pay it forward man!


Well-Known Member
hmm so i saw on the news this place in colorado i believe about people "payin it forward" at a starbucks. people in the drive-thru line were payin for the person behind them. thats pretty rare! lol

sooo... i was walkin my dog and i saw a plastic container in the brush. well i was curious so i opened it... hahaha and it was a tin foil pipe and what looked to be weed in a plastic bag. i open the bag and it was tobacco! it must have been some kids who stashed it there before he got on his bus for school. so i took the container home and wrote this kid a little letter along with my old metal pipe. i basically said that he was smokin tobacco and here is a real pipe you can use. i ran back to the place i found it and put it back. as soon as i turned the corner a bus was comin and it stopped there! hahaha i saw the kid and he grabbed the container and ran home. i wonder if i made him happy.....? lol

have you done somethin nice for someone today?? :mrgreen: :hump:


Active Member
i try to "pay it forward" so to story though, is i was at work driving along (i worked at a campground as a park ranger) and i saw a minivan on the side of the road just outside of the main entrance on the highway with a i pull up behind and ask if they could use a was a younger family, with a small kid that was dressed to the tits...i mean suit, nice dress, was about 6:00 i changed the tire for them and they drove off...he asked my name and said thanks so much, etc about a week later i'm handed a big thick envelope from my it were 2 from the OPP (provincial police here in canada) and one from the general manager of the conservation authority...apparently the guy i had helped was a high up in the OPP and he was just coming back from his moms funeral when he got the now i have this official letter of reference from the OPP (which turns out is like gold in a job interview lol)...i honestly wasnt gonna help at all, but i quickly thought "that would suck balls if that was me..." lol


Well-Known Member
i try to "pay it forward" so to story though, is i was at work driving along (i worked at a campground as a park ranger) and i saw a minivan on the side of the road just outside of the main entrance on the highway with a i pull up behind and ask if they could use a was a younger family, with a small kid that was dressed to the tits...i mean suit, nice dress, was about 6:00 i changed the tire for them and they drove off...he asked my name and said thanks so much, etc about a week later i'm handed a big thick envelope from my it were 2 from the OPP (provincial police here in canada) and one from the general manager of the conservation authority...apparently the guy i had helped was a high up in the OPP and he was just coming back from his moms funeral when he got the now i have this official letter of reference from the OPP (which turns out is like gold in a job interview lol)...i honestly wasnt gonna help at all, but i quickly thought "that would suck balls if that was me..." lol

aw!! thats awesome man!:mrgreen:


Active Member
haha thanks...not so much a pay it forward story, more of a karma story i guess, but either way im a nice guy! :D haha


Well-Known Member
I will pay it forward (good movie) if i am able to, and i have done it a lot cuz i am not a stingy guy.

That was really nice of you peace, if that kid had been me i would have been hella happy ( i hated smoking out of tin foil). +rep

ranks guess you have if made if you need a job. +rep to you.


Well-Known Member
I hook up the homeless guys that hang around my work all the time. I love homeless people they really take care of each other. I used to visit a shelter/rehab in Washington DC and I would play basketball and hang out with the guys. I got the opportunity to help a couple of them but honestly they helped me more than anything.

No I also like to help out at the VA hospital. There are so many people in this world and there is so much to give, money is just a small part of it. Spread the love Peace! How is the baby?

How do you change the world? One random act of kindness at a time . . .