Please help, leaf burn and light question


Active Member
Hello all, I'm not sure what I have going on here. I'm new to really growing. All I had done before was grow some outdoors without much attention or anything really. Now I'm indoors and really trying to learn the plant and everything. I'm growing from seed on day 47 from sprout, approx 30 days in veg. I have only added nectar for the gods one shot granuals. I water with a pH between 6.0 and 6.8, I am using a quantum board LED(bought from grow shop guys personals) not sure on wattage, has 3 meanwell drivers on the back. Running them at about 65% their power. {I'll post a pic of that as well and any info would be so helpful}. Running 17 on 7 off. Temp stays around 80 and humidity 40-50%.
From pictures and things I'm reading it looks like potassium excess?? I don't know, they seem to be growing great other than these burns!! Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
Your leaf problems are from over watering.. For your light you need to get a Kill A Watt.. It will tell you how many watts you're pulling.. Your light is roughly 300 watts..
Thank you.. I don't understand tho, I judge by the weight of my pots and soil dampness, I let it dry out real nice before I add any water. Has been running about 4 sometimes 5 days apart. I keep a journal via the grow helper app lol.. also, I tried my hand at fimming on one of the plants and I have growth!! Lol check it out IMG_20210821_144405580.jpgIMG_20210821_144411576.jpg


Well-Known Member
How much water do you use? Do you water thoroughly, or just the middle? I see some dry soil on the edges..


Active Member
Im watering around 3 quarters of a gallon at a time.
Ok, potassium deficiency.. I'm not sure how to fix that, what could be the problem? Could it be from the one shot granuals? Do I need to be worried?
Cause I am lol. These babies are smelling great at the stage they're at now! So I'm stressing


Active Member
That's the problem 0% K.. You need a more balanced fertilizer.
This is currently what I have. All that was used was the one shot. Do I have anything that I could add and not hurt them worse? Only thing with K is tiger Bloom and grow big. I would assume the grow big if any and not mix as strongly as advised? EDIT: the big Bloom has 0.7.. would that be enough


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Well-Known Member
I've never used Fox farms products..
But I would go with the Grow Big and transition to Tiger Bloom after you flip.. I think you'll be OK..


Well-Known Member
Not really sure but thats a high dose P fertilizer probably for veggies potatoes etc.So now you need a K nute without P.


Well-Known Member
Your still in veg dont panic its all a small dose of grow big will get yeah back on track.


Well-Known Member
I'd use the grow big first you're still in veg..
You really only need a couple well balanced nutes to grow weed.. 1 grow+1 flower!
The rest is marketing hype..