how long should i veg


Active Member
well im no newb but i got my shit on the drip system vegging under a 250 mh 18 on 6 out well i want to know how long i should vegg befor i have to switch to a couple 400 hps so far my clones are growin bout a inch a day and i dont see the point in small plants so how tall should i go before i quit vegging honestly i been thingin bout aiming for the ceiling so your thoughs are appriciated


Well-Known Member
well you kind of answered your own question. The longer you veg, the bigger the final plant, if you got the room, go big if you wish. But many people chose short veg times for quicker turnaround, pop out 1 grow after the other. To each their own. People in states where the number of plants matter chose to go big on a couple plants usually instead of cramming a bunch of small ones. Im rambling know what to do...use the force


Well-Known Member
the size of the plant can double or triple during flower (all though i doubt triple with a couple 400 w hps).



Active Member
hey does anybody know shit about the ad that says their like a condem for your phone ...i stay way to paraniod phone echos .... is it trustable pretty much what im sayin


Well-Known Member
no, but there is a number you can dial that will determine if the line is jacked. i dunno what it is though.