Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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I can ,,who trusts the f.d a. Wouldn't be the first time they let a drug pass that had problems. Remember there are drugs being used in other countries that help people but the F.D.A says no to them. So,who trusts the fda .

I’m with you brother! Fuck the FDAholes! I get my science from a mix of Health Canada and the European Medicines Agency Cuz I trust anything with a French accent yo! They both said it’s cool to get vaccinated so I offered my arm for the Gates mysteryRNA and my 5 G has been flawless since.
You know what I don't understand?
Why are Trump supporters willing to ingest a drug meant for the treatment of parasitites, not viruses, in livestock, but refuse a vaccine approved by the FDA?
Can anyone answer that?
You must have an answer @Ky dan, right?
Enlighten me


Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans since the 80's and iirc has less than 300 recorded deaths during prescription use. It's on the UN's list of essential medicines. Doctors in tokyo studying it have been calling for it to be used for covid. The country of slovakia authorized ivermectin treatment for covid in january of this year and since febuary their daily death counts have sunk to a rock bottom low, much like india.

Maybe the billionaire corporate overlords of the pharmaceutical industry who have been controlling public policy ever since citizens united thought that generic, widely available medications nobody is allowed to patent weren't quite as profitable as brand new copyrighted vaccinations, which they convieniently have legal immunity from if it ends up being useless or dangerous? The CEO of pfizer couldn't fly to israel lately because HE WASN'T FULLY VACCINATED. You really buy that crap that he "doesn't want to jump the line"? These are the companies who are constantly settling lawsuits for their baby powders filled with asbestos! When the hell did we start trusting politicians and corporations?!?

We've known since the beginning that the average american had a less than 0.01% of not recovering from covid, and the average american is fat and unhealthy! 78% of everyone hospitalized, put on a ventilator, or killed because of covid was overweight or obese! That leaves 22% to split among the old, people already in the hospital, cancer patients, diabetes patients, and then all the way at the end normal healthy people. We know vitamin D and zinc supplements can help a lot. Hell, we know that tobacco and weed smoking can help!! Do you see doctors encouraging people to diet, exercise, get their nutrition and roll up fat spliffs of herbal medication? Nope, you can't put those in a pill and patent it, so those don't have a place in american medicine. C'est la vie
View attachment 4978675

Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans since the 80's and iirc has less than 300 recorded deaths during prescription use. It's on the UN's list of essential medicines. Doctors in tokyo studying it have been calling for it to be used for covid. The country of slovakia authorized ivermectin treatment for covid in january of this year and since febuary their daily death counts have sunk to a rock bottom low, much like india.

Maybe the billionaire corporate overlords of the pharmaceutical industry who have been controlling public policy ever since citizens united thought that generic, widely available medications nobody is allowed to patent weren't quite as profitable as brand new copyrighted vaccinations, which they convieniently have legal immunity from if it ends up being useless or dangerous? The CEO of pfizer couldn't fly to israel lately because HE WASN'T FULLY VACCINATED. You really buy that crap that he "doesn't want to jump the line"? These are the companies who are constantly settling lawsuits for their baby powders filled with asbestos! When the hell did we start trusting politicians and corporations?!?

We've known since the beginning that the average american had a less than 0.01% of not recovering from covid, and the average american is fat and unhealthy! 78% of everyone hospitalized, put on a ventilator, or killed because of covid was overweight or obese! That leaves 22% to split among the old, people already in the hospital, cancer patients, diabetes patients, and then all the way at the end normal healthy people. We know vitamin D and zinc supplements can help a lot. Hell, we know that tobacco and weed smoking can help!! Do you see doctors encouraging people to diet, exercise, get their nutrition and roll up fat spliffs of herbal medication? Nope, you can't put those in a pill and patent it, so those don't have a place in american medicine. C'est la vie
Link to show Slovakia was not simply correlation?
View attachment 4978675

Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans since the 80's and iirc has less than 300 recorded deaths during prescription use. It's on the UN's list of essential medicines. Doctors in tokyo studying it have been calling for it to be used for covid. The country of slovakia authorized ivermectin treatment for covid in january of this year and since febuary their daily death counts have sunk to a rock bottom low, much like india.

