Trump's Re-Instatement Today

Back as another sock and probably still here under one guise or another, Plutonium was most likely a pirated account. I'm sure many members used "grow or cannabis" for a password that they can easily crack, they just look for older inactive accounts and try some common themes.

I think if an account hasn't been active for 5 years they should have to renew, I dunno if they upgraded the security since I joined years ago or not. A few simple measures would reduce the number of pirated accounts and socks on the site though.
Now who would be so foolish, grow??? I’ll be right back :o!
Who knows. Im sure there are a handful of different entities spamming this site (and everything else people use to communicate) that are paying the multiple employees they pay for the posts of these sock puppets.
You never crawl back under the bridge do you
At the higher level they are and they know exactly what they're doing, but that's the much smaller percentage. The vast majority, like the Rob Roy regurgitators out there, do that shit for free, and even worse...they believe it.

Lol, it's why i am always like "dammit, there goes hanimal accusing people of being Russians again" they are just fuckin dumb and copy pasting to make points/own the libs/etc. Unwitting stooges. They spread it for funsies.
You never crawl back under the bridge do you
Whats the point when you idiots keep coming in here telling us what is being talked about down there?

Lol, it's why i am always like "dammit, there goes hanimal accusing people of being Russians again" they are just fuckin dumb and copy pasting to make points/own the libs/etc. Unwitting stooges. They spread it for funsies.
I don't call them Russian trolls, I just point out that they are indistinguishable from one.


Also just wanted to be extra thourough, it doesn't have to be 'Russian' Trolls. There are Chinese cultists, evangelical teens, Philippine trolls, Saudi, whoever it is that Netanyahu uses, white supremacist, just plain old dick heads who are looking to make a buck off the scam, useful idiots, on and on.

The only real reason to focus on the Russian trolls is that the Russian military is the one that has been shown through repeated bi-partisan investigations to have been working with a presidential candidate to break our election laws here in America.
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Being paid to what post shit right?

So are you talking about just 'people being paid', I would say that is a bullshit metric.

Maybe better would be to think about what percentage of content online do you think that those people being paid manufacture.

How many people being paid when you have bots, cyborgs, and sock puppets really stops mattering when the majority of online content that people see is being supplied/edited by the people being paid to spam it.

I think a pretty small group of people can have a large impact online. It doesn't take many people to spam popular social media channels with memes or whatever to get them to catch on...and then they spread via shitty people being shitty. My idea of a Russian troll is a literal person shitposting witty/ironic/etc memes, maybe tossing some gas on fires or picking fights in whatever internet wars.

That can and does spread wide and influence the discourse. If a group is all getting their info from the same few sources, they troll the same and have the same stupid arguments as those few actual troll farm trolls.

I think you guys are talking about different stuff.

Edit: oh they can be of any origin, fully concur.
I think a pretty small group of people can have a large impact online. It doesn't take many people to spam popular social media channels with memes or whatever to get them to catch on...and then they spread via shitty people being shitty. My idea of a Russian troll is a literal person shitposting witty/ironic/etc memes, maybe tossing some gas on fires or picking fights in whatever internet wars.

That can and does spread wide and influence the discourse. If a group is all getting their info from the same few sources, they troll the same and have the same stupid arguments as those few actual troll farm trolls.

I think you guys are talking about different stuff.

Edit: oh they can be of any origin, fully concur.
What you are talking about is a portion of it.

But I might suggest looking at it like Iago in Othello. Whispering in ears saying anything and everything to get people to trust them and slowly poisoning their brains with nonsense that they are most likely to fall for.

But online it is not just from one angle, they are conning people from every angle, attacking them from the left and right, defending them from those attacks by putting up shit to support the (actual) person's bullshit argument, nudging them into trusting them as being a 'friend' while setting them up to click on bullshit links that alter their data in ways that give them more and more radicalized material on their other social media feeds (which they also have access to with different accounts helping spread their influence with those people (because the mark thinks it is more 'proof)).

Then because they have near unlimited resources, all the bullshit scam websites that push their garbage propaganda 'news' (RT, OANN, the Hill, the Nation, Breitbart, Epoch Times, etc) that supports their narratives by cherry picking information that is real and true, but picked to not give information that shows them to be full of shit with quality looking websites that give them more 'credibility'.

And every link they click is recoded and everything from how long people read something, to what else they click is used to develop a stronger personality profile on those marks to help with future trolling.

Imagine if you have a perfectly updated personality profile on hundreds of millions of Americans that you have down to the district that they vote from and a AI heat map telling you the people to attack that day with the end goal to nudge them to vote for the candidate of their choice or to not vote.

And if they are crazy, nudging them to do violence so that they can be used to scare other people.

This shit is evil man. And highly effective.