Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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Here is the single dose map of Canada, second doses are lagging by a few weeks and those who got the first will get the second with delta on the lose. The difference between the map of Canada and America is pure politics, we started our vaxx program later too.

Are the Atlantic provinces like the Trailer Park Boys? I want to live there!
Yep, hillbillies and trailer park trash minus the racism, I'm from Nova Scotia and one of the characters (Ricky) is distantly related to me! :lol: We have had a lot of people wanting to move to NS since covid, we have low case counts, wear masks and have a high vaxx rate, we contact race and case isolate too, so far so good. I live on Cape Breton Island on the north eastern part of the province.
According to the news fauci was and had been there at ground zero when all this happens:))
According to Trump, this is just all going to go away. Been a while since he said it -- March, 2020. Since then, 40 million cases, 630,000 dead and about 15 million with long haul covid, still struggling to recover. Daily new case rate is as bad as ever, no end in sight.

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What's up with that?
Yep, hillbillies and trailer park trash minus the racism, I'm from Nova Scotia and one of the characters (Ricky) is distantly related to me! :lol: We have had a lot of people wanting to move to NS since covid, we have low case counts, wear masks and have a high vaxx rate, we contact race and case isolate too, so far so good. I live on Cape Breton Island on the north eastern part of the province.
Oh my gosh, that is awesome, do you ever see Ricky at family gatherings? That area is so beautiful, I've only traveled the Maine coast, but I've always wanted to continue up and see as much as possible. I might have to watch the TPBs now. I love the season when he had "Willy goat" and it talked to him LOL
Oh my gosh, that is awesome, do you ever see Ricky at family gatherings? That area is so beautiful, I've only traveled the Maine coast, but I've always wanted to continue up and see as much as possible. I might have to watch the TPBs now. I love the season when he had "Willy goat" and it talked to him LOL
Never met him, he's a distant relative.

Other way around for me.

Because Trump was vaccinated.

Because Trump was vaccinated.
Hilarious how Trump loved to say he single handedly is responsible for the Covid vaccines, but was so ashamed to get vaccinated that he waited two weeks until issuing a very subdued press release. Almost as funny as when they propped him up in a child's desk at the hospital and had him sign a blank piece of paper. He could have actually saved so many lies if he had documented truthfully his near death experience and $2 million dollar experimental treatment.
Hilarious how Trump loved to say he single handedly is responsible for the Covid vaccines, but was so ashamed to get vaccinated that he waited two weeks until issuing a very subdued press release. Almost as funny as when they propped him up in a child's desk at the hospital and had him sign a blank piece of paper. He could have actually saved so many lies if he had documented truthfully his near death experience and $2 million dollar experimental treatment.
It is amazingly sick what is going on. As soon as he ripped off his mask and was gulping air like a fish out of water I knew that was it, he was going to kill a lot of people with his whatever it is that he needs to feel like a 'man'.
Have you tried his cure yet? The one where a uv light is crammed up your ass? Or injecting bleach?

Go ahead. You trust Trump. Do it.
You know what I don't understand?
Why are Trump supporters willing to ingest a drug meant for the treatment of parasitites, not viruses, in livestock, but refuse a vaccine approved by the FDA?
Can anyone answer that?
You must have an answer @Ky dan, right?
Enlighten me
You know what I don't understand?
Why are Trump supporters willing to ingest a drug meant for the treatment of parasitites, not viruses, in livestock, but refuse a vaccine approved by the FDA?
Can anyone answer that?
You must have an answer @Ky dan, right?
Enlighten me
Yep, insane. Same with monoclonal antibodies. Trump supporters are getting those $2,000 treatments-via SOCIALIZED medicine, FYI- because Trump got it, but for some reason the vaccine is the devil even though Trump got that too. They have a very bizarre selective memory situation going on. They are just very stupid people being lead by the nose by far right entertainers like Tucker Carlson, the semi-sentient breakfast sausage. And of course, Desantis is likely getting kickbacks for every monoclonal antibody treatment given out in Florida. He has made a lot of money by banning mask use and discouraging vaccination.
You know what I don't understand?
Why are Trump supporters willing to ingest a drug meant for the treatment of parasitites, not viruses, in livestock, but refuse a vaccine approved by the FDA?
Can anyone answer that?
You must have an answer @Ky dan, right?
Enlighten me
I can ,,who trusts the f.d a. Wouldn't be the first time they let a drug pass that had problems. Remember there are drugs being used in other countries that help people but the F.D.A says no to them. So,who trusts the fda .
I can ,,who trusts the f.d a. Wouldn't be the first time they let a drug pass that had problems. Remember there are drugs being used in other countries that help people but the F.D.A says no to them. So,who trusts the fda .
I smell a miracle drug pitch coming. lol

so, you don’t trust the FDA but you trust Facebook? I’m assuming that’s where you’re getting your information. Please correct me if I’m wrong.