Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Watch out for those male dolphins . Had a fellow tell me about male Dolphins raping women . Well my daughter went swimming with the dolphins and she just happened that she started her period . The trainer kept blowing his whistle to call them back. Well the male wouldn’t leave my daughter alone and the trainer said he had never had this problem with him . So maybe the stories are true. It really freaks out my daughter .
Ok. I’m 55, should be good.
The only time they scare me is when they have the zoomies, like cats and dogs.
I built a new clone/seedling/veg cabinet on the weekend and didn't wear gloves. I'm just whining, it's not bad just slivers from the wood and a few nicks here and there from sharp tools.

I'm gonna start the next generation 10 plants in here at the beginning of October so they're ready to go into my main room once it clear.

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What is it with you people?? WEAR GLOVES!! Really, now your hands are gonna look like @Jeffislovinlife's finger! Do you want that?? Do you want an alien bursting out the side of your hand!! Who raised you guys!! I'm looking at all of you RIGHT NOW!

@DarkWeb put on some pants! I swear to god, kids these days.
What is it with you people?? WEAR GLOVES!! Really, now your hands are gonna look like @Jeffislovinlife's finger! Do you want that?? Do you want an alien bursting out the side of your hand!! Who raised you guys!! I'm looking at all of you RIGHT NOW!

@DarkWeb put on some pants! I swear to god, kids these days.
Who can work in gloves can't feel anything
What is it with you people?? WEAR GLOVES!! Really, now your hands are gonna look like @Jeffislovinlife's finger! Do you want that?? Do you want an alien bursting out the side of your hand!! Who raised you guys!! I'm looking at all of you RIGHT NOW!

@DarkWeb put on some pants! I swear to god, kids these days.

I feel like I've just been scolded by my mom lol. :hug: I did wear gloves when we were pulling off the heist at my mom's place but I forgot them in the garage. Pretty sure I got all the slivers out.

Also took my dad's ryobi table saw, circular saw and router. My brother is going to be so pissed when he finds out lol.
Don’t look at me
Put your pants on!
Who can work in gloves can't feel anything
Use your eyes and then buy smaller gloves that fit, move slowly and more deliberately. I can't work without them LOL
I feel like I've just been scolded by my mom lol. :hug: I did wear gloves when we were pulling off the heist at my mom's place but I forgot them in the garage. Pretty sure I got all the slivers out.

Also took my dad's ryobi table saw, circular saw and router. My brother is going to be so pissed when he finds out lol.
Then my job here is done and don't prematurely ejac remove your gloves. Gloves stay on until the job is over. You remove them to pee and either put them back on or get a new pair!

I swear to god you people were raised by wolves.

Ahhhh most of 1 cup of coffee on board and I'm feeling much better :D
I lost about 1/3 of it to the trash, blasted the rest and ran it through a 3micron filter to be sure. Made bunches of MCT oil tincture from that harvest. That was the only time in 13 years I've lost part of the crop to mold. The real kicker was that was my 4/20/20 harvest, so not only did I not get to spend the day with any of my stoner buddies but I only had dab oils and tincs on hand for the day.

With a new job, if income allows I may throw out the guy who crashed on my couch 27 years ago and never left. Gut and tile his room to turn it into a 180 sq foot grow with plumbing. :)

Bummer at least you got something. I lost an entire crop to PM and almost gave up growing.

lol crashed on your couch for 27 years? There's an interesting story there.
Heist at her garage. I do that too in my dad’s kitchen. Now he tells me to come and get some knives!

Does he have nice knives? @cannabineer will drive you there!

For four years I did all my grocery shopping in my parents fridge and pantry. I was joking about the heist. Mom told us to take anything of dad's that we wanted and their garage is full of wood and panelling.