Aerogarden 6 SS Grow Log - Pics - Discussion


Well-Known Member
I recently started a project in a 30 gallon bow fish tank of mine. I decided to ditch the dirt and go with the Aerogarden 6. I like how the light is easily adjustable and the idea of hydroponics.

I plan on using about 10 different spectrum CFL bulbs when it comes time to flower.

Today I took the babies out of the soil and transplanted them into the Aerogarden pre-made inserts.

I have TWO questions for everyone.

1. What lighting cycle should I be using.. 24/0 ?

2. Should I add the starter nutrients or the grow nutrients that came with the Aerogarden?

Thanks - directional - :idea:



Active Member
i used the aerogarden to make 3 clones from one branch and it rooted in about a week, and they were in full flower mode too. i put my clones in the sponges that came in the gourmet seed kit, (took all the herbal seeds out).
i went and bought the tomato seed kit and have been using those nutes. 1 tab per week. im also growing mint and basil in there too, and everything seems to be going good so far.


Well-Known Member
What lighting cycle is recommended?.. I want to veg for a couple of weeks and then throw right into flowering to keep a compact sized garden:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Here and some new pics I took today. As you can see major improvement.

It is getting cold here and my water must have went down to about 60 degrees. The way I fixed the problem was to buy a fish heater where you can control the temperature with a dial. I picked it up from a local fish store for about $18 and its doing its job.

The third nodes are about to come out. I should top when I get the forth right?

I raised the temperature up to 75, any suggestions?

What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
Hey im on my first grow as well with the aerogarden.
I got clones, ran them 24/7 for about a month.. Noticed they started flowering and bought a 150dollar 175wattMH lamp. They are on 12/12 right now.

My limited knowledge is you run 24/0 for seedlings and new clones. 18/6 or 24/0 like i did for veg. I wanted mine smaller so i kept the lights on.

The pumps I ran 24/7 but if you notice they are getting too much water put a piece of duct tape in between the resivour and the metal contact patches on the light post. I ran them all day and now 12/12 cuz its easier with my timer

Get some airstones and an airpump for a fishtank, the roots love o2 and mist ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey im on my first grow as well with the aerogarden.
I got clones, ran them 24/7 for about a month.. Noticed they started flowering and bought a 150dollar 175wattMH lamp. They are on 12/12 right now.

My limited knowledge is you run 24/0 for seedlings and new clones. 18/6 or 24/0 like i did for veg. I wanted mine smaller so i kept the lights on.

The pumps I ran 24/7 but if you notice they are getting too much water put a piece of duct tape in between the resivour and the metal contact patches on the light post. I ran them all day and now 12/12 cuz its easier with my timer

Get some airstones and an airpump for a fishtank, the roots love o2 and mist ;)
That sounds like a good plan.. I will get a air pump ( I have one laying around somewhere ) and add some more air stones :).

How did you manage set the garden on 24-0?


Well-Known Member
the germinate setting. you hold the select button down on the strawberry setting for 5 seconds and it will go into germinate mode. if that dosnt work try resetting it by hitting the reset for 9 seconds

Theres my grow, let me know what you think!

Perhaps it's different on the AG 6 model? There is no strawberry setting but when I hold in select for 5 seconds the light turns on and then it goes right off.

When I hold in reset for 9 seconds I see the nutes and replacelight bulbs blinking but the light doesn't go on.

Do I need to hit lights on and then hold in select for 5 seconds?

I will check out your log in a couple of minutes and will post my comments on your thread :)

Thanks for all of the advice!:!:


Well-Known Member
hmm maybe yours dosnt have a 24hour setting. Honestly if you got about 150 bucks you can get a bad ass light which will up your yeild a ton.

Otherwise id just run the max hours you can and tape that pump in the rez up for at least half the day. Dont let the rockwool get too soaked is what others have been saying because it needs air in the rockwool,i never had that problem tho


Well-Known Member
hmm maybe yours dosnt have a 24hour setting. Honestly if you got about 150 bucks you can get a bad ass light which will up your yeild a ton.

Otherwise id just run the max hours you can and tape that pump in the rez up for at least half the day. Dont let the rockwool get too soaked is what others have been saying because it needs air in the rockwool,i never had that problem tho
I am only vegging with this light.. I will be getting a 150 watt HPS or 10 CFL bulbs when it comes time to flower.


Well-Known Member
That's the plan... I am not liking the slight browning of my leaves.. I am hoping it is due to the cold and not too much nutes. The only nutes I used so far is the 2 starter ones it comes with. I was hoping to give it the grow nutes on Wednesday..

What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
I created a thread under plant problems and I think the problem is a PH problem. I will be using RO water from now on and also getting a PH kit...