Maybe the billionaire corporate overlords of the pharmaceutical industry who have been controlling public policy ever since citizens united thought that generic, widely available medications nobody is allowed to patent weren't quite as profitable as brand new copyrighted vaccinations, which they convieniently have legal immunity from if it ends up being useless or dangerous? The CEO of pfizer couldn't fly to israel lately because HE WASN'T FULLY VACCINATED. You really buy that crap that he "doesn't want to jump the line"? These are the companies who are constantly settling lawsuits for their baby powders filled with asbestos! When the hell did we start trusting politicians and corporations?!?

We've known since the beginning that the average american had a less than 0.01% of not recovering from covid, and the average american is fat and unhealthy! 78% of everyone hospitalized, put on a ventilator, or killed because of covid was overweight or obese! That leaves 22% to split among the old, people already in the hospital, cancer patients, diabetes patients, and then all the way at the end normal healthy people. We know vitamin D and zinc supplements can help a lot. Hell, we know that tobacco and weed smoking can help!! Do you see doctors encouraging people to diet, exercise, get their nutrition and roll up fat spliffs of herbal medication? Nope, you can't put those in a pill and patent it, so those don't have a place in american medicine. C'est la vie

Nice, another Ivermectin info parrot. There are NO quality clinical studies showing ANY benefit to ivermectin use in Covid. NONE. The sad thing is, these irresponsible ivermectin shills hate science and expertise to the point that they ignore other CHEAP and promising treatments for Covid. There are at least two decent studies that I know of on Fluvoxamine (an old antidepressant) showing significant benefit in early Covid. The far right echo chamber prevents these simple minded people from hearing about anything else. Ivermectin poisoning is affecting the ability of hospitals in the majority of red states to treat their emergency room patients. Meanwhile, there are doctors out there specializing in "ivermectin treatment" who you can call for a 2 minute telemedicine appointment, get charged $200 and get an ivermectin scrip. One such doctor in an ivermectin Facebook group is "treating" HUNDREDS of patients a day. It's just a cash grab for unscrupulous pandemic profiteers. You should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to this idiocy. Would you care at all if someone took your advice and died as a result? If so, please STFU already.
View attachment 4978675

Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans since the 80's and iirc has less than 300 recorded deaths during prescription use. It's on the UN's list of essential medicines. Doctors in tokyo studying it have been calling for it to be used for covid. The country of slovakia authorized ivermectin treatment for covid in january of this year and since febuary their daily death counts have sunk to a rock bottom low, much like india.

Maybe the billionaire corporate overlords of the pharmaceutical industry who have been controlling public policy ever since citizens united thought that generic, widely available medications nobody is allowed to patent weren't quite as profitable as brand new copyrighted vaccinations, which they convieniently have legal immunity from if it ends up being useless or dangerous? The CEO of pfizer couldn't fly to israel lately because HE WASN'T FULLY VACCINATED. You really buy that crap that he "doesn't want to jump the line"? These are the companies who are constantly settling lawsuits for their baby powders filled with asbestos! When the hell did we start trusting politicians and corporations?!?

We've known since the beginning that the average american had a less than 0.01% of not recovering from covid, and the average american is fat and unhealthy! 78% of everyone hospitalized, put on a ventilator, or killed because of covid was overweight or obese! That leaves 22% to split among the old, people already in the hospital, cancer patients, diabetes patients, and then all the way at the end normal healthy people. We know vitamin D and zinc supplements can help a lot. Hell, we know that tobacco and weed smoking can help!! Do you see doctors encouraging people to diet, exercise, get their nutrition and roll up fat spliffs of herbal medication? Nope, you can't put those in a pill and patent it, so those don't have a place in american medicine. C'est la vie

Prescription deaths, eh? Which means that you're only interested in it for prescription use? If you're interested in it for non-prescriptions use, then the obvious question is....how many non-prescription deaths?

I agree with you though, everyone that's fat and old and unhealthy should die and it's not possible for there to be any other reason for them to die, other than being fat and unhealthy. If you run over a fat guy with your truck, he died because he's fat.
View attachment 4978675

Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans since the 80's and iirc has less than 300 recorded deaths during prescription use. It's on the UN's list of essential medicines. Doctors in tokyo studying it have been calling for it to be used for covid. The country of slovakia authorized ivermectin treatment for covid in january of this year and since febuary their daily death counts have sunk to a rock bottom low, much like india.

