Bacon Shortage

I don't care if it goes grey as long as it stays on my head.
No lappy. Can use the spare computer at my sisters but up at the cabin there's no power much less wifi but it's been 17 years since I went on my 50th b-day around Thanksgiving so who knows what's going on up there. It's not the wild place I knew as a youth. :( Still got trout tho and I'm taking grandpa's old fly rod to get me some. :)


how long will you be gone so i know when to expect you back?'ll be missed:hug:
I like bacon, but can live without it.
Beef, on the other hand is a different matter.
I love my Porterhouse steaks & went to my butcher yesterday & almost puked.
$21.99 a lb for a Porterhouse, $19.99 for a NY Strip, $ $19.99 for Boars Head Roast beef & $21.99 for Pastrami.
That's an increase of around $7.00 per pound in 2 weeks.
Fuck me, that REALLY sucks..
I guess it's London Broil & Baloney sandwiches for now. (fucking Biden/It's his fault, right?)
$3.99 for Smithfield, $4.99 for Oscar M yesterday, 12 oz for both. Same as it ever wss.
i guess it's conditioning, but english bacon looks tastless and dry to me...
there was an old man who lived across the alley from us when i was a kid, named Hedvig...he drank a pint of cheap ass bourbon a day, smoked 2 or 3 cheap ass cigars every day, and bought salt pork and sliced it and ate that for breakfast, because bacon was too lean...fucker lived to be 97, and active right up to the maybe some of these preconceived notions about whats good for us are just that, notions...
same here.

although jim is right about the price of beef. that's definitely gone up around us.

don't worry the announcement has been takes time to catch up to the stores because they're already stocked prior to bacon shortage..see? this is how a shortgage starts..talking about it- WOM.