Good news "US crimes will take a back seat." the ICC says :)

I'm not offended I'm appalled that anyone would expect our soldiers to be subject to the whims of the ICC.
But you expect the hole world to be subject to the whims of the US... just with intimidating military. right. The right of the strongest... no matter he is an idiot with his army...
they do that themselves all day long lolz

Just google news for "us shooting", newest:

Why should i do act anything.... i just watch and speak, calling he devil by its name! This country is meant to exist only for one purpose: to kill! Only weapons, wars and killing in freakin wicked US-minds! Nothing else... ok titts!
I was responding to your "shave them hard" fantasy. I'd fight you to protect my beard.

Regarding the lunatic internal violence the world thinks the US has, I'd agree, it sucks. Also, politically, the US has it's own Taliban problem.
But you expect the hole world to be subject to the whims of the US... just with intimidating military. right. The right of the strongest... no matter he is an idiot with his army...

Oh good grief. You're so naive to expect US soldiers to fall under the jurisdiction of some Kangaroo court. I wouldn't put it past them to fabricate crimes just so they can hold some US soldiers on trial in front of the world to try and prove their relevance.

The US will never allow our soldiers to be judged by that organization.
Theres a hole bunch of problem
Kangaroo court.
So a kangoroo court processed in Nürnberg and sentenced the nazi regime to death.... good to know that!

You are so arrogant... as if US courts are not full or kangaroos!
You just dont want not to obey to international rules... you want to live by your own rules.

In fact the world should ally against us and stop all those military shit you do plus some atomic bombs one on new york, one on la, to finally clear out the east west coast shit!
Ya especially USA turned into an international ASHOLE with no responsibility! Biden cant rebuild what Trump destroyd!
It's important if you ever want to do anything about it. Nothing gets fixed unless people have their come-to-jesus moment.
Much has changed in 70 years.
Except the US seeing everywhere threats.
Threats in russia.
Threats in china.
Threats in iran
Threats in afghanistan.
Threats in nortkorea.
Threats in saudi-arabia.
Threats in syria.
Threats in pakistan.
Threads in lebanon.

I forgot so many....
US depleting up ressources, have the highest energy use per head... and all the world looks at the USA entertainment secretions.... WTF is wrong with YOU?

How comes all the rest of the world faces only one threat.... the US military-industrial.-complex beeingout of control... yes, since 70s years much has changed. The germans completely changed..... but you didn't change abit. You still think with gunfighting youcan rule the world... why chinas economy starve you to death and only weapon construction is left for US.... the industrialisation of killing people is the US main business in the world!

In germany, a country that the US battled, occupied, made ally..... every single one, even a migrant, got free health care, even the jobless... and the jobless is paid the RENT foor a FLAT. How comes the US-government cant afford that for their people? Why cant the print money for that, like the europeans?

Think bout so many things thats deeply wrong with the US... they must be soldiers threating themselves like dogs! They refuse to stop going that road! They think they rule the world! But thats chinese money! And so thats a "threat"
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Except the US seeing everywhere threats.
Threats in russia.
Threats in china.
Threats in iran
Threats in afghanistan.
Threats in nortkorea.
Threats in saudi-arabia.
Threats in syria.
Threats in pakistan.
Threads in lebanon.

I for got so many....
US depleting up ressources, have the highest energy use per... and all the world looks at the USA.... WTF is wrong with YOU?

How comes all the rest of the world faces only one threat.... the US military-industrial.-complex beeingout of control... yes, since 70s years much has changed. The germans completely changed..... but you didn't change abit. You still think with gunfighting youcan rule the world... why chinas economy starve you to death and only weapon construction is left for US.... the industrialisation of killing people is the US main business in the world!

You are a really bad troll.

Just a few years ago Europe was the victim of numerous terror attacks. It wasn't the US but it was the US tracking down the terrorists and killing them. We are not the threat.

You should slow down and maybe proofread your posts. I can tell that I've gotten you agitated but take a few deep breaths and calm down.

Now run along. I'm tired of trying to decipher your horrible spelling and grammar.
It wasn't the US but it was the US tracking down the terrorists and killing them. We are not the threat.
If you talking about Charly Hebdo... i dont know what shit you mean....
Saïd and Chérif Kouachi the oorganisators were sons of Algerian immigrants, born in France and were French citizens.

First this has nothign to to with europe. Thats an inner-france problem. Dont apply these terror to all europe.
No you are not the threat you are eavesdropping any phone call and telecommunication in the world because you want to help the kangoroo courts that you dont respect.

Of course you are the hero... hollywood programmed you to always think you are the hero! Rewind the pattern. God are you stupid!
This is how they do it, programm you with altruistic stupid pattern, always repeat them, then give you guns at hands and tell you whom to kill and feel like a hero! Oh lord! The world needs you and your military so bad against all the terror and evil threaths.... which only exist in your imagination, but basically become a selfulfilling prophecy because of the havoc you bring over people in other country for weapons of mass destruction that does not exist (thank you for lying paul) and then earn the revenge. having your "al-quiada" "the-list" of names! :wall: :wall: :wall:


LOL its waste of energy and time to argue with an american idiot! You are controlled by the new media...
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If you talking about Charly Hebdo... i dont know what shit you mean....
Saïd and Chérif Kouachi the oorganisators were sons of Algerian immigrants, born in France and were French citizens.

