Best place to buy Predatory Insects? Urgent

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
So this is one topic I am very new to. I understand the basic concepts, but am unsure where I should order from. I am looking at persimilis and californicus, for spider mites.

I was looking at

Any suggestions would really be great. Spider mites have caused me a ton of stress, and my plants are too big to just throw away. I’ve done a lot of reading and searching, but really can’t find any good answers.
So this is one topic I am very new to. I understand the basic concepts, but am unsure where I should order from. I am looking at persimilis and californicus, for spider mites.

I was looking at

Any suggestions would really be great. Spider mites have caused me a ton of stress, and my plants are too big to just throw away. I’ve done a lot of reading and searching, but really can’t find any good answers.
Bug eat bug and poop out poop from bug.
Lol I don’t know. I honestly have never felt with spider mites so not much help here.

mid it were me. I would probably spray instead of relying on beneficials for this battle.
Are you in flower? If not

Spray. You can get two different miticides for the prices of those insect. Most of those are used in large scale agriculture/ greenhouse operations in lots of other crops other than cannabis
So this is one topic I am very new to. I understand the basic concepts, but am unsure where I should order from. I am looking at persimilis and californicus, for spider mites.

I was looking at

Any suggestions would really be great. Spider mites have caused me a ton of stress, and my plants are too big to just throw away. I’ve done a lot of reading and searching, but really can’t find any good answers.

Dunk and soak in dawn dish soap, spider mites are pretty easy to eradicate.
So this is one topic I am very new to. I understand the basic concepts, but am unsure where I should order from. I am looking at persimilis and californicus, for spider mites.

I was looking at

Any suggestions would really be great. Spider mites have caused me a ton of stress, and my plants are too big to just throw away. I’ve done a lot of reading and searching, but really can’t find any good answers.
I had a nasty outbreak of spider mites outdoor last year.

Destroyed webs, blasted off as many as I could with water, squished as many mites and eggs as I could, sprayed with neem (emulsified with castile soap) and added fresh EWC. Started IPM program after that and they never returned.
So this is one topic I am very new to. I understand the basic concepts, but am unsure where I should order from. I am looking at persimilis and californicus, for spider mites.

I was looking at

Any suggestions would really be great. Spider mites have caused me a ton of stress, and my plants are too big to just throw away. I’ve done a lot of reading and searching, but really can’t find any good answers.
If you already have a mite infestation predatory mites are not going to do much of anything. You're just adding more bugs to die on your plants.

Citric acid kills them dead and can be used in flower.
Well I’ve been using other stuff like ahimsa neem, spinosad, vacuumed them at first… and really knocked down the numbers. Trying to use them to clean up the odds and ends, and just be around for a bit.

Where do you get yours?
Well I’ve been using other stuff like ahimsa neem, spinosad, vacuumed them at first… and really knocked down the numbers. Trying to use them to clean up the odds and ends, and just be around for a bit.

Where do you get yours?
Any grocery or big box store that sells canning supplies.

I just take the vacuum to them with the hose and brush attachment if to big to just give a hard spray down with water. Spider mites are a pain. Not too serious.

Any grocery or big box store that sells canning supplies.

I just take the vacuum to them with the hose and brush attachment if to big to just give a hard spray down with water. Spider mites are a pain. Not too serious.

I meant his beneficials, but dang I might get some citric acid as well. Ya most of the plants are pretty big, biggest being like 3 foot tall by 2.5 feet wide.
I really fucked the spider mites up, hoping the beneficials will clean up the rest. I read someone say you should wait a few days after spraying neem to use them? Thought that’d be only for the harsher sprays?
Supposedly californicus is for preemptive treatment before you have an infestation, and persimilis is used for worse cases. persimilis doesn't like low humidity, and I've read that persimilis will eat californicus sometimes.
I can't vouch for the efficacy of predatory mites after you you have an infestation, I applied them once and then got evacuated due to a forest fire and haven't really been allowed back since.
Supposedly californicus is for preemptive treatment before you have an infestation, and persimilis is used for worse cases. persimilis doesn't like low humidity, and I've read that persimilis will eat californicus sometimes.
I can't vouch for the efficacy of predatory mites after you you have an infestation, I applied them once and then got evacuated due to a forest fire and haven't really been allowed back since.
Dang so everything in your place has just been sitting there? That’s a drag. Thanks fir the tips, surprised I didn’t read this elsewhere.
If you already have a mite infestation predatory mites are not going to do much of anything. You're just adding more bugs to die on your plants.

Citric acid kills them dead and can be used in flower.
That is BULLSHIT what you are saying about predatory mites in general and how they work.

100% Predatory Mites the right ones will wipe out any [Fungus Gnats/ Thrips/ Spider Mites/ Root Aphids, Mealybugs]

You have not used them or else you would be singing a different tune.
That is BULLSHIT what you are saying about predatory mites in general and how they work.

100% Predatory Mites the right ones will wipe out any [Fungus Gnats/ Thrips/ Spider Mites/ Root Aphids, Mealybugs]

You have not used them or else you would be singing a different tune.
Do you use persmillis for fungus gnats or what would you suggest?
Do you use persmillis for fungus gnats or what would you suggest?
I would use that with californicus.

Predatory Mites work well when used correctly. When you bring in new soil / coco in bags / pre mixed bags such as ocean forest, they might have a batch that comes with mites.

Not sure how you acquired spider mites, but they can be controlled. Some of the methods above can work, but your question is about the Predatory Mites!!!