Christmas in November


Active Member
Hey check this shit out. Snow in Nov. Lets see them pics of snow if you got them. Come on ppl lets see them. Open up your fron door and take some pics of the snow.


Active Member
Shit i dont have the cable for my camera right now but we have around 15 cm on the ground.
thats cool we only got about what you see in the pic it stoped shortly after i took the pic ok now it can get warm again i saw the first snow lol


Active Member
Haha its only going down to like -5 at night, cant wait for -20's again. :weed:
damn if it got that cold here i would probly move to a warmer location lol i hate the cold i was born and bread in the south where its nice and warm all year long the coldest im used to is putting on a light jacket. not a suit so u dont freeze your balls off in like 2 mins lol