Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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And yep, as an American I have my own personal freedom to not get anything I don't want. I'm not a threat to anyone if I've never had the virus. So stop pretending we are all spreading something we have never had.
you don't fucking know that...and you don't know what you will get tomorrow...tests that say you don't have it are valid...right now, what about 2 minutes from now when your uber driver coughs on you? or the kid being held by the lady in line behind you at the store? or the guy at the co-op selling you ivermectin?
so you stop pretending you know what's going to happen even 2 seconds into the future
I really don't think we want your help/encouragement/condescending attitudes to go along with it. Its a personal choice myself and millions more after making. It's not for anyone else to say we need it when it haven't been proven to with 100 prevent with no adverse side effects. That's all it boils fl down to. It's our choice, not yours. And no amount of mandates will change our minds.

Look son, you've proven that you are unable to pay attention, so you can stop now.

you don't fucking know that...and you don't know what you will get tomorrow...tests that say you don't have it are valid...right now, what about 2 minutes from now when your uber driver coughs on you? or the kid being held by the lady in line behind you at the store? or the guy at the co-op selling you ivermectin?
so you stop pretending you know what's going to happen even 2 seconds into the future
Stop assuming people are going to get it and quict acting like a scared baby living in fear.
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That's pretty clear from the reception you have gotten.

You suck at this. Try stormfront.

That Rogan guy sure turned into a real piece of shit. He started out as kind of a cool moderate, but then started drifting towards looney town and never stopped. Reminds me of Dave Ruben, whom I hadn't watched since before trump and he was always a solid moderate left, then his name popped into my head the other day and I was wondering what his post-2016 trump thoughts were and he says something about Biden and the democrats being evil.....which is just effing looney compared to his prior-self. Been real interesting to see which way people move.
Gonna be funny when your boss makes you get vaccinated, scared little dupe

That's when you'll start calling it the trump vaccine ( corrected that for you :wink: )
c'mon bucky, try harder!!! the same lines are getting old. You seem like a fairly intelligent person, albeit a bit of a snowflake. Lets come up with something outside the box. C'mon, I have faith you can do it. I understand if you need a few moments to collect your thoughts :mrgreen:
Look son, you've proven that you are unable to pay attention, so you can stop now.

Look dude, I was trying to have an honest discussion but I've gotten nothing but attacks and these ppl making up things and just being trolls. When did it not become okay to have a different viewpoint. It's really sad seeing a forum admin telling me to stop a discussion when I'm not the one trolling people on here.
That Rogan guy sure turned into a real piece of shit. He started out as kind of a cool moderate, but then started drifting towards looney town and never stopped. Reminds me of Dave Ruben, whom I hadn't watched since before trump and he was always a solid moderate left, then his name popped into my head the other day and I was wondering what his post-2016 trump thoughts were and he says something about Biden and the democrats being evil.....which is just effing looney compared to his prior-self. Been real interesting to see which way people move.
Rogan is the most common thing in entertainment (or politics for that matter): an attention seeking whore.
That Rogan guy sure turned into a real piece of shit. He started out as kind of a cool moderate, but then started drifting towards looney town and never stopped. Reminds me of Dave Ruben, whom I hadn't watched since before trump and he was always a solid moderate left, then his name popped into my head the other day and I was wondering what his post-2016 trump thoughts were and he says something about Biden and the democrats being evil.....which is just effing looney compared to his prior-self. Been real interesting to see which way people move.
Anger sells
That Rogan guy sure turned into a real piece of shit. He started out as kind of a cool moderate, but then started drifting towards looney town and never stopped. Reminds me of Dave Ruben, whom I hadn't watched since before trump and he was always a solid moderate left, then his name popped into my head the other day and I was wondering what his post-2016 trump thoughts were and he says something about Biden and the democrats being evil.....which is just effing looney compared to his prior-self. Been real interesting to see which way people move.
My grandpa was a Democrat for years. He is not anymore. He said he didn't leave the democratic party, but rather the Democrat party left him. It's funny how far left the Dems you have gone In recent years.
My grandpa was a Democrat for years. He is not anymore. He said he didn't leave the democratic party, but rather the Democrat party left him. It's funny how far left the Dems you have gone In recent years.

They're still out there trying to help poor people, minorities, the disenfranchised, protect the environment, etc. They do feed the corporate machine and I don't like it, but their philosophical inconsistency is not as glaringly obvious as republicans, who are the furthest thing possible from a conservative.

Something republicans have done for me, is make me appreciate actual conservatives, you know....the hundred or so that are still out there. You are a republican and I can tell because your agenda is the same as all republicans, it's not about the issues, it's about pretending it's about the issues while trolling for liberal tears.
Stop assuming people are going to get it and quict acting like a scared baby living in fear.
says the guy who can't take going to the doctor for a shot? i promise they'll give you a lollipop after.
i have very little to fear. i had asymptomatic corona last winter. i took the test to find out, and when i did, i took a 2 month lay off to keep from infecting coworkers, and enjoyed the time off. i also got vaccinated, because while having covid gives you good protection against getting it again, having covid and getting vaccinated gives you even better protection.