Who carries them?Just watched the NASCAR Cup race from Indy and….. holly shit….. if you like road racing in 3400# cars it doesn’t get much better than this.
Next up is the GP race from Austria….the last several races have been crazy so I’m looking forward to this.
NBCSNWho carries them?
Cool hand Luke ok I'll check it out! The whole dirty men and lady having an orgasmic car wash sounds interesting lol
Holy crap I don’t know from whatNBCSN
Loosely based on exploits of the Nakam
The Jewish avengers who survived the death camps and tracked down their tormentors
Jonathan Freedland reports on the Jewish avengers who - having survived the death camps - tracked down and executed their tormentorswww.theguardian.com
Based on a true story??? I dig vengeful Jews. Inglorious Basterds 2. I'm def gonna check it out.
Austro-Sicilians rock harder.Aussie-Sicilians making tomato paste
Aussie-Sicilians making tomato paste
His speech patterns remind me of grandma, grandpa spoke very little English lolEver check out Pasquale's cooking? He's funny as hell.