The White privilege to terrorize

you've got NOTHING to say to those that pathologically demonize white kids, lie about them, slander them - laugh about how they are being turned into hated minorities in Europe & America.

They can say the most vile hateful disgusting things about whites that they like

BUT... if someone DEFENDS white kids - you call them mentally ill.

It has nothing to do with "defending" white kids, you're just batshit crazy little guy!

oh i've been on point the whole time

You all aren't Anti-conquest - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-colonialism - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-genocide - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-discrimination - you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-bigotry- you are anti-white
You all aren't Anti-racist - you are anti-white

Anti-Racist is a code word for Anti-White
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have your panties in a bunch because, why?

When has racism against you due to your pale skin color caused you difficulty?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you have your panties in a bunch because, why?
When has racism against you due to your pale skin color caused you difficulty?

Imagine a Nazi in WWII telling Jews this same stuff in public.
They weren't as vile & disgusting as the modern day "anti-racist" aka anti-white. at least not in public
Here is a homework assignment - find me a public HITLER quote about other groups that is even REMOTELY as disgusting & vile as many of the public "anti-racist" quotes about white people that you all have said in this thread.
You love you some Hitler, do you?

Hitler further emphasized his 'prophecy' regarding the fate of eradication for Europe's Jews during a speech in Munich to commemorate the 19th anniversary of his failed 'Beer Hall Putsch',11 on November 8, 1942: “You will recall the Reichstag session during which I declared: 'if Jewry should bring about a world war, the result will be...the extermination of Jewry in Europe.' People laughed about me as a prophet. Of those who laughed then, countless numbers no longer laugh today, and those who still laugh now will no longer laugh a short time from now.”12

You love you some Hitler, do you?

Hitler further emphasized his 'prophecy' regarding the fate of eradication for Europe's Jews during a speech in Munich to commemorate the 19th anniversary of his failed 'Beer Hall Putsch',11 on November 8, 1942: “You will recall the Reichstag session during which I declared: 'if Jewry should bring about a world war, the result will be...the extermination of Jewry in Europe.' People laughed about me as a prophet. Of those who laughed then, countless numbers no longer laugh today, and those who still laugh now will no longer laugh a short time from now.”12

That won’t count on some technicality he will make up :roll:
Imagine a Nazi in WWII telling Jews this same stuff in public.
They weren't as vile & disgusting as the modern day "anti-racist" aka anti-white. at least not in public
I'm white and male and born and raised in the US. I have experienced no difficulties in my life due to racism against whites. I've given you the chance to give an example from your own experiences and you can't.

So, you are just a whining snowflake.
You asked for a disgusting statement by Hitler and I provided. You may worship me now.

Thats alleged HEARSAY from a private conversation - not a quote

so you got NOTHING in his writings or public speeches that even come REMOTELY close to the vile/disgusting stuff you all publicly say about whites?

So far you all just want to argue that WWII nazis were ALMOST SECRETLY as disgusting as you all are OPENLY today
Does that NOT bother you?
Thats alleged HEARSAY from a private conversation - not a quote

so you got NOTHING in his writings or public speeches that even come REMOTELY close to the vile/disgusting stuff you all publicly say about whites?

So far you all just want to argue that WWII nazis were ALMOST as disgusting as you all are today
Does that NOT bother you?
You should check yourself before making a claim about which know nothing.
You should check yourself before making a claim about which know nothing.

I ask you all to name a HITLER quote that was even REMOTELY as vile and disgusting as the things you all say about WHITES

you give me ALLEGED quotes he made at a BAR that are not even as bad as the stuff YOU ANTI-WHITES are saying in this THREAD about whites

So how about this - I will accept your CONSPIRACY THEORY that the NAZIS of WWII were SECRETLY as disgusting as you "anti-racists" aka Anti-Whites are OPENLY disgusting today
I bet this - you would think that i agree with your politics... I would KNOW that you would be too scared to debate or speak your political views around anybody that disagrees with you... so i would trick you into bragging about white genocide - I would let you speak ALL of your childishly stupid nonsense thinking you were safe from smart people and put you in a position where you CANT PRETEND you don't believe in it - I'd let you go on for an HOUR - then i would absolutely DESTROY your entire worldview in just a few sentences and watch the panic set in to your face lmaoooooooooooo

lol. Easy there Herr Mengele.

It’s not going to happen. I’m not interested in hanging out with you and your pals at your klan meeting.