Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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The best part is that the idiot police union leadership are trying to hide the vaccinated status of cops in Chicago because they know that once it is shown that vast majority of the cops are vaccinated that their stupid as shit threats of protests become meaningless.
BOOM! Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Union (SMART) with 203,000 Members Announces Stand Against Forced Vaccines
By Jim Hoft
Published October 14, 2021 at 5:56pm

SMART, the International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, is one of North America’s most dynamic and diverse unions with 203,000 members. The union consists of sheet metal workers, service technicians, bus operators, engineers, conductors, sign workers, welders, production employees and more. SMART is the largest railroad operating union in North America, with more than 500 Transportation locals.

Chicago Police Union’s Boss Tells Officers to Defy City Vaccine Deadline (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published October 14, 2021 at 9:48am

John Catanzara, the head of Chicago’s police union, advised police officers NOT to comply with the city’s COVID-19 mandatory vaccine and reporting requirements.
Catanzara told fellow officers to openly defy Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s vaccine deadline.

I don't get flu shots either. Though I see they are now pounding the airwaves with ads for that. If vaccines works so well why advertise and force? Of course the stupid mask and 6 ft distance and all the other non science BS that came out for the Corona wars don't work either. Most people around here ignore the mask mandate that JB the Pritzker has proclaimed. But it's an easy tip off of how they vote.
I don't get flu shots either. Though I see they are now pounding the airwaves with ads for that. If vaccines works so well why advertise and force? Of course the stupid mask and 6 ft distance and all the other non science BS that came out for the Corona wars don't work either. Most people around here ignore the mask mandate that JB the Pritzker has proclaimed. But it's an easy tip off of how they vote.
each snowflake is special...
I don't get flu shots either. Though I see they are now pounding the airwaves with ads for that. If vaccines works so well why advertise and force? Of course the stupid mask and 6 ft distance and all the other non science BS that came out for the Corona wars don't work either. Most people around here ignore the mask mandate that JB the Pritzker has proclaimed. But it's an easy tip off of how they vote.
Do they even have annual flu shots in estonia or wherever the fuck you are?

Correct side of town of side of the tracks
Last time I got a flu shot I felt like shit for two weeks. That was maybe 25 years ago. Haven't had the flu since. I quit smoking cigs though too. Much better health prevention there.
Most people around here ignore the mask mandate that JB the Pritzker has proclaimed. But it's an easy tip off of how they vote.
Good point. It’s easier now to determine which people are responsible citizens. They usually vote for a Democrat.

Responsible citizens wear masks. Pieces of shit wear Maga hats.