Afganistan Collapse

Because of the pandemic they are talking about all the women who will never return to the work force and yet they are trying to tell us to care about women's rights in Afganistan. I guess it's a lot easier to care about the women than men. Not too many people crying about the men's rights in Afganistan. They be ugly, nobody cares about them. All these stories about the poor women. I mean do we really care if women can go to school in Afganistan? Do we even know what they are teaching them? The kids graduating from school in America are idiots these days, imagine the graduates from an Afganistan school? In home mech they are probably sewing suicide vests. (yes joke....yes tasteless). But for real, after the Taliban control the education system I think we should be thankful if they don't let half the country learn from them.
Was getting food at a Panda Express and they were very crowded, staff down etc. Anyway I get to the register and the girls says would you like anything? and I say, "I would like a napkins and 2..." and she grabs a napkin and shoves it at me and starts talking to the next person. I say, "excuse me I would also like some chopsticks and s...." and she grabs some chopsticks and shoves them at me and starts talking to the next person. I say "Excuse me, I would also like some soy sauce." At this point she gets annoyed with me and asks in a wise ass little shit type of way, "Is there ANYTHING else you would like?" So I tell her, "I would like you to loose the attitude and do your job properly so I don't have to keep asking for stuff instead of you just listening to me the first time." Well this fat redneck in line starts yelling at me, "Thats not the way you talk to women! That's not the way you talk to women! If we weren't something or rather I would kick your ass." I tell him to F-off get my food and go sit with my wife. He passes me and I tell my wife, "Ah, this is the asshole from the line." What did you say? What did you say? so I repeated myself real slow so the redneck could understand. "The A S S H O L E from the line." I would kick your ass if something or rather." and he walks off. Point of the story is that Americans loose their shit when it comes to women. You should see their reactions when you call one a cunt. All logic out the door.
Great story, thanks.
She thinks the definition of peaceful doesn’t include people that rape boys and girls. Yours does. What does she know? am I right?

I'm having a hard time understanding your gibberish. You want to talk about raping kids and somehow tell me what my definition of peace is ?

Speak more succinctly please. Are you typing with your mouth full again?
This actually makes sense. Thank you.

Of course your good observation doesn't lose strength if it is applied deeper in the micro.

It might read like this, "honestly going to another peaceful person in hope of changing their way of thinking to ours is a folly" . Follow your good idea to it's logical conclusion.
I don’t consider them peaceful, sorry we will have to disagree. As much as I hate for anyone to die, better it’s the people causing the harm, not the victims, no?
Great story, thanks.
I thought it was, you should have seen this guy, big fat 300 pounds, wife beater shirt with lots of tribal tattoos. Protector of rude women. But it actually does relate to this news cycle. Fear and the desire to protect women are easy things to motivate Americans. Personally I don't give a flying F how many women died in Auschwitz compared to how many men. Americans do, because they are good christian men who have to protect the women. Meanwhile back at home.....who is giving up their jobs? It's funny as hell.
I don’t consider them peaceful, sorry we will have to disagree. As much as I hate for anyone to die, better it’s the people causing the harm, not the victims, no?

I'm not sure what we are disagreeing about. You seem intent on getting me to defend a position you've assigned me.

I think justice sometimes requires using defensive force. So, sure, a person violating another person who is otherwise peaceful should not be surprised when the victim fights back.

When will you be going over there to straighten out the bad people ?
I thought it was, you should have seen this guy, big fat 300 pounds, wife beater shirt with lots of tribal tattoos. Protector of rude women. But it actually does relate to this news cycle. Fear and the desire to protect women are easy things to motivate Americans. Personally I don't give a flying F how many women died in Auschwitz compared to how many men. Americans do, because they are good christian men who have to protect the women. Meanwhile back at home.....who is giving up their jobs? It's funny as hell.
Yup so funny.
I'm not sure what we are disagreeing about. You seem intent on getting me to defend a position you've assigned me.

I think justice sometimes requires using defensive force. So, sure, a person violating another person who is otherwise peaceful should not be surprised when the victim fights back.

When will you be going over there to straighten out the bad people ?
Nope I think we should talk to them peacefully, since you said they’re peaceful rapists. Maybe they will listen to you when you tell them how they should act. :roll:

I disagreed with you calling rapists “peaceful”
Nope I think we should talk to them peacefully, since you said they’re peaceful rapists. Maybe they will listen to you when you tell them how they should act.

Tell me more about these bath salts. Good hallucinations? DAMN, you are trying hard to assign me my opinion.

I think rape is horrible, and I think the gang rape of democracy isn't cleansed if it violates the consent of even one peaceful person. Why don't you ?
Tell me more about these bath salts. Good hallucinations? DAMN, you are trying hard to assign me my opinion.

I think rape is horrible, and I think the gang rape of democracy isn't cleansed if it violates the consent of even one peaceful person. Why don't you ?
It’s just sad that you support raping of women and little boys. I always thought buck was just busting your balls.

comparing actual rape to what you consider a rape on democracy just makes me think even less of you.
I always thought buck was just busting your balls.

He's desperate to be my friend.

Concerning rape, where in the fuck did you ever get the idea I endorse that ? I've only said about a bazillion times, I think voluntary human interactions are the best kind. Are you having covid hallucinations again ?
He's desperate to be my friend.

Concerning rape, where in the fuck did you ever get the idea I endorse that ? I've only said about a bazillion times, I think voluntary human interactions are the best kind. Are you having covid hallucinations again ?
You did speak about differential maturity among 12 year olds. That falls solidly within the boundaries of rape.
I’ve showed him multiple times where he said they are peaceful people. But they rape. So clearly he thinks that’s ok
I’ve showed him multiple times where he said they are peaceful people. But they rape. So clearly he thinks that’s ok
But is it peaceable rape?