Maybe the billionaire corporate overlords of the pharmaceutical industry who have been controlling public policy ever since citizens united thought that generic, widely available medications nobody is allowed to patent weren't quite as profitable as brand new copyrighted vaccinations, which they convieniently have legal immunity from if it ends up being useless or dangerous? The CEO of pfizer couldn't fly to israel lately because HE WASN'T FULLY VACCINATED. You really buy that crap that he "doesn't want to jump the line"? These are the companies who are constantly settling lawsuits for their baby powders filled with asbestos! When the hell did we start trusting politicians and corporations?!?

We've known since the beginning that the average american had a less than 0.01% of not recovering from covid, and the average american is fat and unhealthy! 78% of everyone hospitalized, put on a ventilator, or killed because of covid was overweight or obese! That leaves 22% to split among the old, people already in the hospital, cancer patients, diabetes patients, and then all the way at the end normal healthy people. We know vitamin D and zinc supplements can help a lot. Hell, we know that tobacco and weed smoking can help!! Do you see doctors encouraging people to diet, exercise, get their nutrition and roll up fat spliffs of herbal medication? Nope, you can't put those in a pill and patent it, so those don't have a place in american medicine. C'est la vie

Ha! Like all good bullshit artists you’ve managed to sprinkle a kernel of truth into the heap.

By your own chart from India deaths from COVID declined at ( now hear me out) the same pace as actual cases! Praise ivermectin Jeebus it’s a cow worshipping cousin fucking miracle.

Now as far as Phizers CEO and his travels…Newsmax much? Nice of you to slip in the "wasn’t allowed to travel…LATELY", as in a year ago and not say last week, or any other timeframe a rational person would consider 'lately'. Truth twisted with a little verbal massage but no happy ending for you.

Lastly, and I will admit this is entirely anecdotal but a coworker of a friend, 42, healthy, few pounds overweight but nothing crazy. tested Positive, had trouble breathing in the middle of the night and drove himself to the hospital, admitted and two weeks later dead. Never even got to say goodbye to his kids. Now she’s a single mom with six figure medical debt…don’t know about you but fuck that shit.

I do agree on the pharmaceutical industry…kill it with fire.
The way I see it, I have taken and injected so many strange drugs into my body already, what’s a little vaccine going to hurt? (Recovering addict)

I ended up getting the J&J 1 dose shot, it seemed the most harmless to me. I see both sides of the argument. These were developed rapidly. But for me personally, I got COVID pretty early on and it really flattened me. I’m in my mid 20’s but it really scared the shit out of me how awful I felt. It was definitely worse than anything I had previously experienced.

I decided to try and avoid that again if possible, it really was a very painful experience and even while I was using at the time, I could not sedate myself enough to get through that.

I wish everyone the best of health, no matter your stance on the vaccine. Much love.
View attachment 4978675

Ivermectin has been FDA approved for use in humans since the 80's and iirc has less than 300 recorded deaths during prescription use. It's on the UN's list of essential medicines. Doctors in tokyo studying it have been calling for it to be used for covid. The country of slovakia authorized ivermectin treatment for covid in january of this year and since febuary their daily death counts have sunk to a rock bottom low, much like india.

Maybe the billionaire corporate overlords of the pharmaceutical industry who have been controlling public policy ever since citizens united thought that generic, widely available medications nobody is allowed to patent weren't quite as profitable as brand new copyrighted vaccinations, which they convieniently have legal immunity from if it ends up being useless or dangerous? The CEO of pfizer couldn't fly to israel lately because HE WASN'T FULLY VACCINATED. You really buy that crap that he "doesn't want to jump the line"? These are the companies who are constantly settling lawsuits for their baby powders filled with asbestos! When the hell did we start trusting politicians and corporations?!?

We've known since the beginning that the average american had a less than 0.01% of not recovering from covid, and the average american is fat and unhealthy! 78% of everyone hospitalized, put on a ventilator, or killed because of covid was overweight or obese! That leaves 22% to split among the old, people already in the hospital, cancer patients, diabetes patients, and then all the way at the end normal healthy people. We know vitamin D and zinc supplements can help a lot. Hell, we know that tobacco and weed smoking can help!! Do you see doctors encouraging people to diet, exercise, get their nutrition and roll up fat spliffs of herbal medication? Nope, you can't put those in a pill and patent it, so those don't have a place in american medicine. C'est la vie
DGHS drops Ivermectin, Doxycycline from Covid-19 treatment; ICMR rules unchanged
The revised guidelines have also dropped drugs such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc and multivitamins, that were earlier prescribed by doctors to treat asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic Covid-19 patients.

