We have the same issues with wealth disparity and the best way to deal with it are social programs and tax policy. If we taxed our wealthy, they would move to America, Canada taxes on the bases of residency, not citizenship.
That is the same excuse the Republicans like to give as to why we can't tax our wealthy too.
Another republican government could mean economic disaster, they don't want or care about governing.
It has been inevitable that anytime that the Republicans get power in DC that they cause a economic collapse, so it is hard to disagree.
The Democrats would suck it up if they were out of power and help them bail out the country every time it was needed after the Republicans make a mess, is the difference.
There has already been talk of an alternate currency to the US dollar, nothing is cast in stone.
There already are hundreds of alternatives to the US dollar. It is just ours is by far the most stable and unable to be screwed with due to political whims.
It is why Trump was so pissed at the Fed, and why they get trolled so hard by the propagandists for decades.
Long term debt can be defaulted on too,
Only if politicians stupidly decide to. The Republicans know that the Democrats can do it solo and are using that to try to score political points. But as for the money to pay them back, since the treasury is able to print the money needed to pay those government debts, it is not a problem to pay them back, because they can just print what is needed to pay back those loans.
inflation will probably be low, all those billionaires need a profit and investment opportunities, more money is chasing fewer opportunities.
Inflation will be relatively stable once we are outside of the impacts of this pandemic. I disagree about the 'fewer opportunities', and am not sure how you are making that leap.
Countries have been known to make war to get out from under debt in the past.
Sure, and slaughter the bankers that they owe. It is nice to not be on the gold standard BS for many reasons.
China is going to be a challenge, their problem now is choking on their own corruption and cronyism.
Yeah and that 'one child' thing didn't help. But I am rooting for them, hopefully they will figure out how to not be afraid of their own people.
No one will try to tank the US economy, it will do that on it's own with republican management, remember they are crazy now and the current crop will be gone soon, replaced by even more psychopaths and narcists.
I would suggest that no one group/person/nation has enough money to try to tank our economy fully. And they are not going to risk losing everything to do it. They can hurt it playing politics, but I am hopeful that you are right with them being replaced soon, although I think it would be more likely that they wake up and start electing more sane people.
America is not out of the woods yet, if you make it politically, you will make it economically. American racism has fucked everybody in the western world, better the money be wasted than the brown folks get some, healthcare is communism remember, cause the brown people might get some. The entire economic, social, healthcare and education system, is warped by this racist driven libertarianism of those who don't want to form a sharing community with the other. It's driven tens of millions into a covid suicide cult FFS and the difference in the vaxx rates tracks the political map perfectly. Also the difference in vaxx rates between America and Canada reflect this mass stupidity and tribalism. Trump was POTUS for a reason and the reason was racism alone, everything else was smoke and mirrors.
We will see.
It sucks that it was hacked and joined up with the chauvinist agenda in 2016 to scam Trump into office, but we got it right the last couple elections and people are onto the propaganda warfare that the Republicans have been using after the Russian military snuck Trump in and his dumbs exposed the whole con.