Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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So sorry. I meant that's the death rate they want to reduce the world population per the WEF. they are all about population control. LOL Only a half billion they want to leave behind and preferably Japanese and Chinese because they take government orders so well.
Oh ok thanks
about 165,000 people die every day, worldwide, on average, right now. there are over 7 Billion people on the planet right now, if 1 in 100 died in any way every day, that would be 70 million a day, not 165,000...
not that this is really relevant, outside of pointing out you're just making numbers up, and not bothering to do any research, even when the numbers you post are just ridiculous...

ourworldindata is trusted and used by Harvard, M.I.T., Stanford, Oxford, and nearly every major news and science publication in the world....but you go ahead and tell me that i'm just blindly following what i'm told, like a good lemming....
One problem with reading into low "side effects" with large samples is, if you give a million people a glass of water, two of them are going to die tomorrow, five are going to get cancer, ten are going to vomit, etc. etc. Because that's just what goes wrong with people on a daily basis.
Now imagine entering every one of those events into a public database like VAERS and seeing what the Qtard crowd does with it.
Would it not be cheaper to give them a pacific island and all expenses paid travel and assisted living? As opposed to the massive strain on we the people paying for the sickness they persist among us? And "Pro Life" killing children who can't be vaccinated or negligent parents refuse if of age.

Where's the go fund me. I'll donate for a safer saner world.
Would it not be cheaper to give them a pacific island and all expenses paid travel and assisted living? As opposed to the massive strain on we the people paying for the sickness they persist among us? And "Pro Life" killing children who can't be vaccinated or negligent parents refuse if of age.

Where's the go fund me. I'll donate for a safer saner world.

Seems like a waste of a pacific island.
The vaccine was the biggest gamble of all simply because the program was so expensive, so personal, and so wildly oversold. Even those who opposed every other mandate had hopes that the vaccines would finally end the public panic and provide governments a way to back out of all the other strategies that had failed.

That did not happen.

Show me and I'll buy into the argument. Until then, it all sounds like hyperbole from all sides.