Compassion leans toward the left


Well-Known Member
Med, do you have any facts to support your delusional and overly negative perspective?
The most affluent, classless society in the annals of human history, and you can only find fault....perfection is not attainable.
Socialism NEVER works.
Freedom is is the key to our society’s relative success.
If you do not see the opportunities available to anyone with a little gumption, it is simply because you do not want to....Mr. Miserable!


New Member
Med, do you have any facts to support your delusional and overly negative perspective?
The most affluent, classless society in the annals of human history, and you can only find fault....perfection is not attainable.
Socialism NEVER works.
Freedom is is the key to our society’s relative success.
If you do not see the opportunities available to anyone with a little gumption, it is simply because you do not want to....Mr. Miserable!

I have no Idea where you came from or how you got to the point of blindness you have arrived at. Mr Wavels, this society is in total disaray. The only ones benefiting from this society are the people that are making 80,000+ per year. The rest of us are paying for all the bullshit. When you pass 100,000 the benefits are even better, the further up the economic ladder you go, the easier the tax burden. If you make 10,000 and pay 1,000 in taxes, ten percent, that leaves you 9,000. If you make 100,000 and pay 20% that leaves you 80,000. who's better off? Now lets take a look at how you get to a 100,000 dollar job. 1. your parents were rich and either sent you to a 1st class college and gave you referances to the business world or 2. you were in the top .005 Percentile in all your schooling and got scholorships to the top schools and got top grades, and kissed someones ass that had conections or 3. you sold enough drugs and kept from getting killed or 4. you inherited the family business. Some real brainy professors that kiss enough ass might reach that pay level, but generally that pay is reserved for elites and offspring of elites. There are always a few exceptions to the rule, the odd enterprenuer, the odd inventor, lotto winners, actors and sports greats, but generally speaking the common man has no chance of achieving a 100,000 dollar a year job. Please feel free to explain where I am wrong.


New Member
"but generally speaking the common man has no chance of achieving a 100,000 dollar a year job. Please feel free to explain where I am wrong."

You're not wrong in the above statement. Very few "jobs" pay 100K plus. That's why if one wants to excell in the income department, one must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about businesses.

One must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about equity build-up.

One must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about saving 10% of one's income, then investing it into a compound, interest bearing account.

One must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about deferring some purchases (those new rims).

One must stop buying consumer goodies that depreciate in value and charging them on credit cards.




Well-Known Member
Once again I see both sides. Ok there are opportunitys if your a white male(or if you can act white enough), believe in God and never speak your mind ect. But yes most people now sit back and don't even try, Like my oldest brother happy makin 8 buck an hour and has to live with two other people. But you can't say that the cost of living is going up meaning your still in the Middle Class making 150,000:peace:


New Member
"but generally speaking the common man has no chance of achieving a 100,000 dollar a year job. Please feel free to explain where I am wrong."

You're not wrong in the above statement. Very few "jobs" pay 100K plus. That's why if one wants to excell in the income department, one must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about businesses.

One must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about equity build-up.

One must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about saving 10% of one's income, then investing it into a compound, interest bearing account.

One must stop thinking about "jobs" and start thinking about deferring some purchases (those new rims).

One must stop buying consumer goodies that depreciate in value and charging them on credit cards.

Here's the rub: most folks in the sub 40,000 bracket barely make enough to support their familys, let alone participating in the above. You have to attain the breakout level in order to achieve the above things. Here's a quote you might see referance to: "when you're up to your ass in aligators, it's hard to remember that you only came here to drain the swamp"! What is the breakout level? I guess that depends on how many kids you have, what kind of a home you want to provide for your family, the various escalating costs, Fuel, insurance, schooling, necessities, electricity, groceries, toilet paper etc. 40,000 barely covers the necessities yet it is the mean average family income in many familys in this country. Among white college educated 2 income familys, it rises to almost double @ 79,000, but there are more that make less than more. so basically what you're talking is called talking shit.


Well-Known Member
1. your parents were rich and either sent you to a 1st class college and gave you referances to the business world or 2. you were in the top .005 Percentile in all your schooling and got scholorships to the top schools and got top grades, and kissed someones ass that had conections or 3. you sold enough drugs and kept from getting killed or 4. you inherited the family business...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................You seem to have forgotten the most important one med, the guy that learns a trade, works hard for 10 years, saves his money, starts his own company, and becomes successful. Works really hard the next 20 years and becomes \"RICH\". Its the same ol argument, or line of crap, Class Warfare is straight out of the Liberal\'s playbook. You want to punish entrepenuership? I am self made, and damn proud of it. If people want somthing bad enough, they will find a way. Class Warfare is for pussies!


New Member
1. your parents were rich and either sent you to a 1st class college and gave you referances to the business world or 2. you were in the top .005 Percentile in all your schooling and got scholorships to the top schools and got top grades, and kissed someones ass that had conections or 3. you sold enough drugs and kept from getting killed or 4. you inherited the family business...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................You seem to have forgotten the most important one med, the guy that learns a trade, works hard for 10 years, saves his money, starts his own company, and becomes successful. Works really hard the next 20 years and becomes \"RICH\". Its the same ol argument, or line of crap, Class Warfare is straight out of the Liberal\'s playbook. You want to punish entrepenuership? I am self made, and damn proud of it. If people want somthing bad enough, they will find a way. Class Warfare is for pussies!
Maybe you'll change that pussie tune when your looking down the business end of an AK47, my "friend". I've already said 1 in a hundred thousand pull themselves up, but once you've made it it seems you forget how you got there and are just like all the other asshole elites, so kiss my serfish ass.


