Active Member
This is what I use in flower and I apply it at least once a week. If I feel the need more. I have used it up to five times in a week.
Before flowering and during early flowering I will tank mix spinosad and or BT with it.
If you ever end up with spider mites in flower this will help. It gets used every other day for a week then every third day for another week or until the problem is gone. Spray everything in, on and around the plant.. It has helped several people I know get to harvest and has the added benefit of helping to prevent and/or fight fungal infections too.
Awesome, thanks fren. You have really saved me a lot of guess work and investigating, I really appreciate it.
So I did some scoping on the problem child and found two different types of bugs. One is a microscopic orange worms which I smooshed trying to get a pic and the other is a tiny gnat like bug that I did get a pic of. The gnats seems to burrow deep in the "flower" pretty tough to get to.
Couple questions if you don't mind. With the spinosad, should I apply only once and then discontinue/switch to the potassium bicarbonate mix since she is in flower? What are your opinions about BT throughout flowering stage to avoid bud rot from moth feces?
I was able to get Potassium Bicarbonate but only online so won't be here till the 31st. Should I do a milk wash for the PM to avoid it getting worse before then?
So onnnne last question while I'm at it, lol. Woke up this morning to my largest with some yellowing leaves and curling/burnt edges. I attached a pic. I know some yellowing and dropping is normal in this stage, but their appearance makes me want to double check this is "normal" dropping of lower leaves.
I peeped your grow in the Illinois thread, absolutely phenomenal btw!