Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

About 10-11 years ago I got some trainwreck I referred to as "Mint Trainwreck". If I took a puff while getting a ride to work, it seemed every time I could barely open my eyes for about an hour lol. Would be interesting to grow some of that strain/pheno now a days and see how it was.

About 20 years ago I was riding with my Uncles brother in law driving a backroad from town back to the house. He lit up some of his home grown Durban Poison and literally couldn't fight hard enough to keep my eyes open in the bright sun. We laughed so hard that we teared up so much he couldn't see the road. We went off the road, into the ditch, into the corn field and back onto the road. Made us laugh that much harder.

Good times, good memories.