The White privilege to terrorize


Well-Known Member
Is Mexico a 'white country'?
He's already said that all latin american countries are white because they allow immigration.

No - if it was you would be screaming that they are RACIST NEO NAZIS for not opening their borders & inviting the world to take them over
and you would be DENYING mexicans refugee status as you do White South Africans
You've already said yes, is it "no" now?


Well-Known Member
No - if it was you would be screaming that they are RACIST NEO NAZIS for not opening their borders & inviting the world to take them over
Screen Shot 2021-08-31 at 1.58.43 PM.png

Mexico has immigrants, so obviously you are full of shit about them not having immigration.

This is why your stupid racist spam fails, it is not based in reality.


Well-Known Member
an increasing number of brown people does not mean there will be a decreasing number of white people.
One minute "anti-racists" brag that importing hundreds of millions of non-Whites into white countries, forcing integration and promoting racial interbreeding will lead to a "mixed race future" for Europe & America

The next minute they are stuttering and acting confused about the accusation of White Genocide & saying their entire worldview was all just a lie


Well-Known Member
ME: Massive 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by law
Anti-White: So you think 2 non-Whites living in England is genocide?
ME: Massive 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by law
Anti-White: So you think a ham sandwich is genocide?
ME: Massive 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by law
Anti-White: I cant believe you think that a brown person existing is genocide
ME: Massive 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by law
Anti-White: So you think a taco is genocide?
ME: Massive 3rd world immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by law
Endlessly repeating your belief without real world examples is boring and unconvincing.


Well-Known Member
One minute "anti-racists" brag that importing hundreds of millions of non-Whites into white countries, forcing integration and promoting racial interbreeding will lead to a "mixed race future" for Europe & America

The next minute they are stuttering and acting confused about the accusation of White Genocide
And yet as others have pointed out to you that you ignored because it was a obvious flaw in your stupid as shit racist logic. There will be more white people on the planet than ever before.


Well-Known Member
Is Mexico a 'white country'?
From space it is mostly tan.
So in this thread - "anti-racists" have said white kids murder everyone everywhere they go - whites are savages - whites are evil - whites stole from native americans - and that white history is nothing but hate and violence.

Can anybody find a SINGLE public Hitler quote about another group that is even as REMOTELY as disgusting and vile as the quotes from "anti-racists" on White kids? Does Hitler have a single quote that is even MODERATELY IN THAT BALLPARK?

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
Bet you have one, and it needs a good ethnic cleansing


Well-Known Member
ME: Massive immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by international law
ANTI-RACIST: You don't know what Genocide means - we arent getting rid of whites with mass murder
ME: Mass murder is only ONE method of genocide according to international law - let me show you the law
ANTI-RACIST: Yes i knew that, I was lying the entire time
ME: Why do you feel the need to lie and deceive to push genocide?
ANTI-RACIST: Because one time as a child i seent a hollywood movie picture about white people raysisting and it made my feelings sad and i havent emotionally evolved into adulthood


Well-Known Member
ME: Massive immigration + FORCED integration on to EVERY & ONLY White countries is GENOCIDE as defined by international law
ANTI-RACIST: You don't know what Genocide means - we arent getting rid of whites with mass murder
ME: Mass murder is only ONE method of genocide according to international law - let me show you the law
ANTI-RACIST: Yes i knew that, I was lying the entire time
ME: Why do you feel the need to lie and deceive to push genocide?
ANTI-RACIST: Because one time as a child i seent a hollywood movie picture about white people raysisting and it made my feelings sad and i havent emotionally evolved into adulthood


Well-Known Member
I don't know why you keep spamming that lie.

Again this Chart is even taking the non-White European population into consideration

View attachment 4976756
lmao what is your chart supposed to be saying other than all those countries are growing in population?

You are trying too hard and losing your ability to keep shit strait. That is the problem with the racist propaganda, as soon as you start trying to understand it, the entire cherry picked narrative falls apart.

There will be more white people in the future than there are right now, because there is no 'white genocide' since the Jewish people were being genocided by other white people in Germany.


Well-Known Member
One minute "anti-racists" brag that importing hundreds of millions of non-Whites into white countries, forcing integration and promoting racial interbreeding will lead to a "mixed race future" for Europe & America

The next minute they are stuttering and acting confused about the accusation of White Genocide & saying their entire worldview was all just a lie

Propaganda is effective when it appeals to the emotions of people who are susceptible to it. You make no effort to convince. As with the Nazi poster, your posts are free from information but contain plenty of appeals to emotion. Your desperation is showing. Your posts become more and more histrionic.


Well-Known Member
Literally the first link you've posted. Literally the first time you've actually tried to substantiate anything.


Well-Known Member
How has immigration into the US harmed you? How has it harmed your community?
You keep spamming this idea that because White people are doing well economically that it means its okay to destroy them
I see nothing in the law on genocide that gives that exception

But in general i would say an increase in violent crime - lower school standards - DOES negatively effect communities