Well-Known Member
Med, you are a sputtering, nattering font of negativism!
Seems to me that you would prefer a society in which EVERYONE is a "serf",
as opposed to a society in which EVERY "serf" has a chance to become a rich guy!



New Member
Med, you are a sputtering, nattering font of negativism!
Seems to me that you would prefer a society in which EVERYONE is a "serf",
as opposed to a society in which EVERY "serf" has a chance to become a rich guy!

Wavels, you know where to kiss also. The fact that in your little circle of friends (If any) you don't see poverty and squalor, does not make you an expert on the state of the economy. If you go by the governments figures, we're all doing just fine, but those figures are skewed just as your perception of America. When you associate with nothing but wealthy people it can become real easy to distance yourself from reality, so don't be too surprised when the masses come to your neighborhood looking for food and comfort. BTW, I'm doing fine on my meager income, because I don't do drugs and know how to budget, and as far as the amount of ass kissing I'd have to do to become wealthy, no thanks, I won't be in that mele coming to your neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
it's funny how you think everyone is either some elite rich country clubber or broke and living in a gutter.



New Member
it's funny how you think everyone is either some elite rich country clubber or broke and living in a gutter.

I don't think that at all, but it's funny how you think everything is rosy and everyone is doing well. Sorry to interupt your little dream world, but there is some real struggling going on in this country and you fail to see it. I realize there is the "middle class" and robot Americans, but there is a lot more to the equation than soccer moms and 9-5 dads, or as I calls it Robot Americans, going about their daily lives without a care in the world, all wound up in their little lives, too drugged out with TV and saturated fats to give a shit about anything but themselves, the sheeple for sure. Are you one of these? I'd guess you are.


New Member
Here's the deal ...

20% of every sales force makes 80% of the money. The same holds true for ALL societies throughout the entire world. The only way to change that, would be to take commissions (earnings) from those who sell more and give it to those who sell less. I can tell you that after being in commissioned sales for the past 41 years that I, and other top producers like me, would leave a company like that and start one of our own. Hmmm ... now that I think of it, isn't that what the Founding Fathers had in mind when they broke away from England and placed our government into the chains of the Constitution?



Well-Known Member
let me get this straight. you live in a city built entirely from disposable income but you're telling me the world is falling apart and so many people are starving on the streets?

is that your callous way of telling me i'm wrong for being happy with where i've taken my life so far? it's all a gift to me med, i'm happy with or without; i know because i've been there. my little life is pretty enthralling, i'd have to say that i do enjoy it thoroughly but i know there's more to it than work or appearances..



New Member
let me get this straight. you live in a city built entirely from disposable income but you're telling me the world is falling apart and so many people are starving on the streets?

is that your callous way of telling me i'm wrong for being happy with where i've taken my life so far? it's all a gift to me med, i'm happy with or without; i know because i've been there. my little life is pretty enthralling, i'd have to say that i do enjoy it thoroughly but i know there's more to it than work or appearances..

Well, then my friend you are on the right track. Now all you need is a little compassion for the less fortunate instead of infering they're lazy. Maybe they've had circumstances that you don't understand, maybe illness, mental or otherwise. "never judge a man till you walk a mile in his shoes". And the idea that you are a superior person just because you've netted success, there is as much luck and being in the right place as there is hard work. Hard work never made anyone rich without the other things being in place. And, the who you know is extremely important to success. Looking down on people not as fortunate as you is a very bad thing to a christian, you are a christian, right, if not I can understand the callousness.


Well-Known Member
:clap: It's sucks but it's the truth, who you know is almost as important as hard work. And you need both to get ahead in this life.


Well-Known Member
Well, then my friend you are on the right track. Now all you need is a little compassion for the less fortunate instead of infering they're lazy. Maybe they've had circumstances that you don't understand, maybe illness, mental or otherwise. "never judge a man till you walk a mile in his shoes". And the idea that you are a superior person just because you've netted success, there is as much luck and being in the right place as there is hard work. Hard work never made anyone rich without the other things being in place. And, the who you know is extremely important to success. Looking down on people not as fortunate as you is a very bad thing to a christian, you are a christian, right, if not I can understand the callousness.
i don't know what you're talking about, it must be someone else. i know lots of very hard working "less fortunate" people. the common theme among them is that they do not want greater responsibility. they appreciate the predictability and routine of their work. among those i know it's their conscious choice to refrain from pursuing more lofty appointments.

again, i agree that who you know means a great deal. the good news is that the right people to get to know are all around us all the time! they don't hide in some cave that requires a code word to get in.. they're at the store getting gas, buying groceries, eating lunch. say hello to people and smile sometimes! once you get in the habit you'll wonder why you didn't do it all these years. if everyone did it the democratic party might completely disappear. :)



New Member
i don't know what you're talking about, it must be someone else. i know lots of very hard working "less fortunate" people. the common theme among them is that they do not want greater responsibility. they appreciate the predictability and routine of their work. among those i know it's their conscious choice to refrain from pursuing more lofty appointments.

again, i agree that who you know means a great deal. the good news is that the right people to get to know are all around us all the time! they don't hide in some cave that requires a code word to get in.. they're at the store getting gas, buying groceries, eating lunch. say hello to people and smile sometimes! once you get in the habit you'll wonder why you didn't do it all these years. if everyone did it the democratic party might completely disappear. :)
You are such an ass!
