.

unbelievable how darkness some people can tolerate.

and Hunter's artwork is worth $$ hundreds of thousands. but of course only to china. naw, nothing to see here. hell he could even bring home a chinese spy and fuck her in the oval office and you,d be begging to lick the slop off of him.

bitch about Trump all you want, thats all you got. but why not try something unique, and give us a list of all the great things Biden has done?
oh - so it only counts when the right does it - we are not allowed to point out your blatant hypocrisy.
classic leftist narcissism.
we all know Hillary is walking free for the same reason as Hunter Biden - they have democratic immunity.
i'm sure you believe all those pics of Hunter are fakes and Biden bragging about the billion dollar bribes were fake too.

so there were never any emails destroyed by Hillary. all 30K made up.

unbelievable how darkness some people can tolerate.

and Hunter's artwork is worth $$ hundreds of thousands. but of course only to china. naw, nothing to see here. hell he could even bring home a chinese spy and fuck her in the oval office and you,d be begging to lick the slop off of him.

bitch about Trump all you want, thats all you got. but why not try something unique, and give us a list of all the great things Biden has done?

more than trump did in 4 years...all trump did for his whole administration was make things better for the rich...and idiots still think he wants to make America great...well he does, but he just wants to make it great for himself and his rich golfing buddies

hilary clinton and hunter biden were both investigated by the fbi and the cia...neither agency found anything to prosecute either of them for...but you know the secrets... :roll:

as far as the "billion dollar bribe".... me pull a rabbit out of my hat
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What is the point of your post other than to make a fool out of yourself?


What a fucking waste of tax dollars just so trump could appease the most ignorant in America.

so here we have a liberal idiot using a photo of the wall damaged by a flash flood - where it crosses an arroyo - trying to claim this is negligence

its like posting a photo of a totaled F-150 from a head on collision and claiming Ford trucks are no good.

classic leftist lies. as usual.
Why would they climb with the 150 pounds on their back? Just slip it through the slats.

Under trump America went to hell. trump did nothing to better America. You do know he's still purchasing his trump branded gear from China even though there are hundreds of American companies that could make it. He's a lying con man looking out for himself and still raising money off of idiots.

Left points to Trump and says.. He's buying cheap crap from China. On the other hand... It seems China is buying Biden and getting Hunter tossed in with the deal.
so here we have a liberal idiot using a photo of the wall damaged by a flash flood - where it crosses an arroyo - trying to claim this is negligence

its like posting a photo of a totaled F-150 from a head on collision and claiming Ford trucks are no good.

classic leftist lies. as usual.
water did that to the wall that was supposed to separate two countries? the wall that was supposed to be inpenitrable? the wall that Mexico was supposed to pay for? sounds like it was built by an incompetent asshole...oh, trump built it? so, it WAS built by an incompetent asshole
so here we have a liberal idiot using a photo of the wall damaged by a flash flood - where it crosses an arroyo - trying to claim this is negligence

its like posting a photo of a totaled F-150 from a head on collision and claiming Ford trucks are no good.

classic leftist lies. as usual.

Yawn. If you actually had a brain that functioned you'd know that just because a person doesn't support trump and thinks he's a piece of shit doesn't make them a bleeding liberal. In fact Biden won the Independent vote and got some Republicans as well because trump was such a terrible president.

And like I already said in an earlier post. Since you clowns can't actually defend trump or point to any actual accomplishments all you do is point somewhere else. You simple minded trumers are so predictable. What the hell does Hunters artwork have to do with anything. And as far as emails go maybe you can recover the thousands of emails destroyed by ivanka, jared, and everyone else in trumps inner circle.

You have no room to talk about anything. You're just a sore loser. Get over it. trump lost. He was a one term failure destroying the country which is why patriotic Americans kicked his smelly ass out of the White House.