Maine 2021

Sulfur and Regalia combo seem to do the best at prevention, cut back on Sulfur to avoid the pot plants in flower.
BiCarb and Regalia kept it contained last week, but after 2-3 days of rain its not going away. Bag of gourds is a 1/5 the price of Regalia, so no great loss.
Also had some drift onto the pistils, they don't like bicarb at all.
I'm not a Maine grower but I'm jumping in for the foliar / mold discussion.

I'm curious what foliar sprays have burned pistils for you guys? Regalia seemed fine, but Marrone's Grandevo gave a light burn on a few pistils.

What about Potassium Silicate? I'm trying to load one of my plants with it but I can't tell if it's burning the pistils. Good to know about bicarbonate.
I'm not a Maine grower but I'm jumping in for the foliar / mold discussion.

I'm curious what foliar sprays have burned pistils for you guys? Regalia seemed fine, but Marrone's Grandevo gave a light burn on a few pistils.

What about Potassium Silicate? I'm trying to load one of my plants with it but I can't tell if it's burning the pistils. Good to know about bicarbonate.
Haven't done Potassium Silicate long enough or consistently, Xtsho uses it exclusively outside with good results.

Grandevo, Venerate, Serenade, others usually have a kaolin clay carrier, which is silica rich. Haven't put enough down to notice, but its fairly inert being clay. Check the ppm and ph before spraying, they can sometimes be a bit high at label rates using tap water.
I'm not a Maine grower but I'm jumping in for the foliar / mold discussion.

I'm curious what foliar sprays have burned pistils for you guys? Regalia seemed fine, but Marrone's Grandevo gave a light burn on a few pistils.

What about Potassium Silicate? I'm trying to load one of my plants with it but I can't tell if it's burning the pistils. Good to know about bicarbonate.
Actually potassium silicate as foliar is probably not a good idea during flower as I've heard it can affect flavor of the buds. I think I've seen some pistils turn brown from potassium bicarbonate, I would try to avoid spraying the buds but of course easier said than done.
Actually potassium silicate as foliar is probably not a good idea during flower as I've heard it can affect flavor of the buds. I think I've seen some pistils turn brown from potassium bicarbonate, I would try to avoid spraying the buds but of course easier said than done.

Yea I learned that lesson this year, to always keep up with IPM in veg so you don't have to spray in flower. Kinda stuck though when you've got 2 months to go and bugs/mold start showing up.
Found two leaves today with eggs on the top surface (removed leaves and composted). Assuming this is moths? Sprayed Bt last week, will do another application this week. Doing close inspections every morning now, can't be too careful.


On a brighter note, I have a cute little ladybug that's been hanging around. Not sure if it's the same one I'm seeing each time but I only see one at a time. Wish I had a bunch of these on every plant! Do they eat moth eggs? Guessing they do...

Can anyone confirm that those are moth eggs in that pic above?

I have not seen any cats at all this week...let's hope it stays that way!

Got quite a few spiders hanging out on the plants. I'm thinking they're harmless, maybe even beneficial. Yes?

Ida dumped almost 2 inches here in Knox County the night before last...nice not to have to water. Plants in the ground are thriving...fabric pots probably going to need a drink today, especially as the sun comes out.

Are others seeing fading fan leaves lower down and interior like I am? Seems more pronounced in the fabric pot plants but even the ones in the ground are showing some. Budlets are looking good and the leaves up top still nice and green. Seems a little early but maybe not, I'll have to check my notes/pics from last year.
I’ve had the same eggs over the years. My situation was a combo of stink bugs and moths. Just keep an eye on the plants and pick the egg-infested leaves off. Spiders are harmless and may help slightly with a few moths/leaf hoppers/etc getting trapped.

