California Gubernatorial Recall Election

I don't cheat on my wife, nor have I ever fucked any of my buddies girls, so your question is irrelevant. But hey if you don't see an issue of trust there, then I guess you and I simply have different standards.

Yeah, and I voted against that fuck twice. Not sure what your point is tho, because you seem to be saying that Newsom (note, there is no "e" at the end of his name @doublejj ) should basically be allowed to be as bad as Trump? At the very least you seem to be basing your level of standards around what Trump did, which is pretty scary to say the least.
Newsom cannot be as bad as That Man. He is 29000 lies behind.
I will support Minor Peccadillo before I give Pugs any air.
That's fine, your choice. It's at least refreshing to see you tacitly admit to your acceptance of Newsom's wrongdoing, however I'm not sure I agree that it's minor. Besides your choice to overlook what you may view as a minor offence is not mutually exclusive to your willingness to acknowledge such wrongdoing; in fact it's necessary to do so at the core of your statement.
That's fine, your choice. It's at least refreshing to see you tacitly admit to your acceptance of Newsom's wrongdoing, however I'm not sure I agree that it's minor. Besides your choice to overlook what you may view as a minor offence is not mutually exclusive to your willingness to acknowledge such wrongdoing; in fact it's necessary to do so at the core of your statement.
When I compare his misdeeds to the Repugs, my choice is easy. He is no choir boy, but he does at least care about governing. His R opponents don’t hold much promise.
When I compare his misdeeds to the Repugs, my choice is easy. He is no choir boy, but he does at least care about governing. His R opponents don’t hold much promise.
I can't disagree with that. Personally I don't like recalls. I also don't like Newsom, but I also don't like any of his challengers.
I don't cheat on my wife, nor have I ever fucked any of my buddies girls, so your question is irrelevant. But hey if you don't see an issue of trust there, then I guess you and I simply have different standards.

