I started that one on either FUNimation or hi-dive been good so far I might be like three episodes in on the first seasonHere is another i hope that comes back.....Demon Slayer
here is a cell from it.....excellent story imo
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真救世主伝説 北斗の拳
These are the fist of the north star films that really rock,
I started that one on either FUNimation or hi-dive been good so far I might be like three episodes in on the first season
I appreciate that just for the fact how pump you are about this bodes well for me watching the rest of iti'm not gonna spoil it for ya.....ok......it's good
That Dragons blood looks interesting thanks for that
How many of these projects are actually Japanese? It feels like they are American produced using Japanese studios. Is that right? I still like the home brewed ones better, not saying the others are bad mind you, just don't feel right to me.
Is it related to the video games or the moviethe witcher....seems like animation style is pretty similiar to Dragon Blood.....could be good
for which one, the witcher, or dragon bloodIs it related to the video games or the movie
Well I was thinking witcher are they both games?
I forget I can do that well maybe not forget it lolthey are.....just did a little google search...and they popped up under game
I watch dubbed shows when there are no subtitles…my preference is to listen to the original Japanese audio and read the subs: the subs are usually more informative, and the difference in voice-acting is amazing - SO MUCH NUANCE is lost with bored Americans reading scripts, the original track is so much more expressive, it’s a night-and -day difference. I’ll probably never really learn the language, but I love all that the actors put into their rolesActually there is something I am more interested in knowing from the group. Do you watch them dubbed or subtitled? I really hate the dubbed versions, never think the acting is as good.