What Is Best Soil pH?

6.4...fight me
I hear 6.5 is the sweet spot for soil grow

If you're growing in "living" organic soil, there's no need to ph the water. The microbes are just going to adjust it in the soil to what they want anyways. Kinda a waste of ph adjusters imo.
Except that if you pour super acidic stuff in your soil you may kill off half of your micro herd. Besides, don't you think your microbes have better things to do than spend their energy adjusting ph for you? It might sound like a joke, but seriously, microbes don't like big ph swings either. Best to keep your input in range.
Except that if you pour super acidic stuff in your soil you may kill off half of your micro herd. Besides, don't you think your microbes have better things to do than spend their energy adjusting ph for you? It might sound like a joke, but seriously, microbes don't like big ph swings either. Best to keep your input in range.

Good points. Amazingly after adding nutes to my water it’s always around the 6-7 mark depending on how strong it is.

I always check my soil pH before growing with a professional pH probe.

Everytine my soil pH is low around mid flower it goes to shit.

Perhaps it’s a case of nutrients antagonising one another due to the pH being out of range. certain nutrients are easier than others to absorb so there will be excess of particular elements building up over time which further drops the pH of the soil (excess P/K for example)

My practice now is to feed at the first signs of hunger rather than trying to cram it down their throats
Except that if you pour super acidic stuff in your soil you may kill off half of your micro herd. Besides, don't you think your microbes have better things to do than spend their energy adjusting ph for you? It might sound like a joke, but seriously, microbes don't like big ph swings either. Best to keep your input in range.
I don't pour anything super acidic in my soil. Humics and fulvics maybe, but at a very low rate.
I should have specified that I was talking about the SOIL pH. It needs to be in the correct range to grow good cannabis.

My question IS what SOIL pH have you found that gives good bud?

For the most part, if soil pH is good, the water pH does not matter, but there are exceptions.