Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Well ANYONE with even a FUNDAMENTAL understanding of vaccinations knows that the JAB actually has nothing to do with COVID.

If you are vaccinated you are not at RISK of infection, unless what you took is NOT actually a VACCINE but something else... which is most likely the case
Like I said STFU and don't take the jab, see what happens. We await the results of your "experiment", better than "research". Let's see what happens when the rubber meets the road.
I hope you fell better soon Ruromo! I don’t take it but a colleague of mine swears by drinking a cup of turmeric tea for her health every morning . Congrats on getting the 3rd shot. I could tell by an image I saw that the 3rd shot really works well. I saw it in a women’s lymphatic system working from her shoulder to the arm pit . Like this. The vaccine so awesome, so glad your still with us! Have a nice day.
View attachment 4975277

You should NFT that … my fee is 15%
Proof Positive that all of the media and left wing hysteria is a scam - they want CHILDREN masked - and pretend its about their safety - when a child is 8 times more likely to be shot and killed by an "anti-racist" than they are to die of covid
Do you have a point? Other than the one on your head that's covered in tinfoil.
Do you have a point? Other than the one on your head that's covered in tinfoil.

The point is - the media could have you in the street wearing nothing but a diaper and a tin foil hat & screaming SCIENCE at the top of your lungs - so long as that was the Banker/Establishment instructions for them to make you do
Screw him … playing naked pokeman he thinks he earned “ invincibility “ ranking ….

He even hides behind profile.
Darwin Award winner.
I'm willing to bet the media could make leftists become HYSTERICAL and VIOLENT over a crackhead resisting arrest and dying from an overdose in police custody. To the point they will worship him like a martyr and make statues of him.

Thats how naive and easily controlled they are. Care to wager?
I'm not going to take the Jab - because i know what mRNA is lol
We do keep saying that covid will help to solve a lot of America's problems and you are proving the hypothesis. I can see delta taking down many morons and successive waves running through the Greek alphabet and Trumpers like shit through a goose for the next year or two. It's God's punishment for stupidity, he will repeatedly smite fools until they are dead or fucked from covid. By the time November 2022 rolls around you folks will have near fucked yourselves out of existence. Winning.
Your brainwashers said they need to upload and patch a new update to your operating system - because Lambda "variant" is far worse than ABCDelta variants... but slightly worse than K variant

so put out your arm #3872128384332