The Union Health Ministry and Family Welfare's directorate general of health services (DGHS) has issued revised guidelines to stop the use of Ivermectin and Doxycycline in Covid-19 treatment. The new guidelines have dropped all medicines, except antipyretic and antitussive, for asymptomatic and mild cases.

Drugmakers in Japan struggle to keep pace in COVID-19 medicine race

The Kitasato Institute has been conducting a clinical trial for ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasitic diseases, to evaluate the efficacy of the drug. The drug was discovered by Kitasato University’s distinguished emeritus professor Satoshi Omura, a Nobel Prize winner. While there is conflicting clinical trial evidence on the efficacy of the drug, Haruo Ozaki, president of the Tokyo Medical Association, has proposed the emergency use of the treatment for patients recuperating at home to prevent serious complications from the disease.

Ivermectin still not proven as COVID drug
Many posts online containing the video make it seem like the video was filmed in August, however it was filmed in February. Seven months later and Japan has not approved of Ivermectin to be used to treat COVID-19.

The growing debate over the use of ivermectin to combat COVID-19
Avermectin, originally developed in 1970, served as a way to fight parasitic infections in livestock. In 1981, an adapted variation of those avermectin compounds called ivermectin was introduced, and in 1986, 46 countries authorized the drug’s use in combatting parasitic infections in cattle, sheep and other animals. The development of ivermectin for use against human parasitic infections led to its creators — Satoshi Omura of Kitasato University in Tokyo and William Campbell of the pharmaceutical company Merck — sharing the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

So the creator of Ivermectin says that it should be studied. Yeah, no conflict of interest.

On your 0.01% not recovering, if you count deaths. But the people that end up in hospital and have serious side effects afterward? My sister recoverd from SARS, almost lost her. Now she has partial lung capacity and has problems in life due to it. Many Covid survivors will end up with long term health issues. Hospitals filling up and shedding elective surgeries, as one example, will cause long term health issues that would be treated if it were not for covid. Your pass/fail number of 0.01 does not take all this into account. Also the cost to the medical system, your insurance rates will be going up.

Americans have lot of health issues that help increase hospitalizations and deaths, you are right. But those are not problems that can be turned around in a month at the gym.
Nice, another Ivermectin info parrot. There are NO quality clinical studies showing ANY benefit to ivermectin use in Covid. NONE. The sad thing is, these irresponsible ivermectin shills hate science and expertise to the point that they ignore other CHEAP and promising treatments for Covid. There are at least two decent studies that I know of on Fluvoxamine (an old antidepressant) showing significant benefit in early Covid. The far right echo chamber prevents these simple minded people from hearing about anything else. Ivermectin poisoning is affecting the ability of hospitals in the majority of red states to treat their emergency room patients. Meanwhile, there are doctors out there specializing in "ivermectin treatment" who you can call for a 2 minute telemedicine appointment, get charged $200 and get an ivermectin scrip. One such doctor in an ivermectin Facebook group is "treating" HUNDREDS of patients a day. It's just a cash grab for unscrupulous pandemic profiteers. You should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to this idiocy. Would you care at all if someone took your advice and died as a result? If so, please STFU already.
I am not sure about no studies showing benefit. I think it was a case of the risks outweighed the benefits. It has been a while I looked it up, I have work to do so if anyone has the inclination,

Link to show Slovakia was not simply correlation?
It's not just slovakia.


Check this out: https://ivmstatus.com
All I can say is if multiple countries have seen promising results and if we can only call it correlation at the moment, then it certainly appears to be a strong enough one to be worth investigating in a serious light, yet they choose to dismiss an FDA approved human medication as a sheep dewormer just because some yokels couldn't find medical supervision to take a serious drug, or a pharmacy willing to fill their scrips if they did.

Ha! Like all good bullshit artists you’ve managed to sprinkle a kernel of truth into the heap.

By your own chart from India deaths from COVID declined at ( now hear me out) the same pace as actual cases! Praise ivermectin Jeebus it’s a cow worshipping cousin fucking miracle.

Now as far as Phizers CEO and his travels…Newsmax much? Nice of you to slip in the "wasn’t allowed to travel…LATELY", as in a year ago and not say last week, or any other timeframe a rational person would consider 'lately'. Truth twisted with a little verbal massage but no happy ending for you.

