Mohican's Roaring 20's 2021 Season

Plaster polishing time!


They pour acid on it to remove the outer cream layer and sand it with diamond wet pads. Two guys worked all day in 90 degree weather in those outfits!


You can see the aggregate start to pop. It includes sparkly bits of shell!


When they finished, we started filling her up.


The pool company sucked at doing several parts of the project. However, when it came to the removal of the old plaster, the tile work, the coping work, the deck-o-seal, and the plastering, they were outstanding!

Time to install the equipment! What could go wrong?

@DarkWeb - yes - the salt is pressed in the surface at the end and then the next day you sweep away the excess and wash away the embedded crystals to create a nice grippy texture.

When I was washing away the salt, I was over in the corner where equipment pads are and I jumped from one pad to the other. When I landed, the salt was very slippery. I went down hard and injured my tailbone. It still is painful to sit for extended periods.
@DarkWeb - yes - the salt is pressed in the surface at the end and then the next day you sweep away the excess and wash away the embedded crystals to create a nice grippy texture.

When I was washing away the salt, I was over in the corner where equipment pads are and I jumped from one pad to the other. When I landed, the salt was very slippery. I went down hard and injured my tailbone. It still is painful to sit for extended periods.

Hopefully that's the only time you break your ass on it lol

That's really cool with the salt and the end texture.
It is fine now that the salt is washed off.

I was all excited yesterday to finish hooking up the gas to the pool heater. The kids were coming over with the grandbaby and we were going to party like it was 2021!

Kids were here when I got back from home depot. My daughter was helping me unload the 1" gas pipe nipples from the car and the 24 inch one dropped straight down and hit my second toe. Broke it pretty good.

Then I saw that the 10' pipe I had laid across the interior of the car had starred my windshield at some point in the ride. I had padded it with a thick insulated grocery bag folded in half twice. I don't know when it happened. One of the cracks goes almost halfway across the glass.

So I guess my day was exciting! We drank champagne to christen the pool instead and put our feet in it.

I also got one of these for the granddaughter:
Pool Coup.jpeg

She saw the box and went nuts over it. I was so happy she liked it! I went out to the garage and blew it up with the air compressor. I brought it out and she was excited. However when we tried to put her in it she started screaming! Oh well, my perfect day, eh.

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It is fine now that the salt is washed off.

I was all excited yesterday to finish hooking up the gas to the pool heater. The kids were coming over with the grandbaby and we were going to party like it was 2021!

Kids were here when I got back from home depot. My daughter was helping me unload the 1" gas pipe nipples from the car and the 24 inch on dropped straight down and hit my second toe. Broke it pretty good.

Then I saw that the 10' pipe I had laid across the interior of the car had starred my windshield at some point in the ride. I had padded it with a thick insulated grocery bag folded in half twice. I don't know when it happened. One of the cracks goes almost halfway across the glass.

So I guess my day was exciting! We drank champagne to christen the pool instead and put our feet in it.

I also got one of these for the granddaughter:
View attachment 4981403

She saw the box and went nuts over it. I was so happy she liked it! I went out to the garage and blew it up with the air compressor. I brought it out and she was excited. However when we tried to put her in it she started screaming! Oh well, my perfect day, eh.


That's definitely how my perfect days go lol
Just checked - Safelite or whatever the glass place is called will need a 8 days to get my glass. 400 for knockoff and 800 for genuine Toyota.

I'll call Toyota in the morning and see what they can do.

The container ships are lined up 10 miles from the port:


It is fine now that the salt is washed off.

I was all excited yesterday to finish hooking up the gas to the pool heater. The kids were coming over with the grandbaby and we were going to party like it was 2021!

Kids were here when I got back from home depot. My daughter was helping me unload the 1" gas pipe nipples from the car and the 24 inch one dropped straight down and hit my second toe. Broke it pretty good.

Then I saw that the 10' pipe I had laid across the interior of the car had starred my windshield at some point in the ride. I had padded it with a thick insulated grocery bag folded in half twice. I don't know when it happened. One of the cracks goes almost halfway across the glass.

So I guess my day was exciting! We drank champagne to christen the pool instead and put our feet in it.

I also got one of these for the granddaughter:
View attachment 4981403

She saw the box and went nuts over it. I was so happy she liked it! I went out to the garage and blew it up with the air compressor. I brought it out and she was excited. However when we tried to put her in it she started screaming! Oh well, my perfect day, eh.

Sounds like (pick a day) this year has been equally Monday’ish for most of the people I know. I love that little blow up car! It won’t be long before you can’t get her out of the pool! Kids are unpredictable sometimes, had two kids barf in my classroom today! lol yay
We made the pool company give us a refund and install the equipment for free.
We started filling the pool on a Wednesday. Thursday they show and say they can't install the equipment without the pool being full. What!

Their cleaner guy shows up to clean the worksite and pressure wash the deck. He says he can't clean it until the pool is full! What!

Friday they show up and drop a sump pump in the pool because they can't get anybody to install the equipment that day. The cleaning guy goes on to spray all of the debris into the pool!

The water at this time is like milk and they are contracted to be cleaning and balancing the pool pH daily. Nobody shows all weekend.

I get the parts to install the equipment myself and then I begin running the electrical connections. I clean and move all of the equipment to the pads.

They show up on Monday and say they need to determine what parts they need for Tuesday! I tell them I have all of the parts and that they need to start NOW!

More to come - I need an attitude adjustment.
Safelite cancelled my appointment because they can't get the glass! Rescheduled for next week. Now there are over 50 container ship lined up off the coast.

We had a small earthquake tonight. I can't imagine the big one hitting and there is a tidal wave that takes out all of those ships! :O

Garden Update:

Shoreline1 X AO 09-17-21.png

AO-2 09-17-21.png

North Garden 09-17-21.png

Pool 09-17-21.png

I still owe you all a story about the equipment. I think I am avooooiiiiding it mentally.

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