Afganistan Collapse


Well-Known Member
Our boss was retiring and I took a picture of the Keystone Cops on their vehicle and pasted in the pictures of our crew in it then framed it. During his little get together fling every once in a while he would pick it up and look at it. Not done as well as this one, I just did it a day before. But in one of his many blowups at work he refereed to us as a bunch of Keystone Cops. Of course it became one of many running jokes we had.


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan was a failure decades ago while we sat there and watched the Afghans that were supposedly on our side escort osama out of Tora Bora. That was the reason for going there in the first place. Once osama was gone and al qaeda had fled to countries like Syria, Yemen, and other places there was no reason to stay. The failure started years ago. The entire Afghan mission was a failure because it didn't accomplish it's primary goal which was to capture or kill osama. That didn't happen until years after we invaded and it didn't even happen in Afghanistan.

Every President that was in power during our Afghanistan occupation failed. Bush, Obama, trump, and Biden. It was one big failure that happened under 4 administrations.


Well-Known Member
The claim that civil war in Afghanistan was averted by an abrupt US withdrawal was just a diversion for the weak minded among us.

Joe Biden: Taliban Going Through ‘Existential Crisis,’ Hasn’t Changed
The president said the Islamist group will need to secure diplomatic support to survive, regardless of whether it cares about international recognition.

Afghans protest Taliban in emerging challenge to their rule

The Taliban respond with force to an outpouring of public anger.



Well-Known Member
The claim that civil war in Afghanistan was averted by an abrupt US withdrawal was just a diversion for the weak minded among us.

Joe Biden: Taliban Going Through ‘Existential Crisis,’ Hasn’t Changed
The president said the Islamist group will need to secure diplomatic support to survive, regardless of whether it cares about international recognition.

Afghans protest Taliban in emerging challenge to their rule

The Taliban respond with force to an outpouring of public anger.

i get a strange feeling that a civil war is going to emerge......time will tell


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan was a failure decades ago while we sat there and watched the Afghans that were supposedly on our side escort osama out of Tora Bora. That was the reason for going there in the first place. Once osama was gone and al qaeda had fled to countries like Syria, Yemen, and other places there was no reason to stay. The failure started years ago. The entire Afghan mission was a failure because it didn't accomplish it's primary goal which was to capture or kill osama. That didn't happen until years after we invaded and it didn't even happen in Afghanistan.

Every President that was in power during our Afghanistan occupation failed. Bush, Obama, trump, and Biden. It was one big failure that happened under 4 administrations.
Wtf are you talking about? Biden didn't fail, he did what fucking Obama should have done when bin Laden was killed. What Drumph should have done.
I wish the fucktards that buy into the GQP "disaster" scenario would expend just a fraction of energy exploring what the GQP has said over the last five years about leaving Afghanistan.


Well-Known Member
No, there will be no civil war. Just areas of influence, how much sway the Taliban or the tribal leaders have in relation to their firepower.


Well-Known Member
Afghanistan was a failure decades ago while we sat there and watched the Afghans that were supposedly on our side escort osama out of Tora Bora. That was the reason for going there in the first place. Once osama was gone and al qaeda had fled to countries like Syria, Yemen, and other places there was no reason to stay. The failure started years ago. The entire Afghan mission was a failure because it didn't accomplish it's primary goal which was to capture or kill osama. That didn't happen until years after we invaded and it didn't even happen in Afghanistan.

Every President that was in power during our Afghanistan occupation failed. Bush, Obama, trump, and Biden. It was one big failure that happened under 4 administrations.
Except that they weren’t failures, Afghanistan was the most peaceful and stable it’s been in decades with reduced to zero US/Allied loss of life in recent months.


Well-Known Member
Wtf are you talking about? Biden didn't fail, he did what fucking Obama should have done when bin Laden was killed. What Drumph should have done.
I wish the fucktards that buy into the GQP "disaster" scenario would expend just a fraction of energy exploring what the GQP has said over the last five years about leaving Afghanistan.
Apparently you didn't read the entire thread or you would have read the posts where I was defending Biden. If you read my post completely you would have noticed that the failure I was referring to was the mission to capture or kill osama. Although once al qaeda had been deprived of their base of operations we decided to stay and nation build by propping up a corrupt government and warlords. That was a failure as well and that mission occurred under 4 Presidents.

We should have been out of there years ago. I don't care what happens there. We gave those people our lives, money, and protection for 20 years and all that was accomplished was a bunch of corrupt people at the top took hundreds of millions and fled the country. They had plenty of time to get their act together but instead the people we propped up just fought amongst themselves over all that US money flowing in that never made it to the people it was intended to help. That country is a shithole. It's been a shithole longer than the USA has existed. The same troops we were supposedly training and arming just changed into taliban garb and switched sides again which is what those people do.

I'm glad we're getting the hell out of there. I really don't care if it's a failure or success. It's been nothing but a waste of time. We got shit going on here in the USA. We cut money to programs that help impoverished American children yet we leave billions in weaponry all around the world in places like Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, etc... It's a damn joke and by design. Gotta keep the Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, Northrop Grumman's, etc... raking in those profits. Literally hundreds of millions in military contracts awarded everyday.
