Want to make sure everyone is good

Speaking of blurple, look at how dark this pheno of Upside Down Frown is. I’m definitely keeping a mother. The normal colored unknown bud is for reference. The camera isn’t really doing it justice, but whatever. I just pulled a few little pieces of “larf” off of the drying screen and having a puff now.
Even if it was produced in another country does that mean it's shit? No my method sevens are made in Italy and they are some of best grow glasses I've found on the market
Well Italian's have always been the best at making sunglasses. I love my Method 7's too.

The Chinese companies usually have lower standards. I just prefer to buy local for most stuff. I prefer Japanese cars, Italy for sunglasses, Germany for knives. Oh I prefer Japanese electronics too. Americans are getting better at making cars though.
Well Italian's have always been the best at making sunglasses. I love my Method 7's too.

The Chinese companies usually have lower standards. I just prefer to buy local for most stuff. I prefer Japanese cars, Italy for sunglasses, Germany for knives. Oh I prefer Japanese electronics too. Americans are getting better at making cars though.
China makes great bubble gum machine toys how dare you...you know the ones you put a quarter in