Well-Known Member
I am waiting to see this video, this story screams bullshit snowflake photo-op to me (and not just because they claim that the 'left-wing' protesters in it because of a 'proud boy' who have firmly planted themselves in the right wing cult).
Im not going to say right off the bat that this is some more cat fishing like last year white supremacists LARPing as protesters to start riots, but something seems off on that picture. Those flags look really new, and the one person is wearing the BLM flag like the trumptards where theirs.
idk, I will wait to see the video/further reporting.
Im not going to say right off the bat that this is some more cat fishing like last year white supremacists LARPing as protesters to start riots, but something seems off on that picture. Those flags look really new, and the one person is wearing the BLM flag like the trumptards where theirs.
idk, I will wait to see the video/further reporting.

A group of Proud Boys showed up to confront demonstrators waving Black Lives Matter and Pride banners in Newberg, Oregon this weekend.
Footage reported on by the Willamette Week shows Proud Boys standing on a street corner being outnumbered by people carrying signs supporting racial justice and LGBTQ+ rights.
The protest came after an education assistant showed up to Mabel Rush Elementary earlier this week in blackface to protest the "segregation" of workplace vaccination mandates. Lauren Pefferle was fired from the Newburg school system soon after.
"I feel segregated because I am unvaccinated," Pefferle told radio host Lars Larson. "Something is wrong here. The next day, I went to work and did put on some darker color on my skin part that showed. I was going about my morning duties and as there was opportunity to talk to staff... I would say I am representing Rosa Parks today regarding segregation."
In August, the Newberg school board also voted to ban teachers from displaying political symbols, including Black Lives Matter material and Pride flags.
Video taken by a right-wing activist shows a handful of left-wing protesters encircle a Proud Boys member who was speaking through a bullhorn. At one point, something instigates a scuffle. A man wearing a mask emblazoned with Pride colors later tried to break the fight up.