Is Biden really that bad?

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I thought that Biden was supposed to be a great unifier who could work across the aisle, but frankly he seems to have done the opposite by alienating huge swaths of the US population, and galvanizing opposition to the Democrat's agenda. I don't see how he can possibly win another election (assuming he even lives that long), unless the GOP are stupid enough to put Trump up against him for another run.
it seems like he's trying to me, but fucking republican assholes are breaking all the toys since they can't control them their selves...he should just mint the fucking coin and fuck trying to get along with dumbass republicans, let them fillibuster till their fucking faces turn bluer than they already are.
oh...and we WILL remember it when they fucking want ANYTHING....pound sand, assholes
I thought that Biden was supposed to be a great unifier who could work across the aisle, but frankly he seems to have done the opposite by alienating huge swaths of the US population, and galvanizing opposition to the Democrat's agenda. I don't see how he can possibly win another election (assuming he even lives that long), unless the GOP are stupid enough to put Trump up against him for another run.
You underestimate the ambushes left in place by the previous band of miscreants. You blame him for the deeds of them.
I thought that Biden was supposed to be a great unifier who could work across the aisle, but frankly he seems to have done the opposite by alienating huge swaths of the US population, and galvanizing opposition to the Democrat's agenda. I don't see how he can possibly win another election (assuming he even lives that long), unless the GOP are stupid enough to put Trump up against him for another run.
Yeah it is Biden's fault that the entirety of the right wing propangda network from their elected and TV to internet trolls nonstop hate spam (from the right and left) brainwashing vulnerable people is dividing us on anything and everything that they can.
Howdy, bitch-boy!
Yeah it is Biden's fault that the entirety of the right wing propangda network from their elected and TV to internet trolls nonstop hate spam (from the right and left) brainwashing vulnerable people is dividing us on anything and everything that they can.
we should start a campaign of misinformation on our own..we could tell people that Bob Enyart is gay...oh yeah, he died of covid..
well, we could tell them that Dick Ferrel, Phil Valentine, and Marc Bernier are in the illuminatti....what's that? they died of covid, too?...well shit
how about telling them that Tod Tucker and Jimmy DeYoung, sr. are running a cult and using Tuckers programming to...what?!?!...both dead of covid, too...
look, you motherfuckers are going to have to quit dying of covid, we can't get a good conspiracy theory going on over here
I thought that Biden was supposed to be a great unifier who could work across the aisle, but frankly he seems to have done the opposite by alienating huge swaths of the US population, and galvanizing opposition to the Democrat's agenda. I don't see how he can possibly win another election (assuming he even lives that long), unless the GOP are stupid enough to put Trump up against him for another run.
Biden is managing the end days of the epidemic very well. We went from Trump killing 600,000 people by mismanaging the crisis to, by mid May/three months into Biden's term -- vaccine available to everybody. Vaccinated are doing fine. Since May, 100,000 unvaccinated died and another 3 million are disabled due to long haul but I'm beginning to feel OK with that. Their body, their choice and all that. And now, with the mandate, the unevolved people who refuse the vaccine will be given another chance at taking the vaccine before they get fired.

Given the number of unevolved people in this country, things are going about as well as they could. Sure, your propaganda source calls their reaction to a fairly normal and routine condition of employment, "divisive". Because their intent is to sow division. Only an unevolved person would buy into that.
One of those articles is from 2019. Another is behind a paywall, so I can't read it. The other two do not show any evidence of unity, but more of a "this is the Biden agenda, so get out of the way if you dun likey it".
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