Lastly, and I will admit this is entirely anecdotal but a coworker of a friend, 42, healthy, few pounds overweight but nothing crazy. tested Positive, had trouble breathing in the middle of the night and drove himself to the hospital, admitted and two weeks later dead. Never even got to say goodbye to his kids. Now she’s a single mom with six figure medical debt…don’t know about you but fuck that shit.

I do agree on the pharmaceutical industry…kill it with fire.

Ivermectin isn't just being looked at as a cure, but as a prophylactic as well. AKA It can help prevent infections from occuring. Here's an example.

I admit I was too lazy to lookup when the pfizer ceo cancelled that trip, but I just saw an article on it dated 3/6/21. That's still long after it was available to every other adult. I don't believe his "jump the line" crap, I'm thinking their as worried about side effects as the 23% of healthcare workers also refusing the vaccine are.

Now if we're talking anecdotes, I have known some older folk who unfortunately passed away. And it does seem the vax helps reduce symptoms in the few anecdotes I've heard, so I don't knock the sick and the compromised if they decide it's the right choice for themselves. But I've also had an early 20's friend test positive with no symptoms, who had to have his roommates quarantine with him just out of safety, and none of them showed symptoms either. Hell, wasn't there a 100+yo who barely knew they had it? This is a disease that affects those who are already sick. The healthy shouldn't be bullied and coerced into being paying customers of fat cat billionaires or being forced to have their lives flipped upside down just because sick people might get sicker. The sick ones can stay at home and wear three masks over their nose and not go to bars or restaraunts and socially distance from ME if it concerns them that much. Just leave me and the rest of the normal population alone!
DGHS drops Ivermectin, Doxycycline from Covid-19 treatment; ICMR rules unchanged
The revised guidelines have also dropped drugs such as hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, doxycycline, zinc and multivitamins, that were earlier prescribed by doctors to treat asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic Covid-19 patients.

The Union Health Ministry and Family Welfare's directorate general of health services (DGHS) has issued revised guidelines to stop the use of Ivermectin and Doxycycline in Covid-19 treatment. The new guidelines have dropped all medicines, except antipyretic and antitussive, for asymptomatic and mild cases.

Drugmakers in Japan struggle to keep pace in COVID-19 medicine race

The Kitasato Institute has been conducting a clinical trial for ivermectin, a drug used to treat parasitic diseases, to evaluate the efficacy of the drug. The drug was discovered by Kitasato University’s distinguished emeritus professor Satoshi Omura, a Nobel Prize winner. While there is conflicting clinical trial evidence on the efficacy of the drug, Haruo Ozaki, president of the Tokyo Medical Association, has proposed the emergency use of the treatment for patients recuperating at home to prevent serious complications from the disease.

Ivermectin still not proven as COVID drug
Many posts online containing the video make it seem like the video was filmed in August, however it was filmed in February. Seven months later and Japan has not approved of Ivermectin to be used to treat COVID-19.

The growing debate over the use of ivermectin to combat COVID-19
Avermectin, originally developed in 1970, served as a way to fight parasitic infections in livestock. In 1981, an adapted variation of those avermectin compounds called ivermectin was introduced, and in 1986, 46 countries authorized the drug’s use in combatting parasitic infections in cattle, sheep and other animals. The development of ivermectin for use against human parasitic infections led to its creators — Satoshi Omura of Kitasato University in Tokyo and William Campbell of the pharmaceutical company Merck — sharing the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

So the creator of Ivermectin says that it should be studied. Yeah, no conflict of interest.

On your 0.01% not recovering, if you count deaths. But the people that end up in hospital and have serious side effects afterward? My sister recoverd from SARS, almost lost her. Now she has partial lung capacity and has problems in life due to it. Many Covid survivors will end up with long term health issues. Hospitals filling up and shedding elective surgeries, as one example, will cause long term health issues that would be treated if it were not for covid. Your pass/fail number of 0.01 does not take all this into account. Also the cost to the medical system, your insurance rates will be going up.

Americans have lot of health issues that help increase hospitalizations and deaths, you are right. But those are not problems that can be turned around in a month at the gym.

Fair enough on the conflict of interest, but I've pointed to some interesting resources on ivermectin above. Peru saw a 14x reduction in deaths after permitting it and a 13x rise in deaths after they banned it. Let me be clear I'm not obsessed on the drug as a miracle cure, I just think it specifically is receiving an unfair treatment because cheap drugs like it are a threat to the gigantic profits pfizer et. al. have been making since vaccine production started.

