Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
See, wasn't killing himself the right thing to do? Not from a hate/angry standpoint, but from a "if you can't live your life without harming others, then maybe you shouldn't live your life" standpoint. After doing lots of horrible things, I think he got something right at the end. It's actually the hate that wants to see him beaten/raped/whatever in jail. Many people have it backwards, imo.


Well-Known Member
See, wasn't killing himself the right thing to do? Not from a hate/angry standpoint, but from a "if you can't live your life without harming others, then maybe you shouldn't live your life" standpoint. After doing lots of horrible things, I think he got something right at the end. It's actually the hate that wants to see him beaten/raped/whatever in jail. Many people have it backwards, imo.
Im ok with the people punching their own ticket (as long as they are sane and not driven to it by others through bullying or whatnot).

It is just crazy how many Republicans are pedophiles though. They just keep popping out of the woodwork. Ever since they nabbed Nader and Trump's DoJ 'suicided' Epstein.


Well-Known Member
See, wasn't killing himself the right thing to do? Not from a hate/angry standpoint, but from a "if you can't live your life without harming others, then maybe you shouldn't live your life" standpoint. After doing lots of horrible things, I think he got something right at the end. It's actually the hate that wants to see him beaten/raped/whatever in jail. Many people have it backwards, imo.
No, he took an easier route. Better for the people he harmed if he admits to his errors and apologizes to his victims. Then faces the punishment he is dealt.

He could have done worse than taking his life but he did not do the right thing by his victims.