Yeah, and I voted against that fuck twice. Not sure what your point is tho, because you seem to be saying that Newsom (note, there is no "e" at the end of his name @doublejj ) should basically be allowed to be as bad as Trump? At the very least you seem to be basing your level of standards around what Trump did, which is pretty scary to say the least.
You seem to judge a politician by his moral failings. I'm just offering a comparison to that last prezydint for your perusal. You can't have a saint and a politician, too. We're all sinners. Are you without sin?
You seem to judge a politician by his moral failings. I'm just offering a comparison to that last prezydint for your perusal. You can't have a saint and a politician, too. We're all sinners. Are you without sin?
I feel like you're somehow missing the point, so let me rephrase it for you. When I cast a vote for a potential leader, one of my prime considerations is whether or not I feel that I can trust the person who I may cast my ballot for. When it becomes clear that a person can not be trusted in their personal, then their trustworthiness in all areas of like, both personal and professional. As far as "sin", that is a Church defined symbol, and has nothing to do with trust. If two consenting single adults decide to have premarital sex, then I believe it's considered a sin, however no trust has been lost (unless the couple had pledged to go without sin). Heck if Newsom's buddy was cool with him screwing his wife, then I have zero problem with that, however it doesn't seem that was the case. Trust was lost, and it is difficult to repair lost trust.
I feel like you're somehow missing the point, so let me rephrase it for you. When I cast a vote for a potential leader, one of my prime considerations is whether or not I feel that I can trust the person who I may cast my ballot for. When it becomes clear that a person can not be trusted in their personal, then their trustworthiness in all areas of like, both personal and professional. As far as "sin", that is a Church defined symbol, and has nothing to do with trust. If two consenting single adults decide to have premarital sex, then I believe it's considered a sin, however no trust has been lost (unless the couple had pledged to go without sin). Heck if Newsom's buddy was cool with him screwing his wife, then I have zero problem with that, however it doesn't seem that was the case. Trust was lost, and it is difficult to repair lost trust.
it's just a job.....being Governor is just a job.....he's not running for sainthood. Banging your friends wife should not be a criteria for your job. You expect this guy to walk on water....holy water at that...morals are each persons standards, don't impose your morals on me (or Newsom) and we won't impose ours on you, unless you apply for the job. ;)
it's just a job.....being Governor is just a job.....he's not running for sainthood. Banging your friends wife should not be a criteria for your job. You expect this guy to walk on water....holy water at that...morals are each persons standards, don't impose your morals on me (or Newsom) and we won't impose ours on you, unless you apply for a job. ;)
Yes, it's a job. The job is to be a leader of people, and part of the job description is to build trust among your constituency. If he can't be a trustworthy person in general, how can be be a trustworthy leader? You wouldn't hire someone who was colorblind to match paint would you? Same as you don't ask trust-deficient people to be leaders. On that note, did you think it was ok when you found out that Trump banged Stormy Daniels while he was married to Melania? In my mind these are similar effects despite being opposite n the political spectrum, and they are both deplorables.
Yes, it's a job. The job is to be a leader of people, and part of the job description is to build trust among your constituency. If he can't be a trustworthy person in general, how can be be a trustworthy leader? You wouldn't hire someone who was colorblind to match paint would you? Same as you don't ask trust-deficient people to be leaders. On that note, did you think it was ok when you found out that Trump banged Stormy Daniels while he was married to Melania? In my mind these are similar effects despite being opposite n the political spectrum, and they are both deplorables.
As far as i know the Newsom story is all BS....I don't base my judgment on hearsay. What proof do you have that this is true? Has Newsom been convicted of any crimes? or paid any hush money? You are discrediting a man without just cause. and Newsom doesn't lead me in anything, he works for me, as the Governor, because I gave him the job.
As far as i know the Newsom story is all BS....I don't base my judgment on hearsay. What proof do you have that this is true? Has Newsom been convicted of any crimes? or paid any hush money? You are discrediting a man without just cause. and Newsom doesn't lead me in anything, he works for me, as the Governor, because I gave him the job.
It could be BS for all I know. I only have the news to go by:
As far as i know the Newsom story is all BS....I don't base my judgment on hearsay. What proof do you have that this is true? Has Newsom been convicted of any crimes? or paid any hush money? You are discrediting a man without just cause. and Newsom doesn't lead me in anything, he works for me, as the Governor, because I gave him the job.
Oh, wait.. Apparently he admitted it:
Oh, wait.. Apparently he admitted it:
she's a 34yr old woman of full mental capacity, she can make her own choices, she wasn't raped. they were 2 consenting adults, it's none of our business just Monica Lewinski was none of our business. Peoples personal sex lives should not be a questions on a job application. Newsom is human, and a fine governor
It could be BS for all I know. I only have the news to go by:
I once worked with a guy that would show me pictures of his wife having sex with other men while he took don't know what kind of marriage they had.....and it's none of our business anyway....
I once worked with a guy that would show me pictures of his wife having sex with other men while he took don't know what kind of marriage they had.....and it's none of our business anyway....
Well, her husband didn't sound very happy about it, since he quit when he found out. Also the woman was Newsom's secretary. In most public organizations, that is potential cause for dismissal. I have to be honest, I'm really confused as to why you would condone his adulterous behavior. I mean if you wanna say "he's better than Trump", at least that's a sensible (albeit weak) statement, but to say at least "it wasn't rape" doesn't sound like a very good defense.
Well, her husband didn't sound very happy about it, since he quit when he found out. Also the woman was Newsom's secretary. In most public organizations, that is potential cause for dismissal. I have to be honest, I'm really confused as to why you would condone his adulterous behavior. I mean if you wanna say "he's better than Trump", at least that's a sensible (albeit weak) statement, but to say at least "it wasn't rape" doesn't sound like a very good defense.
other peoples consensual sex lives are there own business. i stay out of others bedrooms. and her consent is the very best defense....
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Hey. Just a quick thought. I never really got into American politics like I am now until 2020. Never realized the strong divide that existed in our neighbors to the South. Kinda sucks balls to be honest.