The yellowing is normal. Some strains will lose fans faster than others but I’m picking dead/yellow fans off pretty much every day. If you start to see sugar/bud leaves and/or newer fans fading, you will need to address it.
Going pretty well. Scaled back and only have 4 plants on the go and I put them in the ground instead of my usual 30 gal fabric pots. Running more indica dominant strains so I’m not into late October like last year. Plants are all well into flower with buds starting to stack. Fingers crossed for good weather!
I figured you guys would be the best ones to ask for help with this as some of you share my problem. I want to start using molasses for the first time but my house is in the mountains and is loaded with a mixture of adult and juvenile black bears. As in we see each other weekly if not several times a week up close and personal and I have them on camera in the yard several times a week. My plants are on the back deck and I don't want them destroyed and I don't need to encourage the bears to come up on the deck either. Will mixing 1 tbls of molasses per gallon and using it on the girls be enough to draw in my sensitive nosed friends or am I safe to use it? Just wanted to know what you're experience has been and if you have had root balls messed with or plants knocked over by bears. Thanks.
I figured you guys would be the best ones to ask for help with this as some of you share my problem. I want to start using molasses for the first time but my house is in the mountains and is loaded with a mixture of adult and juvenile black bears. As in we see each other weekly if not several times a week up close and personal and I have them on camera in the yard several times a week. My plants are on the back deck and I don't want them destroyed and I don't need to encourage the bears to come up on the deck either. Will mixing 1 tbls of molasses per gallon and using it on the girls be enough to draw in my sensitive nosed friends or am I safe to use it? Just wanted to know what you're experience has been and if you have had root balls messed with or plants knocked over by bears. Thanks.
Wont come on the deck this time of yr unless you got a bucket of rotten fish there. Theres a ton of food in woods right now little molasses not going to bring them in.
I know early spring is the worst time but sweets are like crack to some bears that's why I was worried. Some un-ethical hunters use sugary treats to bait bears so they get a sweet tooth. Thanks for the help, I had forgotten they are going to be chowing down on acorns and goodies mainly. We had a bad problem with bears getting mange last year and that made them a lot less predictable and they got bolder as they started to starve from the disease until they had to be put down. It was really sad. This year has been much better, I haven't seen any with mange at all. Here's one of my buddies coming to help cut the lawn, that's 15 feet from my front door at 7 at night. They aren't real afraid of me around here. We have had a nice I don't mess with you, you don't mess with me thing going on for 20 years. Which is the big reason I don't want to temp them with sugar if it's a temping treat. Just didn't know if they could smell it at that small of a rate. Thanks again for the advice.

I’d agree with Thumper. The molasses will be so diluted, I doubt they’d pick up on it. They definitely have a sweet tooth but they would be more likely to investigate a stronger scent like rotten meat/fish. I wouldn’t sweat it, personally.

Regarding the molasses, unless you’re growing organically and looking to feed the soil microbes, there’s not much benefit.
Thanks guys, I'm doing organic for the first time. Not true living soil like I built a soil but it's ocean forest with no chemical nutes so far an I just added some Dr. Earth Bloom that had a lot of beneficial microbes. I just thought that it was a good idea to provide the molasses as a food source for the microbes but as I said this is the first time I'm trying this and growing outdoors so I'm kinda flying blind. I've been using PH perfect bottled nutes for years and I'm sick of mixing chemicals and flushing salts. Thanks so much for allaying my nerves about drawing them up the stairs. They're in my yard already I was just afraid the scent would tease them into breaking our agreement about staying off the porch and deck for the most part. It's their woods and I don't want conflict with them if it can be avoided. Thanks again guys and I'm going to give it a shot.
I know early spring is the worst time but sweets are like crack to some bears that's why I was worried. Some un-ethical hunters use sugary treats to bait bears so they get a sweet tooth. Thanks for the help, I had forgotten they are going to be chowing down on acorns and goodies mainly. We had a bad problem with bears getting mange last year and that made them a lot less predictable and they got bolder as they started to starve from the disease until they had to be put down. It was really sad. This year has been much better, I haven't seen any with mange at all. Here's one of my buddies coming to help cut the lawn, that's 15 feet from my front door at 7 at night. They aren't real afraid of me around here. We have had a nice I don't mess with you, you don't mess with me thing going on for 20 years. Which is the big reason I don't want to temp them with sugar if it's a temping treat. Just didn't know if they could smell it at that small of a rate. Thanks again for the advice.

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Black bear big babies,I have been 15-20 ft from many unarmed, just dont get between mom an cub. Wow just saw the date they are sleeping around here by then
Can anyone confirm that those are moth eggs in that pic above?

I have not seen any cats at all this week...let's hope it stays that way!

Got quite a few spiders hanging out on the plants. I'm thinking they're harmless, maybe even beneficial. Yes?

Ida dumped almost 2 inches here in Knox County the night before last...nice not to have to water. Plants in the ground are thriving...fabric pots probably going to need a drink today, especially as the sun comes out.

Are others seeing fading fan leaves lower down and interior like I am? Seems more pronounced in the fabric pot plants but even the ones in the ground are showing some. Budlets are looking good and the leaves up top still nice and green. Seems a little early but maybe not, I'll have to check my notes/pics from last year.
Moth eggs 100%