How Does Your Garden Grow??????

Finally! Rain!

It was coming down pretty good. 1.27" of rain overnight and so far today according to the Portland Fire Bureau rain gauge. But I have several 5 gallon buckets set out collecting rainwater and they all have over 1.5" in them. That's enough to actually soak into the soil. I know it doesn't sound like much to some in other parts of the country but it's been so long since we have had any significant rainfall that it's a big deal.

I took the time stuck inside to get the seeds I've harvested so far packaged and labeled. I still have cucumber, tomato, and pepper seeds to harvest and dry as well. I have some nice ripe cucumbers that have turned yellow/orange that I know are loaded with plump seeds that I'll be hacking up later today.


I'm sure the seeds of this pickling cucumber are ready.

Finally! Rain!

It was coming down pretty good. 1.27" of rain overnight and so far today according to the Portland Fire Bureau rain gauge. But I have several 5 gallon buckets set out collecting rainwater and they all have over 1.5" in them. That's enough to actually soak into the soil. I know it doesn't sound like much to some in other parts of the country but it's been so long since we have had any significant rainfall that it's a big deal.

I took the time stuck inside to get the seeds I've harvested so far packaged and labeled. I still have cucumber, tomato, and pepper seeds to harvest and dry as well. I have some nice ripe cucumbers that have turned yellow/orange that I know are loaded with plump seeds that I'll be hacking up later today.


I'm sure the seeds of this pickling cucumber are ready.

OOPS! You buying a farm? That's a seed or two. Sprinkler just got in the front yard here. Rest of the block waters in full sun. He He.

Pruned my maters with the string trimmer then lawn mower. Lawn got mowed. Sadly used the weed eater roto tiller to turn my compost bed to about 16" down. Beautiful looking and the smell. Needs water. Drought type stuff in my area.

Ty for the reminder I need to get ready for next year. A plan?? Not to date. 004.jpg006.jpg007.jpg011.jpg
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Finally! Rain!

It was coming down pretty good. 1.27" of rain overnight and so far today according to the Portland Fire Bureau rain gauge. But I have several 5 gallon buckets set out collecting rainwater and they all have over 1.5" in them. That's enough to actually soak into the soil. I know it doesn't sound like much to some in other parts of the country but it's been so long since we have had any significant rainfall that it's a big deal. . . . . .
I saw that on the news and thought of you. They were talking 2-3 inches in some places, and said this should be the end of the fire season in the PNW. I know it's got to be a relief.
I saw that on the news and thought of you. They were talking 2-3 inches in some places, and said this should be the end of the fire season in the PNW. I know it's got to be a relief.

Now if it will just get farther south. Our friends down in California really need some rain as well.
My back yard faces S SE. i get good morning sun for most of yard. I have a covered patio and a garage on the west side of my property so by 3-4 pm most of my yard is shade. My neighbour to the east has a tree that kinda bothers me. Blocks the early morning sun so most years I trim the top to keep height down.
House has been sold now and new neighbors are in. I thought great now I have to talk them into letting me trim it down ea year.
Well. I wake up yesterday to the sound of chain saws. Went outside and what the! I use to have this and now I have this.B2F62E5D-2A4B-412B-A879-7FD145FFC6D8.jpegDCF49779-47F3-4DDC-9433-C2B8A4B7B099.jpegbelieve the amount of morning sun!! Will be re planning my garden for next year. This is awesome!!B2F62E5D-2A4B-412B-A879-7FD145FFC6D8.jpegDCF49779-47F3-4DDC-9433-C2B8A4B7B099.jpeg
@xtsho I carved that massive melon. Firm yet juicy. My kid and damned brother inhaled it before I got to taste it. LOL.

Very nice start to the day here. View attachment 4990686

I tried cantaloupe a few years back. Got it in late in a spot that I hadn't worked the soil and then neglected it. I ended up with a couple a little bigger than a tennis ball. I think I'm going to try again but go vertical to save room.
I tried cantaloupe a few years back. Got it in late in a spot that I hadn't worked the soil and then neglected it. I ended up with a couple a little bigger than a tennis ball. I think I'm going to try again but go vertical to save room.
Go hard on the fert in the beginning and top dress often if in pots like me. PM is screwing me here. 8 melons still going. 3 sad plants. I might a 2 lb'er out of them yet. And is or was fun in my little cages.
I sure hope you enjoy that pineapple when you finally get to eat it. That's a lot of effort you're putting in.
Right? And I love pineapples.
Have a tattoo of one.
But I know the effort involved.
Shoot, Hawaii doesn't hardly grow them anymore.
Central America is the place now.
Well done though, and it is a pretty plant.
After years of waiting I'm finally harvesting pears.

I'm sure glad I took the time to research harvesting and storing them as I learned that you pick them under ripe and ripen them off the tree. These all came off easily with a little tilt sideways which is apparently when you pick them. These are Comice. I have them in cold storage which is what you're supposed to do for a few weeks before ripening them fully at room temperature. There's still another 15 or so in the tree that I'll check on and pick as they become ready. They already taste good they're just crunchy and not at that "melt in your mouth" ripe stage that a Comice in known for.

It took 4 years from planting a small tree to get 3 dozen pears. Not that many but they're my first and I'm as happy as a clam.


I'm using a crisper drawer in my refrigerator for the cold storage.

I found one of the citrus worms (cats) on the kumquat tree here on the sandhill. Also found one on the young orange trees down at the riverhouse. I sprayed last night at both spots.