And just how common is this "long covid"? We can talk anecdotes all we want, including the negative vaccine reactions like myocarditis some people are having but let's talk numbers. Last year in the early days of covid they said 80% of the infected were asymptomatic. But now there's delta and since january they changed how PCR test are performed to reduce the number of false positives (not saying a word about the number of cycles they still decide to run, or how some pcr tests were actually infected with covid themselves!) so it's not easy to compare the numbers anyhow. Now I'm reading numbers ranging from 30%-50%, and some specific case studies as low as 12% and some as high as 79%. Who knows who even has covid and who has something else entirely? It's genuinely difficult to say. Doesn't help when I've heard stories from friends of people they knew dying in a motor cycle accident but still being counted as a covid death anyways because their mangled corpse tested positive for it! Who knows how many people even died of it? The numbers get played with so hard.

There have been entire countries like sweden that never locked down and are doing just fine. There are countries almost entirely vaccinated having cases out the wazoo, mild or otherwise. I'm not convinced covid is a concern for the average person and I'm not convinced the vaccine is the best solution for it in any case. You're right though that it's not like you can snap your fingers and suddenly make an old person young, or a cancer survivor no longer immunocompromised but those people have to take the responsibility for their health into their own hands and do what they can. If they need to socially distance, work from home, switch up their diet, get a vaccine that reduces symptom severity, then by all means they should have the ability to pursue every option available for their health. Just don't tell me I need a vax to go out to the bar they would never step foot in anyways because I might get them sick (at the bar they aren't going to) because I didn't get the vax that doesn't keep me from getting sick or spreading sickness to people who got the vax, which doesn't prevent them from getting covid or spreading it! It doesn't make a lick a of sense.

Nice, another Ivermectin info parrot. There are NO quality clinical studies showing ANY benefit to ivermectin use in Covid. NONE. The sad thing is, these irresponsible ivermectin shills hate science and expertise to the point that they ignore other CHEAP and promising treatments for Covid. There are at least two decent studies that I know of on Fluvoxamine (an old antidepressant) showing significant benefit in early Covid. The far right echo chamber prevents these simple minded people from hearing about anything else. Ivermectin poisoning is affecting the ability of hospitals in the majority of red states to treat their emergency room patients. Meanwhile, there are doctors out there specializing in "ivermectin treatment" who you can call for a 2 minute telemedicine appointment, get charged $200 and get an ivermectin scrip. One such doctor in an ivermectin Facebook group is "treating" HUNDREDS of patients a day. It's just a cash grab for unscrupulous pandemic profiteers. You should be ashamed of yourself for contributing to this idiocy. Would you care at all if someone took your advice and died as a result? If so, please STFU already.

My exact point is that cheap and promising alternatives to the vax are being severley discredited and ignored. I haven't read about Fluvoxamine beyond seeing the word once or twice in discussions, but I'm not going to ignore it if it's truly effective. I'll look into it. And by the by I'm certainly not offering any medical advice lol, go have a personal conversation with a good doctor you acutally think cares about you and your health. Then get a second opinion :lol: Take a look at some of the links further up my post, there's a least enough promise to not pretend it's only a livestock dewormer when it's been approved for people for decades, and hey joe rogan didn't die from it did he? Then again, I think he can afford to get more than just the apple flavored kind. Lol.

Oh and even if ivermectin is as easy to get as medical weed from sketchy pillmill docs, do you think those quacks give a rats ass about monitoring those patients' health and building a real treatment routine? Do you think those businesses would exist if these people could get scrips from real doctors? All the propaganda surrounding ivermectin and any vax alternative like fluvoxamine as a treatment has probably turned many intelligent caring doctors from never considering trying them or worse, scaring the ones who would try with public shaming or even loss of job and credentials if they did. I'm not obsessed for ivermectin, I just don't like the obsession against it.
It's not just slovakia.


Check this out: https://ivmstatus.com
All I can say is if multiple countries have seen promising results and if we can only call it correlation at the moment, then it certainly appears to be a strong enough one to be worth investigating in a serious light, yet they choose to dismiss an FDA approved human medication as a sheep dewormer just because some yokels couldn't find medical supervision to take a serious drug, or a pharmacy willing to fill their scrips if they did.

