Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.





The assholes who will end up running the place will care about their own asses. Sudden death from above, like the Lord smiting their asses, will bring them around. The current crop were told if the fuck with the evacuation, this will be the fate that awaits them and their families, sudden death from above in the middle of the night. They want to enjoy their new found power and wealth for awhile, and Joe made it clear in private, that they will live in fear of such a fate. Perhaps vaccines were offered as a carrot too, you can get stuff by being nice as well.
I'm sure that makes a real impression and will cost Joe votes! :D What a waste of time for the person who made it (unless they were paid by the Russians for making memes). Trump is in the trash can of history and he took the white trash with him. He is not going to be president, he is going to prison for his many crimes. I hope he does run from his NY state max security cell though, he will get the GOP nomination with little trouble. Next time Joe would beat him like a drum while he took the republicans down with him. We've seen Trump in action and we've seen Biden, the choice will be obvious to the vast majority of people. Some people learn from their mistakes, but some like Trump himself, never do.
Republicans pushing propaganda.

And our new propagandist strikingly similar messaging.

All this shit costs money and it's a year away from election season. Follow the money...
Fortunately, most Americans don't give a shit about the next county, much less foreign policy. Joe does have a nice smile though, costume aside!
Biden ancestors owned slaves, where's the outrage! :hump:

He is a old AF super white guy. Scratch the surface of any of their families that have living in the USA long enough and you'll find a genocidal slave owner or ten.

Im happy that he is undoing the evil of those slave holders and their kin who would keep their hate mongering ways alive as long as possible so that the people paying for them don't have to pay taxes for another generation.
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Biden ancestors owned slaves, where's the outrage! :hump:

Ever hear of the concept that the sins of the father are not the sins of the son? I'm touched by your concern about black folks. Did your ancestors own slaves, or were they just the crackers who worked for them, because they were too lazy to do real work like men?

You are being driven around by hate and fear and it makes you miserable and unhappy. Other people who are different, are not the source of this, you are and you must address it, or continue to live in the Hell of your own creation. When we suffer, we inflict it on others too and that is the tell on you. To love and respect others, we must love and respect ourselves, difficult to do, when your family and you, fill your head with fear driven hate. You end up living in delusion, fueled by the strong "feelings" and emotions that drive your ass and work yer pie hole. You can even become a slave of an idiot like Trump and be blinded to what is right in front of your eyes by willful ignorance.

How come I can look into you, a sock, on an anonymous forum and you cannot see it in your own life?