What to start my seeds in?


Well-Known Member
Jesus. People over complicate shit.

Soak the seed for 18hrs in a cup of room temp water.

Get a solo cup and seedling mix. Put mix in the cup. Water thoroughly. Put seed a half inch into soil and cover. Keep in a warm area until it sprouts.

People get nuts about how to start seeds. K.I.S.S


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Seeds are germinating . I willl be growing in coco coir. What nutrients will be needed for my plant
You’re asking how to germinate but you’re going with coco? You’ll be back. Again and again and again. Poor choice of medium for an inexperienced grower.


Well-Known Member
Ummmmm. Never has that happened to me. 18 hrs is absolutely fine.
I'm glad you've never encountered any problems, but soaking has never been recommended for fresh seeds. They just dont need it. Fresh seeds should have a healthy embryo with cells already full of water. Soaking can cause those cells to swell and lose o2, increasing the risk of rot and/or "drowing".

That method should be reserved for older seeds (3yrs+) or some of the OG lines that are known to produce tougher outer seed coatings.
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