Want to make sure everyone is good

I do respect how you didn’t disappear forever.
no, just his last account.. so far..
Does this mean apple products are shit?
Check out what it cost Apple to put those phones together in China, I mean we could do it in North America if you want to spend 10 fold for a new iPhone. It’s just select people who think China is shit. I rather pay someone $3 a hour over North American wage price’s too.
no, just his last account.. so far..

Check out what it cost Apple to put those phones together in China, I mean we could do it in North America if you want to spend 10 fold for a new iPhone. It’s just select people who think China is shit. I rather pay someone $3 a hour over North American wage price’s too.
I dug a little deeper and yea it seems like it depends on the company and the manufacturers...we have great company's here in the USA but we have shit companys too
Well here's the thing the next thing I'm working is figuring out why they have so many bands why they picked the colors they did and does it matter? I found most the best grow lights use between 6-8 bandwidth they use 12? Why?....to be continued
I don't know enough about light to comment, but I thought full spectrum was basically every color, just pushed harder in a specific range of bands. I really don't have a great understanding of it all.
Oly compost
Worm cast
Cubic Foot of Par Boiled Rice Hulls
Kashi Blend
Crustacean Meal
Kelp Meal
Neem Cake/Karanja
Milled Malted Barley
Basalt - Highly paramagnetic.
Gypsum Dust
Oyster Shell Flour
Precharged biochar
12 seed cover crop

I just need some straw for mulch

Do you use the craft blend....it's for good for top dress right before flower? I'm just wondering if you been using it
High dollar menu,I'm sure you get great results from that!!!