Well-Known Member
I like Rawstory's clickbait titles, they really cut to the chase.Headline says everything.
I like Rawstory's clickbait titles, they really cut to the chase.Headline says everything.
On the upside the orange messiah (ask nut bag Paula White) hasn't gotten us laughed out of the U.N. (cuz he can't).Since he came into office, Joe Biden has made horrible foreign policy decisions.
He’s given strength to Russia with his decision on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, giving them a hold over the EU and hurting our own energy position in the world. He managed to offend France so deeply they pulled their ambassador — and he didn’t even know what was going on, according to his climate czar, John Kerry. His worst disaster so far — Afghanistan — cost 13 American service members and at least 170 Afghans their lives. He left Americans and Afghan allies there and lied that he would keep troops there to save them. They’re still there and he’s off on vacation in Delaware, not a care in the world.
He did what had to be done and beat Trump. At the end of the day he is a war mungery politician with blood on his hands. I don't think he would last many minutes on the streets of Serbia for eg. He didn't need to be anything special, just had to do what he did, and lets hope the US gets to choose between two good candidates next election.
Here's your orange heroes "spiritual advisor" on full display. Very impressive! She deserves another private jet just for sucking a fascists ass.
"Something all Americans should be ashamed of." But oh no, not Trumpers. The patriots.really? tell me more..left you a Halloween scary below.
did you make your sickly wife get covid
i read your link...the whole link...i didn't stop halfway through, after it said what i wanted to hear. If it turns out they're right, and having covid gives you good long lasting protection, that's awesome....but it still requires you to get covid to get that protection, during which time, you are an incubator for new variants, and a spreader to everyone around you...doesn't it make sense to get vaccinated to avoid that to begin with? instead of gambling that you're young and strong enough to survive an infection?Here's the first one that came up on my search. Published in Feb 2021, that states at least 8 months. Long term studies obviously aren't available for covid. But plenty of studies out there that show decades and bone marrow involvement. FACTS.
How Long Does Immunity Last After COVID-19? What We Know
Here’s what we currently know about how long people may be immune after they recover from COVID-19 or get the vaccine.www.healthline.com
i read your link...the whole link...i didn't stop halfway through, after it said what i wanted to hear. If it turns out they're right, and having covid gives you good long lasting protection, that's awesome....but it still requires you to get covid to get that protection, during which time, you are an incubator for new variants, and a spreader to everyone around you...doesn't it make sense to get vaccinated to avoid that to begin with? instead of gambling that you're young and strong enough to survive an infection?
right now, as far as ANYONE knows, the best protection is a combination of being vaccinated and having had covid...since you are a gambler, go for it...i'll sit here with my two shots and watch you roll the dice
The UN is just another Globalist organization funded with our taxpayer dollars to bring a Marxist one government world. they should be kicked out of the USA.On the upside the orange messiah (ask nut bag Paula White) hasn't gotten us laughed out of the U.N. (cuz he can't).
Is there not a item on the Russian propaganda wishlist that you don't push?The UN is just another Globalist organization funded with our taxpayer dollars to bring a Marxist one government world. they should be kicked out of the USA.
why dont you go get your guns and kick them out then. go re-invade afghanistan while youre at it tooThe UN is just another Globalist organization funded with our taxpayer dollars to bring a Marxist one government world. they should be kicked out of the USA.
maybe this is the one that will sink ole joey b, time will tellSince he came into office, Joe Biden has made horrible foreign policy decisions.
He’s given strength to Russia with his decision on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, giving them a hold over the EU and hurting our own energy position in the world. He managed to offend France so deeply they pulled their ambassador — and he didn’t even know what was going on, according to his climate czar, John Kerry. His worst disaster so far — Afghanistan — cost 13 American service members and at least 170 Afghans their lives. He left Americans and Afghan allies there and lied that he would keep troops there to save them. They’re still there and he’s off on vacation in Delaware, not a care in the world.
Looked to me like orange-aid was trying To impress them. But since he came off as the true idiot that he is you might as well blame the U.N. Especially since you got nothing.The UN is just another Globalist organization funded with our taxpayer dollars to bring a Marxist one government world. they should be kicked out of the USA.
Maybe you should have gotten past remedial freshman economics before having ridiculous opinions.Econ 101
The UN is just another Globalist organization funded with our taxpayer dollars to bring a Marxist one government world. they should be kicked out of the USA.
maybe this is the one that will sink ole joey b, time will tell
i know i cant sit down in a blue collar diner without hearing all the chatter about the nord stream 2 pipeline
This is genius. You have a great team!Since he came into office, Joe Biden has made horrible foreign policy decisions.
He’s given strength to Russia with his decision on the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, giving them a hold over the EU and hurting our own energy position in the world. He managed to offend France so deeply they pulled their ambassador — and he didn’t even know what was going on, according to his climate czar, John Kerry. His worst disaster so far — Afghanistan — cost 13 American service members and at least 170 Afghans their lives. He left Americans and Afghan allies there and lied that he would keep troops there to save them. They’re still there and he’s off on vacation in Delaware, not a care in the world.
people are beating up nurses and killed a pharmacist for giving vaxx
really? do you believe that horseshit?....can you please define "globalist" for me? because that's a term economist and sociologist use for world spanning trends and traits...you are apparently using it as a derogatory term for people who would like one world government....which you know what? you do NOT have to worry about, there is no fucking way there's ever going to be a one world government in our lives, our kid's lives, or even their kid's lives...we aren't even close to mature enough for that to happen....and good fucking thing, too...can you imagine everyone, everywhere having enough to eat, good medical care, a good education, without capitalist fuckery keeping half the world in poverty? can you even imagine kids in Africa not having to worry about their parents getting killed in ethnic purges? i mean, what do they expect?...being different than their neighbors, they're just asking for it...The UN is just another Globalist organization funded with our taxpayer dollars to bring a Marxist one government world. they should be kicked out of the USA.