is this bud rot?


Well-Known Member
I grabbed a bud for inspection, and I saw the inside of the bud was red, I wonder if this is bud rot, Ive had bud rot before, doesn't look like the last time I had, I checked with my microscope and trichomes and all seems normal, its the color of the bud.


Well-Known Member
I grabbed a bud for inspection, and I saw the inside of the bud was red, I wonder if this is bud rot, Ive had bud rot before, doesn't look like the last time I had, I checked with my microscope and trichomes and all seems normal, its the color of the bud.
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Looks like it... is it squshy? Is the stem that it cam from squishy?


Well-Known Member
Possible it's bleaching, never experienced rot first hand but I'd think it would be ammonia like smell. Somebody chime in here please!


Well-Known Member
maybe this is something else then, hopefully right? xD. The stems of the plant are also red where the bud is attached, I don't know if that matters.


Well-Known Member
I had almost the same issue, if your plant is turning a little purple it’s probably ok.

this was the picture I had posted asking about rot, turned out to be fine.

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oh good to know, I read on the internet that cold temperatures might have something to do with the change of color. But its good to know someone else had something similar and turned out alright.


Well-Known Member
It begins typically in high temps and high humidity. Usually the first sign is in the largest cola: a twisted or dying sugar leaf. Once you spot that you have to act fast. Once it gets going, you can easily detach sections of calyx and leaves from the already-rotting stem. I just had a case today, I was expecting it, the cola was like my forearm and dense. I cut and trimmed it immediately and I'm rapid-drying for 24 hours to quickly reduce humidity. I only lost a tiny amount. But you have to be really vigilant, check bud twice daily, and if you see that, chop and trim most brutally fast.


Well-Known Member
I checked it and seems alright, thanks for the help guys. I thought it looked weird, but I have 3 fans in my tent, and 2 of them were hitting the plant directly. I think im safe for now, I'll continue checking just in case.


A way to test. Place the clipped buds in a canning jar with a moisture source, such as a piece of citrus peel. If you've got fungus, it will take over in a week. If not, your grow is safe for now. Dry the bud(s) and enjoy.