First this has nothign to to with europe. Thats an inner-france problem. Dont apply these terror to all europe.
No you are not the threat you are eavesdropping any phone call and telecommunication in the world because you want to help the kangoroo courts that you dont respect.

Of course you are the hero... hollywood programmed you to always think you are the hero! Rewind the pattern. God are you stupid!

LOL its waste of energy and time to argue with an american idiot! You are controlled by the new media...

Call me an idiot again, and I'll bounce you like a superball. :roll:

Do you know what a Superball is in Germany, Adolph?

Most of the countries in the ICC only signed on as a condition to receive foreign aid and have no business being involved in any way with judging US military personnel. Every 3rd world country ran by some tin pot dictator is a member. The court is a joke.
A superball is that one thing in your scrotum, that never could find a woman valuing it, only laughing at it. Thats why you are admin. Without such a power you would be just a tiny nobody with just one ball! Haha, you can bann me but it doesn't change your superball! And you know it's true you compensate!

Thats for calling me adolph!
Most of the countries in the ICC only signed on as a condition to receive foreign aid and have no business being involved in any way with judging US military personnel. Every 3rd world country ran by some tin pot dictator is a member. The court is a joke.
US diplomatic skills and economic skills are a "joke"
Market analysts say if the US government defaults on its colossal debt, a financial system crisis of a magnitude larger than the 2008-09 debacle could occur, which is estimated to lead to an evaporation of $15 trillion in wealth and loss of 6 million jobs in the US. The capital market is now on tenterhooks facing a potential financial time bomb.
Suck that! Ronald!
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BERLIN (AP) — German prosecutors on Thursday filed murder charges against a Russian man accused in the brazen daylight slaying in Berlin last year of a Georgian man, and said that the Russian state ordered the killing — adding to tensions between the two countries.

The case prompted Germany in December to expel two Russian diplomats, citing a lack of cooperation with the investigation of the Aug. 23 killing. Russia’s ambassador was called in to the foreign ministry in Berlin again on Thursday.

The victim, Tornike K., who also has widely been identified in reports on the killing as Zelimkhan “Tornike” Khangoshvili, was a Georgian citizen of Chechen ethnicity who fought against Russian troops in Chechnya. He had previously survived multiple assassination attempts and continued to receive threats after fleeing to Germany in 2016.

On Thursday, federal prosecutors filed charges of murder and a violation of weapons laws in a Berlin district court against a Russian citizen they identified as Vadim K., alias Vadim S. His last name was withheld in line with German privacy laws but has been widely reported as Vadim Krasikov, using the alias Vadim Sokolov.

They said that, at some point before mid-July last year, “state agencies of the central government of the Russian Federation” tasked him with “liquidating” the victim.

The suspect “accepted the state killing assignment,” prosecutors said in a statement. “He either hoped for a financial reward or he shared the motives of those who tasked him to kill a political opponent and take revenge for his participation in earlier conflicts with Russia.”

Proseutors say that the killer approached Tornike K. from behind on a bike in the small Kleiner Tiergarten park and shot him in the torso with a Glock handgun equipped with a silencer. The victim fell, and the assailant then fatally shot him twice in the head. The suspect was arrested near the scene shortly afterward and has been in custody ever since.

Prosecutors say that the suspect flew from Moscow to Paris on Aug. 17 — using a passport that had been issued by a government office in Bryansk, Russia, in the name of his alias on July 18 — then continued to Warsaw on Aug. 20. The day before the killing, he traveled to Berlin.

The murder case and alleged Russian involvement in the 2015 hacking of the German parliament have weighed on relations between the two countries in recent months. Last month, Germany said it was seeking European Union sanctions against a Russian man over his alleged role in the hacking.

Speaking to reporters in Vienna on Thursday, after the prosecutors’ announcement, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said: “We once again invited the Russian ambassador for a meeting at the Foreign Ministry today to make our position unmistakably clear again to the Russian side, and the German government expressly reserves the right to take further measures in this case.”

“This is certainly an exceptionally serious matter, and so from the German government’s point of view it is imperative that this matter be cleared up comprehensively by judicial authorities and the courts,” he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, last year called the allegations of Russian involvement in the killing “absolutely groundless.”

The victim had lived in Germany as an asylum-seeker since late 2016. According to German prosecutors, he led an anti-Russian militia in the second Chechen war of 2000-2004, then in 2008 was tasked by the Georgian government with putting together a volunteer unit to defend that country’s South Ossetia region. The unit was never deployed because of peace negotiations between Georgia and Russia.

Russian authorities had classified him as a terrorist and accused him of being a member of the “Caucasus Emirate” extremist organization, prosecutors said.
Theres a hole bunch of problem

So a kangoroo court processed in Nürnberg and sentenced the nazi regime to death.... good to know that!

You are so arrogant... as if US courts are not full or kangaroos!
You just dont want not to obey to international rules... you want to live by your own rules.

In fact the world should ally against us and stop all those military shit you do plus some atomic bombs one on new york, one on la, to finally clear out the east west coast shit!
False equivalence, among your other notable logic fails such as constantly moving the goalposts.