Taking oral dosages problems


Well-Known Member
Has anyone successfully used cannabis orally daily? I’ve tried multiple times with brownies and had only so- so luck. I don’t use dispensaries so anything I use would have to be homemade. I always seem to underdose or overdose and that’s NEVER fun
Lots of folks on here dose orally daily. I go through phases where I really like it, but I’m in a joint smoking mood these days. I make RSO with my shake and weed that isn’t the best smoke. Eat 2-3 grams of that a day, but it takes me a bit to get up to that dose. Usually I start out lighter until I get a tolerance to eating it.
Homemade is best, you control the dose and purity, plus it gives you an outlet for your “mistakes” in the grow.
Lots of folks on here dose orally daily. I go through phases where I really like it, but I’m in a joint smoking mood these days. I make RSO with my shake and weed that isn’t the best smoke. Eat 2-3 grams of that a day, but it takes me a bit to get up to that dose. Usually I start out lighter until I get a tolerance to eating it.
Homemade is best, you control the dose and purity, plus it gives you an outlet for your “mistakes” in the grow.

What is RSO? I’ve only attempted to make tea, brownies, cookies, and mix it with alc. last night I had a bunch left over from making hash with dry ice so I heated as instructed. Took a pinch and sprinkled on my spaghetti the old lady made and it did the trick. The thing is I want an absolutely constant dose. I hate that feeling of “ Oh shit I ate too much” and wondering how high I’m gonna get. I thought about filling 00 capsules with a pill packing machine that I use to make 1/2 gram Kratom pills. I just need a reliable dose
RSO is Rick Simpson Oil. Lots of links on here and YouTube.
Nothing wrong with filling capsules with weed, remember to decarb it first.
I wouldn’t take it with food like spaghetti. I take all edibles on an empty stomach.
RSO is Rick Simpson Oil. Lots of links on here and YouTube.
Nothing wrong with filling capsules with weed, remember to decarb it first.
I wouldn’t take it with food like spaghetti. I take all edibles on an empty stomach.

It worked great last night. Almost too good. I did decarb it and that’s the first time I decarbed weed alone and not in a brownie mix. Now I have a bunch of ground up decarbed bud I’m looking to put use to
I've been medicating with cannabis oil for almost 6 years now for pain management.
RSO is pretty simple and effective, but it can have a funky taste.
I now use cryo-ethanol extraction and reclaim the ethanol using an Etoh -pro.
Same basic process as RSO, except you keep everything frozen so it won't strip any chlorophyll.
I use brownies to medicate. At the moment I dose at about 250-300 mg of delta-9 in each brownie.
I've been medicating with cannabis oil for almost 6 years now for pain management.
RSO is pretty simple and effective, but it can have a funky taste.
I now use cryo-ethanol extraction and reclaim the ethanol using an Etoh -pro.
Same basic process as RSO, except you keep everything frozen so it won't strip any chlorophyll.
I use brownies to medicate. At the moment I dose at about 250-300 mg of delta-9 in each brownie.
So what color does your cryo-RSO finish off at? Does it have to be ethanol?

We've been making coconut oil drops using a magical butter machine. Simple and quick.

I buy dropper bottles off Amazon so dosing is easy.


30 grams of decarboxylated bud to 500 ML of coconut oil.

I made canna butter and added it to chocolate cookies a few times, a premix you just add water to. Quite a good lasting high, but the last time not so effective as I over cooked the weed. Correct temperature and time in the oven for decarboxylation is critical I found.
Has anyone successfully used cannabis orally daily? I’ve tried multiple times with brownies and had only so- so luck. I don’t use dispensaries so anything I use would have to be homemade. I always seem to underdose or overdose and that’s NEVER fun
I have. I used it to control an arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation with a rapid ventricular response.

I would extract in coconut oil 1:10 in a pressure cooker which decarbed and extracted at the same time. I then strained it in an oven set at 175 to keep the oil moving. I took up to 2 grams/day. Every time you harvest a new batch you have to titrate the dose to effect. Start low and titrate up until undesirable effects are noted then back off 10%. I used a gram scale and measured the solid oil by weight. It works well but it's unpleasant to titrate a new harvest.

Best of luck on this.