Why do Republicans suck?

fucking dignity!! See you couldn't name one thing. There's no dignity in stealing the election. Doing thousands and thousands in Afghanistan, not to mention the three billion dollars worth of equipment we left behind. I had to give an ID to get an oil change the other day. Why don't you need one to vote? What makes sense about canceling our oil pipeline and asking OPEC to up their production in the Middle East and Russia. You people that like him. Do not believe the truth! I can't believe you can watch something with your own two eyes, and say that that didn't happen? What the f UK. You are all mentally ill! That is for sure!

They cant name shit. no one can support that clown. Theres no biden supporters, only trump haters. But I ask them all this, where you richer when trump was president? I know I was. How bout now with the clown? Poorer is the answer.
Imagine if Trump had not caused the death of 500,000 people by bungling his administration's response to Covid? Imagine if Republicans had held Trump to account for this? Yeah, I know, crazy talk.

Trump was voted out of office because he was a terrible president. Not because of any one act but the overall, his presidency was abysmal failure.

Biden will be judged by voters in 2024. He won't be judged on this one bungled act alone but I don't think he's going to get the same free pass from Democrats that Trump got from Republicans. I hope not. I expect that Biden will mostly be judged by how he handles the end game of this epidemic and the economic well being of voters when they go to the polls.

No imagine if Biden was in charge during this time, fucking hell i dont want to imagine that. We'd all be dead.
They cant name shit. no one can support that clown. Theres no biden supporters, only trump haters. But I ask them all this, where you richer when trump was president? I know I was. How bout now with the clown? Poorer is the answer.
I support Biden.

lmao you were richer 6 months ago huh? Did you lose your job? If so how was that Biden's fault?

No imagine if Biden was in charge during this time, fucking hell i dont want to imagine that. We'd all be dead.
How so? Or are you just going to push some kind of bullshit right wing troll about him being whatever it is that you convinced yourself of from watching edited clips and having right wing hate mongers digest your 'news' for you so you don't ever have to think for yourself?
fucking dignity!! See you couldn't name one thing. There's no dignity in stealing the election. Doing thousands and thousands in Afghanistan, not to mention the three billion dollars worth of equipment we left behind. I had to give an ID to get an oil change the other day. Why don't you need one to vote? What makes sense about canceling our oil pipeline and asking OPEC to up their production in the Middle East and Russia. You people that like him. Do not believe the truth! I can't believe you can watch something with your own two eyes, and say that that didn't happen? What the f UK. You are all mentally ill! That is for sure!
You didn't answer the question.

Why do Republicans suck?

Try to keep up.
No imagine if Biden was in charge during this time, fucking hell i dont want to imagine that. We'd all be dead.
Yeah, I do wish Hillary Clinton had been president instead. That woman was all about process and sweating the details. Talk about the right woman for the job when a pandemic comes knocking. Instead we got Trump. 500,000 fewer dead if Clinton had been elected instead of Trump. But that's just water under the bridge. Instead we got old diarrhea drawers walking around golf courses, 2016 to (thankfully only) 2020. 500,000 died because the inept old fool favored propaganda over lives.

Then Biden got into office and revved up the vaccination program. Saved millions of lives by getting the vaccine out and injected into all who wanted one. And just in time, too. The delta variant is feasting on (mostly Trumps) anti-vaxxers. I lay all of the recently dead antivaxxers at Trump's feet too. The fucker was a horrible president and Republicans have become a looney tune death cult.
They cant name shit. no one can support that clown. Theres no biden supporters, only trump haters. But I ask them all this, where you richer when trump was president? I know I was. How bout now with the clown? Poorer is the answer.
I fully support Biden.

I mean, the alternative is these guys:


Maybe we missed an opportunity. Maybe we should have used the gallows they put up on them at the end of the day.

No imagine if Biden was in charge during this time, fucking hell i dont want to imagine that. We'd all be dead.
They cant name shit. no one can support that clown. Theres no biden supporters, only trump haters. But I ask them all this, where you richer when trump was president? I know I was. How bout now with the clown? Poorer is the answer.

I'm sorry to hear that *the President* affects your earning potential so much
They cant name shit. no one can support that clown. Theres no biden supporters, only trump haters. But I ask them all this, where you richer when trump was president? I know I was. How bout now with the clown? Poorer is the answer.
Please explain how you are poorer?
Multiple studies have shown a strong connection between low IQ, religiosity, and conservative beliefs. College educated people are far more likely to be liberal than people who don't attend college. The right wing loves to interpret this fact by saying that people are being indoctrinated in college, which again, has been proven time and time again to be false. The truth is much simpler: people who attend college are more likely to have a higher IQ to begin with than those who do not. I have a lot of very smart friends-waaaay smarter than I am-who didn't attend college and guess what? Every single one of them has a "liberal" belief system, and many of them are "libertarian" minded if not actually Libertarians.

The Republican party has purged itself of any intelligent moderates that it once had-old school Reagan era conservatives. I never agreed with these people but at least they were intelligent enough to have a coherent belief system and held up the Constitution as the law of the land. Those people are long gone from the current Republican party which now is a mixed bag of useful idiots, authoritarians, terrorists, and cynical millionaires. These people despise the Constitution and are using Jim Crow tactics to subvert the Constitution and instill total minority rule over this country through every means at their disposal. They lie, cheat, and steal to win elections despite the FACT that the Republican party has lost voters every year for over a decade. Look at the Congressional race in Florida where a dark money GOP group propped up a fake candidate with the same name as the Democratic candidate just to peel off enough votes so the GOP candidate could win. The "puppet" was able to pull 5,000 votes away from the real candidate, and the GOP ended up winning by 300 some odd votes. Now this is currently being investigated, but guess who is still in power? The GOP candidate. People should be in prison for this, and the TRUE winner should be immediately reinstated. All Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for what they've done to our country, there is no low they wouldn't sink to to maintain power.
I'm sorry to hear that *the President* affects your earning potential so much
Biden reduced my insurance premiums to $0. No other President has had such a profound and immediate effect on my monthly disposable income. Trump voters will be mired in poverty for generations. All of the Trump tax cuts for the working class expired long ago, only the rich and corporations are still profiting from Trump's term. I
You didn't answer the question.

Why do Republicans suck?

Try to keep up.

Republicans suck because they often hold two opposing views at once and many of their ideas contradict their other ideas. Basically the same reasons Democrats suck, except Democrats are a bit more hysterical and sometimes have man buns.