Ivermectin isn't just being looked at as a cure, but as a prophylactic as well. AKA It can help prevent infections from occuring. Here's an example.

I admit I was too lazy to lookup when the pfizer ceo cancelled that trip, but I just saw an article on it dated 3/6/21. That's still long after it was available to every other adult. I don't believe his "jump the line" crap, I'm thinking their as worried about side effects as the 23% of healthcare workers also refusing the vaccine are.

Now if we're talking anecdotes, I have known some older folk who unfortunately passed away. And it does seem the vax helps reduce symptoms in the few anecdotes I've heard, so I don't knock the sick and the compromised if they decide it's the right choice for themselves. But I've also had an early 20's friend test positive with no symptoms, who had to have his roommates quarantine with him just out of safety, and none of them showed symptoms either. Hell, wasn't there a 100+yo who barely knew they had it? This is a disease that affects those who are already sick. The healthy shouldn't be bullied and coerced into being paying customers of fat cat billionaires or being forced to have their lives flipped upside down just because sick people might get sicker. The sick ones can stay at home and wear three masks over their nose and not go to bars or restaraunts and socially distance from ME if it concerns them that much. Just leave me and the rest of the normal population alone!
I do not trust TrialSite News. “High incidence of pseudoscience”.

I am not sure about no studies showing benefit. I think it was a case of the risks outweighed the benefits. It has been a while I looked it up, I have work to do so if anyone has the inclination,

I read something a while back that said all this ivermectin hype comes from a study that claimed the virus can't replicate with ivermectin use. But there was one slight problem with it, the dosage required was 100 times the normal dose. And two of the studies claiming it works have been proven fraudulent.
Fair enough on the conflict of interest, but I've pointed to some interesting resources on ivermectin above. Peru saw a 14x reduction in deaths after permitting it and a 13x rise in deaths after they banned it. Let me be clear I'm not obsessed on the drug as a miracle cure, I just think it specifically is receiving an unfair treatment because cheap drugs like it are a threat to the gigantic profits pfizer et. al. have been making since vaccine production started.

And just how common is this "long covid"? We can talk anecdotes all we want, including the negative vaccine reactions like myocarditis some people are having but let's talk numbers. Last year in the early days of covid they said 80% of the infected were asymptomatic. But now there's delta and since january they changed how PCR test are performed to reduce the number of false positives (not saying a word about the number of cycles they still decide to run, or how some pcr tests were actually infected with covid themselves!) so it's not easy to compare the numbers anyhow. Now I'm reading numbers ranging from 30%-50%, and some specific case studies as low as 12% and some as high as 79%. Who knows who even has covid and who has something else entirely? It's genuinely difficult to say. Doesn't help when I've heard stories from friends of people they knew dying in a motor cycle accident but still being counted as a covid death anyways because their mangled corpse tested positive for it! Who knows how many people even died of it? The numbers get played with so hard.

Earlier you were saying that the numbers are virtually nothing at 0.01% and now you're using bigger numbers like these percentages to give the impression of a greater impact, but...a greater impact on virtually nothing? What's nothing times a lot? Still nothing? Seems like you're trying to have it both ways, Covid is nothing, but these alternative medicines will save you!!!
I do not trust TrialSite News. “High incidence of pseudoscience”.

I read something a while back that said all this ivermectin hype comes from a study that claimed the virus can't replicate with ivermectin use. But there was one slight problem with it, the dosage required was 100 times the normal dose. And two of the studies claiming it works have been proven fraudulent.

how about these guys?


Earlier you were saying that the numbers are virtually nothing at 0.01% and now you're using bigger numbers like these percentages to give the impression of a greater impact, but...a greater impact on virtually nothing? What's nothing times a lot? Still nothing? Seems like you're trying to have it both ways, Covid is nothing, but these alternative medicines will save you!!!

I'm not sure what you're asking. The chance of recovering from covid among most people has always been 99% and above aka only around 0.01% don't. The other numbers refer to the rate of covid cases that are asymptomatic aka of no real concern, which at the begininng of covid had reports saying as high as 80%. Even some case studies published this year report similar numbers, although other numbers I saw were lower but still significant.
You're saying, "oh look at this 14x reduction..", but 14 time zero is still zero. So, if your "14x" is to carry any weight, you have to first admit that there's something to weigh. Can't have it both ways.